Logbook entry

MARS: 9 - Calamity - TITAN Contractors

NOTE: This story contains themes of violence and strong language.

DATE: 3rd of June, 3308 [16:20 UGT]
LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N, Col 359 Sector KD-O c21-13

"... all decks have signed off. Maintenance teams are in place. Carrier crew, prepare for jump."

The announcement filled the silence of the navigation deck aboard the carrier. Centurion SF operatives - instead of normal crew - sat at the various consoles, focused on their new tasks as the vessel prepared for its imminent jump. Lights began to dim as the remaining personnel found their seats, looking ahead at the reinforced viewport.

The Solaris groaned, the FSD droning as it began to charge up. The hull vibrated and the rooms were plunged into partial darkness as the droning began to increase in volume. A report came through over the radio comms, emitted from the main navigation terminal in the navroom.

IDENT: {NAVCON-8PZRU8 "Sgt. Ito"} "Navigation data has been computed. Uploading telemetry."

There was a pause as navigation officers analysed the incoming telemetry, numerous eyes studying the data. Within seconds, they determined the jump good to go. It was the 8th jump that day, after all. A nod of acknowledgement came from the chief navigation officer, confirming the telemetry data as her response was issued over the radio.

"Telemetry received. Prepping for countdown."

The drive seemed to almost idle for a moment, very steadily growing in pitch, until the drive began to warble, soon blending into one, loud hum. The carrier's announcement was issued once more, ATC giving the final greenlight.

"Attention all personnel. The Frame Shift Drive has engaged."

The hum of the engines turned into a low roar, space shifting ahead of the Solaris as the FSD began to work its magic.

"Attention. Counting down to jump."

The roar of the engine became louder...


... and louder...


The hull began to shudder and shake.


The empty abyss in front of the Solaris almost seemed to twist and stir.


The carrier's horn sounded, roaring out its call into the void.


With a blinding flash, space itself was torn asunder by the Frame Shift Drive, the engines firing as the massive vessel began to accelerate forward, slipping through the hyperspace portal. Dark clouds of lightning flashed across the deck of the carrier, steadily engulfing it as the Solaris found its way into witchspace once more. The hull groaned as space twisted and writhed around the carrier, indescribable concentrations of lights and colours speeding past... but something wasn't quite right.

Distortions of light in the tunnel slowly shifted from brilliant colours towards a singular, blood-red hue, the vibrations throughout the carrier increasing exponentially. Navigation consoles suddenly flickered, screens flashing symbols and data too quick to be acknowledged, and the radio filled with a strange... distortion. The room became pitch-black, Centurion operatives staring out at the void beyond as the carrier's hyperspace conduit went extraordinarily... dark. And then... the Solaris let out a low roar, and began to tumble.

OSIRIS: "Frame Shift Drive Temperature Critical."

The room came alive again, emergency lights flashing to life as alarms screamed from the consoles. OSIRIS software monitored the temperature of the Frame Shift Drive, watching it soar as the hyperspace tunnel slowly began to collapse around the carrier. It was chaos. Deafening. Nobody could communicate. Nobody could hear each other. Electronics sparked, screens shattering as the vibrations turned into violent shaking.

Those strapped to their chairs were almost thrown from them... and those that weren't did not fair much better. Lightning scorched and tore away at the exterior panelling of the carrier, as if witchspace itself was enraged. The reinforced structure stood up to the punishment for now... but it didn't matter. The carrier was soon to be lost to witchspace.

Any of the navigation personnel still conscious struggled to regain control, none of the consoles responding to their inputs. It was hopeless as they watched the carrier gradually destroyed in front of them. Fumbling to unlock the master safety, the chief navigation officer flipped the lid, and slammed her fist into the main console, connecting with the emergency drop button.

The Frame Shift Drive had to save itself. There was just too much damage. The jump could not be completed.

With a low, guttural groan, the tunnel ahead began to split, the FSD undertaking its last ditch effort to try save the vessel from its misjump. Bursting out from witchspace, lightning arced across the flight deck, the Solaris emerging from the portal left in its wake. Alarms and sirens blared as it brought itself to a slow stop in empty space, the emergency telemetry having placed it in orbit around a desolate moon.

But nobody seemed to be around to heed the alarm. Bodies littered the navigation deck. Operatives slumped over consoles. Blood decorating the viewports and screens.

The carrier let out its last, sad groan... and the alarms slowly died. Everything went dark. The emergency power just barely came alive, but it was no use. The rest of the carrier and its thousands of crew had fared no better.

It had been brought to its knees.

The Solaris had failed.

DATE: 3rd of June, 3308 [22:00 UGT]
LOCATION: CCV Katana, Unknown System

SGT. Pippa Laurier, Tanto 1-1

"Okay, Sergeant. Listen up."

Captain Faust slowly leant forward onto the holographic briefing table aboard the CCV Katana, two of Tethys's captains flanking him. Once again, they found themselves in the briefing room of Tethys' command vessel... and a situation now laid before them. Laurier glanced at the projected schematic of the Solaris ahead, folding her arms as she began to listen.

"As you heard the news just a few hours ago, you know that the Solaris has been struck heavily, and... well... the initial reports are not looking good. We're not sure how much 'carrier' is left for us to return to. We've also lost most communications... since most of the squadron network fell along with the Solaris."

"However, we're still not sure how this incident occurred exactly. Commanders have reported sightings of an unidentified carrier in the local vicinity of the Solaris, but were unable to get close enough to complete a scan. In every instance, their ships suffer malfunctions due to extreme, unknown interference and drop out long before they even get close."

"With regards to this 'interference'... it's consistent with a scan performed by a Commander in Sheron on the 31st of May. Sheron was also the intended destination of the Solaris, with the location picked as stopping point 11 for the Omega expedition route. At the time, Mantis reported that they believed the signal originated within 100 light-years of Sheron."

"However, today, when the Solaris attempted its jumps, it suffered a catastrophic failure upon attempting its final jump. The carrier was forced to make an emergency drop between checkpoint 7, and stopping point 11. The relevant locations and other data will be issued to your technician."

"We suspect that this 'unidentified carrier' is a match to the hostile carrier mentioned three months ago. Fireteam Sabre encountered data referencing it, but until now, we have never actually discovered physical evidence of the carrier. Since the interference is consistent with information provided by our Commanders, we're certain this carrier is behind it. There's also a suspicion that this enemy carrier may hold an answer to strange disturbances and behaviours reported among the crew."

"So, Sergeant... this might come as a big ask, but it's my personal belief that Tanto Squad is the best suited tool for the job. Sabre's size works against them, and we've had... 'issues' with Sergeant Locke since the news came out. A task like this could use your talent and capability, Laurier. You'll be heading in alone with your squad and a few agents from Tethys."

"However... to avoid putting all of our eggs in one basket, you'll be on your own. Tethys cannot provide any support or any other teams, however, we suspect you'll get plenty of help from Commanders already involved in the situation."

Captain Faust stepped back a bit, looking up from the table as he met Laurier's eyes.

"So... what do you say, Sergeant?"

With a soft smirk, Laurier grabbed her helmet from the table's surface and nodded, tucking it under her arm.

"Yep. Consider it done, boss."

DATE: 6th of June, 3308 [09:32 UGT]
LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N, IC 4604 Sector HR-W D1-68

SGT. Pippa Laurier, Tanto 1-1

"Move them through here!"

Stumbling out of the dark, smoke-filled hallway as she gestured wildly towards the open bulkhead ahead, Sergeant Laurier charged forward, her agents and rescue operatives in tow as they carried limp bodies of the crew, groans of pain muffled by the helmets covering their faces. Coming to a skidding halt in front of the door, she turned back and waited until her people had passed through, before following through after them.

Pressing on the console just next to the door, she walked away as the large door began to close with a loud hum, sealing them inside as the fire raged on further down the hallway. She sighed, her suit light just barely illuminating the figures that moved ahead, starting to place the bodies and injured crew down by crates of supplies and improvised, flat medical stretchers. She sighed heavily. They tried their best, but not all of these people would make it...

"Sergeant Laurier!"

The call came from down the hallway. She had entered into a T-junction, apart of one of the many hallways they were using for emergency medical treatment and storage before moving survivors and recovered equipment into the bay the corridors were connected to. She turned back towards the voice, looking at two armoured figures approaching her. She recognized them based off the armor - Technician Colt and Specialist Everly.

They came to a stop in front of her, Colt placing his hands behind his back at ease, as he spoke to his superior.

"Needed to let you know that Captain Faust needs a situation report."

"When? Now?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ugh... Fine. Let Janek know that these people need to be triaged. I'll be at the briefing centre."

With a nod, Colt stepped aside as Laurier began to jog down the hallway, heading for Bay 13. During the initial phases of the disaster, they had been forced to use the landing bays as distribution and evacuation points - although Bay 13 was one of the more functional ones. There just simply weren't enough resources to restore the other bays... not when they had to focus on rescues.

As she walked through the maze of corridors, she passed crates. Supplies. Equipment. Bodies. It was the same story every time... there were just too many casualties for them to handle alone. The air was so heavy with the smell of blood and smoke that she was glad they mandated a policy of constantly wearing helmets. This environment was no place for anyone to be... but they had no choice.

She ignored it, and continued on. There was no time to dwell on how horrific everything was. Captain Faust wanted a report, and so he would get one.

Passing a few rescue personnel and remaining CSF guards as she began to approach the maintenance access to Bay 13, Sergeant Laurier passed through the corridor, swiftly entering into Bay 13 - which had become their main base of operations. The pad was being frequently used by various ships, but currently had their issued dropship docked to it, an Alliance Crusader.

Many of the maintenance platforms close to the pads had been used to hold crates of supplies and grouping points for survivors, whereas the one she stepped out onto was fitted as a briefing centre. Portable computers and equipment sat around a tall, holographic screen they had brought in, and as suspected... there he was. Captain Faust.

Looking up at Sergeant Laurier as she approached, he unfolded his arms and stood at ease, his upper body taking up the entirety of the screen. Reaching up to remove her helmet, Laurier came to a stop in front of the screen, her tied back hair slipping out from underneath the helmet as she sighed and met Faust's eyes.


"Sergeant. I need an updated situation report."

"Right... well... we're making more progress thanks to the assistance of Commanders, as you know. We can now focus more on rescue efforts thanks to a Commander who goes by 'Novus' producing breaching tools for us, which match the specifications of each door we encounter on our way to the main habitation zone. That, and we have a Commander Kryik who has offered to help re-establish the Centurion tactical network, which is showing some success."

"Commander Fallharbor has also offered his crew and his carrier, the Hecate's Rest, in evacuation efforts, so moving survivors and recovered equipment to the Mortal Dictata rescue carrier is running a lot more smoothly. Our agents have just had to focus on reaching the major habitation zones, and this has helped us focus on that. Some additional ships have been provided to us too, like a Beluga Liner by a Commander Cycronos."

"... However, there was a complication with reaching the power reactor and rebooting it."

Reaching back to her belt, Laurier grabbed her PDA from it and switched it on, swiping the screen onto a list of statistics provided to her by her team's technician. She glanced down at it, preparing to read out the details.

"We still cannot really access the Frame Shift Drive and surrounding areas. Heat levels are still too high, and as you know, the Tritium fuel that combusted has spread hazardous materials throughout the surrounding decks. The power deck is one of these, and while the heat levels are safe enough to allow short-term traversal, we cannot stay in them long enough to repair the reactor."

"Unless we were to focus all of our efforts onto repairs - which would leave no time for rescues - we cannot bring the power back online. There's simply no resources or manpower for it. Likewise, our exploration of these hazardous decks has confirmed further casualties. The current casualty count rests at... 1,023 personnel, though we are yet to confirm some of the identities. We've only pulled 134 additional survivors out."

"3,426 personnel are still unaccounted for. We still have not located the operations crew, but Chief Peacekeeper Stafford and his team of officers have been rescued. They need immediate treatment, much like the other survivors, which are currently being transferred to the Mortal Dictata. However, without power, we estimate that the Solaris will only last two weeks, maybe less thanks to certain hazards throughout the carrier."

Captain Faust let out a soft grunt as he listened, folding his arms again.

"I see... and the enemy carrier?"

"Yes... The enemy carrier encountered by Commanders has not been found. It was reported and sighted, but when our agents investigated the reported location, it was gone. There is no trace of it, although we have some basic identification information for it now, for future use."

"Ah... well... good work, Sergeant. It's going to take time for us to wrap up this mess, but you're making great progress. Let's hope it's enough. Anything else to report?"

"No sir."

"Then I'll check back in tomorrow for a SITREP at this time. Godspeed, Sergeant. Faust out."

The hologram flickered and died off, the blue glimmer of the projector disappearing as the briefing centre went dark, just barely illuminated by the portable lights around. Laurier sighed, looking down at her helmet in her hands as her visor stared back at her, gazing at her reflection.

With a shake of her head, she lifted her helmet up again and flipped it around, sliding it over her head. As it sealed to her suit, she turned and swiftly began to walk back, heading into the same corridors that housed their injured personnel and supplies. There was a job to do... and there was no time to waste, while Laurier mumbled to herself as she disappeared into the darkness.

"Yeah... just doing God's work, Captain..."


This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook/short story as well as other associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A massive thank you to CMDRs Novus, SpectreKryik, Fallharbor and Cycronos for their involvement in the story. Thank you so much for reading!
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