Logbook entry

MARS: 10 - Downfall - TITAN Contractors

NOTE: This story contains themes of violence and strong language.

DATE: 5th of June, 3308 [11:34 UGT]


Cosmic winds whistled along the surface of the grey, rocky planet. The broken, jagged terrain ran for as far as the eye could see, Predator standing there as he stared off at the horizon. Behind him sat his ship, a Krait Phantom that didn't exactly belong to him... but to a hotshot Commander who found himself a bit too inebriated one night in Colonia.

That was back when he was hired to assassinate her. Commander Aurora Adair. That was when he learned there was much, much more to this whole situation that previously thought. That this ran deeper than just a simple hit. That deep suspicion he had was confirmed after all that research... when he finally met her. The work her father had done. The things the Federation were hiding... maybe things so dark and forgotten that even they didn't know about it.

He knew all too well about pasts that haunted people. Pasts that some wished they could forget or change. That burning desire to turn back time, to wish something never happened. There was always some regret, or some mistake. Just normal people doing the wrong thing, or trying to do the right thing. He often wondered what side of the spectrum he sat on. A vigilante removing the cruel elite and galaxy's scum... or a criminal no better than the people he was hired to kill?

Was this his chance to make a true difference? Was that why he had followed the Solaris? Was that why he researched her background so much? Investigated her family's home to find them missing, with no information around to pull? And when he got that intrusion warning from that remote sensor... he knew it was her. It was pure luck that he anticipated her returning to search her father's belongings for intel, and if she had found anything... well, that was mostly none of his business.

But then the situation went from bad to worse. He had continued to monitor the Solaris, finding the TITAN newsfeed to be a reliable source of information for the situation. And when the time was right... he hoped either of them would reach out. But he found himself reaching out first, when the Solaris had catastrophically failed its jump. The Internal Affairs network they maintained had been taken over by an element of their private military force, and had been reporting about the incident.

With each report, the situation seemed to worsen. TITAN was falling... and the enemy had the upper hand. They had to stop it.

A crack sounded out above him, as a blue flash trailed across the sky. A ship was exiting glide. They were here. He had reached out to Commander Adair earlier that day, with the hopes that they could discuss the situation... but with the short conversation they had remotely, it appeared as if she didn't. This would be difficult news to break...

The blue flash slowed in the sky, beginning to dim as the ship slowly came into view, its golden paintjob glimmering in the light. Thrusters flared and displaced fine grey particles across the surface as it began to descend, the landing gear extending from beneath. Predator looked up, examining the ship as it came to a stop several meters ahead, seeing that the paintjob was withered and scratched - evidently from its travels. The gear connected with the terrain beneath as it lowered itself down, the thrusters dying down with a slow whine as it settled on the surface.

Predator sighed softly and unfolded his arms, slowly starting to approach the ship's front landing gear, towards the lift. He stopped a few metres from it, his hands down by his sides. He had come unarmed... mostly. Truth be told, Predator never went anywhere without some kind of weapon... but it was simply a precaution. He knew he was not trusted... but deep down inside, he trusted Commander Adair, and this squadron. They were all just good people, trying to do the right thing in the worst situations.

The airlock at the top of the gear opened, the hiss of the door just barely audible through the simulated sound. He raised an arm and waved as he watched the two figures step out onto the lift, holding each other's hands with their fingers interlaced. Behind his visor from beneath his hat, he smiled. It was good to see them in one piece, through all of this.

He called out, hoping they would hear him despite being muffled by his helmet.

"Ah, Commanders! About time. Mind if I come up?"

It was quiet for a moment as he watched them both look between each other. Then, that light Imperial accent returned a response. Commander Levine.

"Not enough room. We'll come down, wait one."

Predator shrugged. He understood that he wasn't trusted, and wasn't prepared to overstep their boundaries. So, he stood there, slowly watching the lift descend to the surface, until they stepped off and stopped in front of him. He studied the both of them, recognizing Commander Adair in her armoured, black Maverick suit, and Commander Levine in a lighter, grey and teal Maverick suit. Despite that, both were armed to the teeth for a meeting, faces obscured by their visors. He wasn't surprised.

"... Well, you both look like you're here to fight a mini-war. Guess I haven't earned that trust yet, huh?"

The response was swift and curt, coming from Aurora this time.


Predator chuckled internally to himself, but to them, a sigh escaped. The three of them fell into awkward silence, until Isabella spoke once more.

"So, what's the meet? Something about the Solaris?"

"Yes. So... you don't know."

Aurora clenched her fists at Predator's response, glaring at him as she snapped at him, her venomous sentence spat out from behind her visor.

"No, we fucking don't. What's with the obscurity? Just get to the point."

This time, Predator chuckled audibly, shaking his head.

"... Oh, great. This is going to go swimmingly then. How about I show you instead?"

He raised a hand, carefully reaching back to his belt as he popped a pouch open, reaching for something within. He watched Isabella's hand near her right thigh slowly come over her sidearm, looking at her as his fingers reached into the pouch.

Relax. Just a PDA."

Drawing his custom PDA from his pouch, Predator switched it on and looked down at the screen. He started to access the records he had of the Internal Affairs articles, swiping on the first one which reported the Solaris's failure.

He slowly stepped forward, extending his hand as he held out the PDA to Aurora. Hesitantly, she took it, holding it in both of her hands as she looked down at the screen. It fell silent as Predator stood there and watched... until Aurora finally managed to say something, choking out just three words.

"... o-oh god no..."

Isabella broke away from looking at Predator, looking down at the PDA in Aurora's hands as they started to tremble.

"W-what? What is it?"

A broken, pained whine escaped Aurora as she suddenly collapsed to her knees. Predator just watched her kneel there, hunching over as she burst into tears and let out a scream, slamming her gloved fist into the ground as she became completely inconsolable.

"No-no-no-no NO!"

He was quiet, listening to Aurora's cries as she gasped and blubbered, overwhelmed by the news. Isa tried to hold her as she dropped to a knee by her partner's side, trying to see what she was reading on the screen.

"... t-they dest... royed... i... it-... f-... FUCK!"

Isa pulled the PDA from Aurora's hand as her lover sobbed and broke down next to her, reading the article for herself.

"... It... It can't be... gone. Can it? I..."

She just sat there in disbelief as Aurora collapsed on the ground, clawing at the dusty surface beneath her as she bawled her eyes out, holding herself up on her hands and knees. Isa was quiet, not saying or doing anything as she slowly got up and handed Predator back his PDA. He took it carefully, looking down at Aurora who quietly mumbled to herself as she sobbed.

He sighed. This was exactly the reaction he didn't want... but there was no point trying to console them. He couldn't sympathize with what they had just lost... even if he understood it. Isabella didn't look at him, crouching down as she grabbed Aurora from under her shoulder and awkwardly lifted her up, wrapping her arms around her sobbing lover.

"We're just... going to head back inside. Come on, hun. Let's go..."

Predator watched her drag Aurora to her feet, tugging her along to the lift of their ship. He could see her shaking, listening to her gasps as she hyperventilated. He read the articles, over and over... seeing how thousands had died. How the squadron had fallen. But... her reaction cemented the importance of this situation.

They had to make it right again. And... he had to help.


He raised a hand, stepping closer as Isa stopped and looked back at him. He returned the look, folding his arms as he stopped in front of them both.



Predator took in a breath, releasing it in a sigh as he quickly considered what to say, before soon deciding on something.

"You might not trust me, but... when I was hired for this job, to take down the Crimson Venators, I didn't believe Commander Adair - of all people - was one of the listed. Her profile, at least what I could find, didn't match what I saw. It didn't feel like just another job, and I don't kill innocents, so I didn't."

"But I now know your past, and... as I explained... nobody can change that or make it hurt any less. I've seen some fucked up things. Kinda comes with the territory as a... 'hitman', I suppose. Name some fucked up scum and I've probably killed one of them."

"But the Venators... the 'Red Hunters'. They're different. I wish I knew that before. You were used by the Federation. Misguided and tricked into thinking you were doing the right thing. Whoever's after you, they might not know limits, but they know they're scared of you. The both of you. What you can accomplish."

He looked between the both of them, unfolding his arms as he felt his tone get unconsciously darker, observing them from beneath the brim of his hat.

"Don't let them tie up another loose end so easily. Make sure that whatever your father was doing means something. Make whoever this is regret coming for you and the squadron. And don't think that you're to blame for this. Neither of you are. You're not the ones hiding behind proxies and hiring people like me to do the dirty work for you. You're braving a harsh galaxy, and making a difference."

He felt his anger within rise, seeing how such a situation crushed the resolve of an individual. How such a catastrophe could affect someone who he believed to truly not deserve it.

"I'll be in touch. I feel this whole job just got a lot more personal."

Swiftly turning away, Predator began to walk back to her ship, listening to Aurora's cries become quieter and quieter until he couldn't hear them at all. He didn't glance back, nor did his steps falter. He clenched his fists, stepping onto the lift of his ship as he requested its ascent.

He subconsciously knew it before, and he felt it now.

This was personal.

DATE: 10th of June, 3308 [18:22 UGT]
LOCATION: 'Templar' TR-03X, IC 4604 Sector HR-W D1-68

Aurora Adair

Orbiting a desolate moon far from the arrival star, the Solaris drifted in the void, its external avoidance and guidance lights just barely online. The hull had been scorched and warped by the failed jump that occurred just a week ago, but with all things considered, it seemed to have faired better than expected.

But the exterior betrayed its true state in every way. Thousands of crew had been confirmed dead, with comparatively minimal survivors. The entirety of CSF and the other three divisions had been left in complete disarray. The automated lockdown of the carrier had left entire sections of the carrier isolated, trapping the remains of the distraught crew within.

Little remained. The response of a small element from CSF's remaining force, SOF Tethys, had allowed some rescues to take place, undertaking 'dives' to rescue crew and recover equipment. The work proves to be extremely hazardous, bringing teams into sections hit worst by the disaster, but not everybody can be saved.

The carrier's Frame Shift Drive had been completely lost, scans indicating it had fused to its housing, its melted remains pumping extreme heat and hazardous materials into the surrounding areas. Around the epicentre of the disaster, entire corridors and decks had begun to warp in the heated interior, burst pipes and shattered electronics littering the many hallways and sections of the carrier.

It was as if the carrier's insides were an entirely different world, close to being turned inside out by the disaster. Thousands of crew never had a chance to escape. It had happened too fast and... many bodies would never be recognizable again. The intense vibrations caused by the emergency drop and the shattered FSD had created a ripple effect throughout the carrier, with many more crew succumbing to their injuries.

In that week, Commanders and SOF Tethys agents alike had funnelled their every effort into rescues. Specialized breaching tools were created to speed up accessing new sections, repairs to the communication arrays were slowly being made to patch the network as much as they could, and survivors were being rescued faster. But... in some ways, it was futile. The Solaris was falling to pieces around them... and there was hardly anything left to save.


With a flash of light, a ship waked into the local space around the Solaris, coming to a smooth stop a few kilometres from the vessel. Slowly, it began to approach the damaged carrier, its radar signature dipping periodically with only the light of the star just barely catching on its metal hull. Carrier weapons tracked the Krait Phantom's thrusters as it seemingly began to circle the carrier, studying it as it passed over the flight deck.

It wasn't long before the ship tried to request docking, and the carrier responded with a groan, the shutters to Bay 13 slowly parting as a black Alliance Crusader emerged from within the hangar, emblazoned with the CSF logo. Swooping out from its berth, the Crusader deployed its hardpoints and confronted the motionless Krait. Warnings filled the local airspace comms as the CSF pilot asserted control over the situation, and the mystery ship was ordered to land once more, on Bay 13's pad.

There was no response over the communications, but the vessel seemed to comply, rotating slowly as it converged towards the landing pad, its landing gear emerging from beneath. Ever so gently touching down on the pad, it locked in, and began to descend into the bay as its thrusters powered off. The Templar could not leave now.

The pad came to a stable rest inside the hangar, CSF soldiers - led by their better-prepared Tethys counterparts - approaching the ship as they ran forward onto the pad, weapons at the ready. Thirteen assumed a line formation ahead of the front landing gear, trained on the airlock and lift at the top of the gear.

The golden, withered hull of the Templar groaned and crackled as it began to settle, a soft hiss coming from the airlock as it opened, and a slim, black-suited figure stepped out onto the lift. They raised their hands high, clearly unarmed as the lift began to slowly descend, their face obscured by a black visor.

Orders were shouted as the figure continued down, keeping their hands raised as they were ordered. The lift soon completed its descent, coming to a stop as Aurora stepped down from it, immediately getting to her knees as she surrendered. The silence was tense, nobody daring to move as she knelt there in front of them, placing her hands on the back of her helmet.

Taking in a deep breath as her heart pounded, Aurora mustered up her strength and called out, her wavering, muffled voice filling the immediate area around the ship as she pleaded.

"Lower your weapons! Please..."

Looking around at the CSF soldiers confronting her, none moved at all, just staring her down. Her emotions got the better of her as she cleared her throat quietly, realizing that she was not welcome aboard the Solaris anymore, so it seemed. But she had to try.

"Please... just let me... let me talk. I know I can't just... f-fix any of this... even though I really want to. I wish none of this h-... happened like this, but... I can't change it. It hurts... so... f-fucking much to watch e-everything you love fall apart..."

"This squadron is my home too. My family! And I... I know I'm to b-blame for this... for what I did in the past. For what my f-... father made me do. For running away. I know you... you probably don't care but... I... never wanted or expected all of this to... to come down on the whole squadron like this. I just... w-wanted to move on. To start over... a-again..."

"So... if you... turn me away or... a-arrest me or whatever, I guess I... I wouldn't blame you. I picked a f-... fucked up time to show up again, I know. But please... I... I need your help. Let me t-try make this right again! Please..."

The hangar was silent.

She looked around again, seeing how many eyes were upon her. Maybe this was a mistake... maybe she shouldn't have come back. They didn't want her here-...

"Lay down, on your front!"

A CSF soldier let out an angry growl as he suddenly stepped forward out of formation, his rifle trained directly on Aurora. Her whole body tensed up as she flinched, fixating on him as he went straight for her.

"Hands behind your b-..."

The soldier suddenly stumbled backwards into formation as the back of his armor was grabbed, yanked back by someone who appeared to be their leader... if the golden suit highlights and shoulder chevrons weren't a giveaway already. The Sergeant stepped forward, standing between Aurora and her subordinates, waving them off as her voice imposed upon them, an accusatory finger pointed at the soldier who stepped out of line.

"Stand down! And you! Get lost."

With slight hesitation, the CSF soldiers lowered their weapons and began to walk off, departing the area. Those that remained behind seemed... different, indicated by the golden markings on their armor and helmets. Aurora let out a sigh of relief, her hands falling down by her side as she slowly got to her feet, nervously squeezing her hands closed.

She glanced around the hangar again, still realizing she had an audience. The worst part was not being able to recognize or see anyone she knew, even from the people standing around her. She hoped the others were doing okay. But... she came here for one thing, after all.

Looking forward at the Sergeant, Aurora studied her for a moment, and in her head, it slowly clicked. She read the articles she had missed after reconnecting the Templar to the network thanks to Predator breaking the news. She knew a special operations force had been sent after her... and that's when she realized she was looking right at one of them. But, she wasn't in cuffs just yet.

"Commander Adair... you sure did pick quite a time to show up."

"I know... I'm sorry... j-just... uhm... is... is Sharales here? Uh... Commander Kryik?"

The Sergeant shrugged a bit and looked around with a slight nod.

"Yes... somewhere, probably. He's one of the Commanders who has been assisting with rescue efforts as well as with whatever else needs doing."

"O-okay, uh... do you know where I could... find him?"

"I can ask via our comms... but with an entrance like yours, I think he's more likely to find you first."

"H-ha... yeah. Okay. Thanks, I... guess..."

With a nod, the Sergeant turned away and gestured to a maintenance platform near the landing pad, where their makeshift briefing center had been implemented.

"Come with me. Sounds like you have some explaining to do."

Aurora sighed softly to herself as the Sergeant began to walk away with her team in tow, and so she followed, nervously fidgeting with her hands. She acknowledged someone standing close nearby, but ignored it, focused on following the Tethys agents... until she was interrupted by that same figure nearby.

"Welcome home, Commander Adair."

She looked up at him, seeing a slight smile through the visor of his helmet. He extended a hand, one she was hesitant to take as he introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Commander Fallharbor of the Hecate's Rest. Here assisting with rescue and evacuations."

She smiled just a bit to herself, even if he wouldn't see it thanks to the visor, and took his hand carefully, exchanging a firm handshake. She was about to step away before the grip on her hand tugged a bit, pulling her closer to him as he whispered. Instinctively, she resisted a bit, her body tensing up as her free hand slipped behind her back, reaching for a pouch on her belt. And then she paused.

"You're still friends here and at the Hecate's Rest."

No... he wasn't a threat. She brought her hand back forward again empty-handed, letting out a quiet, nervous laugh as she quickly retracted her hand, giving him a once-over as she stepped back.

"... u-uh... thanks... ha..."

Realizing how awkward and tense she made such a simple exchange, Aurora cursed at herself internally and quickly stepped past, following the Sergeant swiftly. She steadied her breathing, trying not to focus on all the people around her as she hopped off the landing pad after the Sergeant, stepping into their makeshift briefing center. The Sergeant came to a stop near their main table, turning around to look at Aurora.

"So, Commander... a bit daring to show up at the home you left behind."

"... y-yeah well... I... uhm..."

She sighed, looking down at the table as she began to fidget with her hands again.

"... I don't know. Can you just... please get Sharales here? Please."

"I'm here."

As she finished her sentence, a voice spoke from behind. She'd recognize the Federal accent and smooth, upbeat tone anywhere. Aurora rolled her eyes slightly and spun around, looking at the figure that stood behind her. Emerging from between the Tethys team standing behind her, stood Commander Sharales Kryik... a familiar face. A friend... although she couldn't see his face, she recognized the armor - burn, scuff marks and all.

"Spectre isn't just a fun nickname, ya know?"

"... Ha-ha... of course..."

Stepping forward quickly, Aurora extended her arms and wrapped them around Sharales, hugging him tightly as she fell quiet. The emotions and thoughts she tried to hold back came undone as she started to get emotional. Leaving them behind hurt... but returning to see this in such a state hurt even more. So much had been unsaid and so much had been damaged... and not just with regards to the carrier.

"... I m-missed you all so much... I'm so s-sorry..."

He returned the hug as Aurora whimpered softly, shaking her head a tad as she tried to dismiss her emotions.

"Just glad to know you're alright. No contact, with confirmed enemy presence and possible assassins... and the Feds after you... glad to see you're still standing."

Aurora held onto the hug for just a little bit more, before she stepped back and looked down at the floor. She shrugged and cleared her throat, taking in a breath before she looked up at Sharales again, nodding.

"... y-yeah. You too... with... all this s-shit going on..."

"I... I need your help. I know I j-just... walked in after a month but I uhm... I saw our little 'excursion' to Sol didn't go unnoticed and I just... I... I found... something."

"I was wondering if our... uh... mutual friend c-could... help? If you could keep it safe for me?"

Sharales placed a hand on Aurora's shoulder, nodding as he reassured her... although she wanted to keep the mention of their 'mutual friend' to a low. Some secrets were best kept quiet.

"Of course. The Sentinel is parked a few kilometers away, functioning as a nav beacon and local tacnet hub. When we get another airlock access opened up, I'll call it over."

"O-okay... we can deal with it a bit later then..."

Aurora exhaled softly, looking around the hangar again as she took in the true state of the Solaris. It only hurt more to actually see the carrier physically within... knowing how many people lost their lives aboard the place they called home.

Eventually, she looked back up at Sharales, sniffling a bit as she choked up for a moment. She tried to shake off her emotions again, fidgeting with her hands in front of her.

"... h-how are the o... others?"

A heavy sigh came from Sharales as he turned his head away from her slightly.

"... I'm not sure. I was back in the bubble trying to solve some of this, when I heard about the Solaris and came racing back. Novus is around, his engineering skills are currently saving the most lives here, but haven't had a chance to talk with him yet."

A pause.

"It's not good... here... Aurora."

She went quiet, her shoulders sinking as she looked at him. Eventually, she looked away too, down at the floor as she took in a deep breath, sniffling. She clenched her trembling fists... feeling the regret hit her as she recalled Novus's message. She didn't want to dwell on it... but she felt the betrayal in that message. How she turned her back on him - on everyone - because she was scared. It hurt some more than others... and Novus was one of them.

"... I s-... should talk to h-... him..."

She shook her head, trying to steady herself whilst her strong emotions overtook her thoughts. She let out a slow exhale, fidgeting with her hands for a moment before she remembered Isabella, who she had asked to stay behind in the Templar just in case. Bringing her PDA up, she quickly switched it on and tapped away on the screen, sending a message to her partner. She could use another friendly shoulder to lean on right now...

"Now isn't..."

Sharales sighed heavily once more. Aurora lowered her PDA on her arm and looked in his general direction again, listening as she fidgeted with her hands.

"... We don't have unlimited time to find the rest of the survivors aboard the carrier, and as much as things aren't right between all of us, we can wait. The crew needs us first."

"I told Novus I would talk with him once we got this sorted. Once lives aren't ticking away. It'll work out."

Aurora nodded, controlling her emotions as she let out a sad, drawn-out sigh. She heard the airlock of her ship open, knowing Isa was on her way, but focused on what she needed to tell Sharales. It was important.

"I know... I know. I'm sorry. Just... s-so much stuff I wish I could've done or said but I can't. Wish I could've been here for you all. I... guess I'm in that stage of leadership where I wish I could turn back time or something, just to make things r-right again but... while I can't do that... I'm... I guess I'm hoping what I found is a start..."

She went quiet and paused, before she stepped closer and looked directly up at Sharales, lowering her voice as she spoke only to him, careful that nobody was overhearing them.

"I'm not expecting you to j-just... turn your back on the Solaris or the crew right now... obviously not but... this information is important, Sharales. It... It could change everything if I knew how to fucking crack it. Sounds ambitious, I guess, but... m-maybe we could bring everything down... stop future attacks for good."

With the most impeccable timing as she finished her sentence, Aurora heard the voice of her lover, that very subtle posh Imperial tinge to it - another thing she could recognize anywhere. Aurora chuckled a bit as she spoke... thinking that maybe it was the voice being one of the things that made her fall so madly in love.

"Sharales! Heeyy. Finally get to see another face after months out there. So glad it's you."

Aurora cut in a bit, smirking behind her visor as she looked up at Isa.

"Why~...? Something wrong with my face?"

"Only that your helmet is on it. Otherwise, it's... alright~..."

With a slightly raised eyebrow, Isa glanced over at her and smiled. Aurora hummed, admiring her lover for a moment as she stood there. A moment of hesitation passed, before she reached her hands up and grabbed underneath her helmet, disengaging it as she lifted it off her head, her black curls springing out from underneath.

Tucking her helmet under her arm, Aurora brushed her hair back and smiled softly, looking at Isa and then back at Sharales, her tone shifting again as she quickly changed the topic back to what they were here for.

"Okay... so... once we can think of how to deal with the thing... how can we help? I know most people won't... be... too happy to see us... I guess, but... I want to help. We... want to help."

Sharales was quiet for an imperceptible millisecond, as if processing what Aurora said earlier.

"Next time I head back to the Sentinel, you can come use the equipment on board."

"Thanks, Sharales."

Aurora smiled warmly at him now that her face was visible, taking in her first deep breath of the Solaris's thick, artificial air, filled with the slight smell of metal and smoke. She exhaled slowly, her smile disappearing as she looked around at the damaged bay, noticing Commander Fallharbor standing nearby but not quite with them. She didn't say anything, hoping he didn't overhear too many fine details, stepping back a bit as she looked at both Sharales and Isa once more.

"I'll let you two talk... if you'd like. I should... have a chat with the Sergeant."

"Just for the record, the idea was originally from yours truly."

"Yeah, okay... whatever you say, honey~..."
Aurora chuckled a bit... although her smile waned when she thought of what happened after Predator broke the news to them. That was how they came to the idea of returning to the Solaris, of finding Sharales so he could potentially help them. But the road travelled to get to that agreement was one that pained her. She could never blame Isa for being angry or upset at the situation... but she blamed herself for how she hurt the love of her life and the people around her. And Isa was right about some of the things she said back then...

Aurora turned away as her smile disappeared, walking away from the two of them. Leaving them to talk, she walked over to the Sergeant, lost in her own thoughts for a moment until she looked up at the CSF operative, the two exchanging nods of acknowledgement. All Aurora could look at was her own reflection within the black visor. At one point in time... she was one of them... but with the current circumstances, she found it unnerving to not be able to look a person in the eyes.



"So... uh... you're running operations around here?"

"Correct. Sergeant Pippa Laurier, at your service. I'm an agent dispatched from SOF Tethys."

"Well, it's... great to meet you, Sergeant. And... uh... thank you for not having me... y'know... shot..."

The Sergeant nodded, pausing for a moment as she folded her arms and looked at Aurora.

"... Let's just cut to the chase, Commander. You're not under arrest and SOF Tethys is not interested in assisting the Federation with the goal of 'taking you down' along with the Crimson Venators. The current scope of Tethys is the exact opposite... we know you're likely the last lead we have."

"However, that's not my job right now. My team's duty is to the Solaris and the people that need rescuing. With all due respect, Commander, I do not need you getting in the way. We don't need your presence complicating rescues and causing issues within the crew. You can either assist us with rescues... or you can leave the Solaris and hand over any information you have to Tet-..."

"I want to help."

The Sergeant let out a quiet sigh, lowering her arms as she leant forward onto the table.

"Then, I suggest you hide your identity as well as you can, and start doing your best to win back the trust of the crew. Personally, Commander... I trust you. I don't have reason to believe you're against the squadron while we have the extra facts on the table. You probably saw that some of CSF are less than enthused at your return here, but know that many are still loyal to this squadron... they just want answers."

"Whenever you're ready, you can talk to me and I'll let you know what needs to go where. I'd strongly advise not getting directly involved in any rescue dives. The carrier is extremely hazardous thanks to its condition, and while you might feel compelled to do so, consider the crew's reaction to their estranged leader suddenly returning. For some, it may be a morale boost... for others, it may be a catalyst, and we don't need the Federation bearing down on us so far."

"Thankfully, you're unlikely to be reported. I doubt... or at least hope that no Commander here is stupid enough to report you to the Feds, and most of the crew we've found have already been rescued, and don't have access to communications. So, your entry might be noted... but let's just say it'd be preferable if you became a rumour."

Aurora just stood there quietly, staring at the Sergeant as she felt her regret hit her again. She shrugged it off, trying not to take it personally as she let out a quick, nervous chuckle, nodding.

"H-ha... okay... yeah. Thank you, Sergeant. We'll get to work soon."

The Sergeant simply went quiet and nodded in acknowledgement, prompting Aurora to turn away, slowly walking back over to Sharales and Isa. She wasn't quite expecting such a conversation, but on one hand... she wasn't exactly surprised. With a sigh, she shrugged it off and walked over to the both of them again.

Approaching her partner from behind, Aurora placed her arm around Isa's lower back, holding her opposite side as she stood next to her and leant her head on her shoulder.

"Heyyy... sorry to interrupt you two. The Sergeant said we can help out with getting equipment deployed and repairs done, but she advised against Isa and I getting directly involved in any rescue dives. Well~... not that any advice has stopped me before but... yeah... we'd have to be extremely careful."

"Oh, and... she said it would also be preferable if our helmets were on and our presence was kept on the down low. Some of the crew might not be too happy still... as you could imagine..."

Isa sighed a bit, placing her hand over Aurora's as she looked back at her, and nodded.

"Ah... the crew needs to understand the full picture. Not just simple assumptions."

"I know... just... kinda hard for them to do that when their home is falling a-apart around them."

Aurora shook her head a bit, her mood dropping as she sighed and gave Isa a gentle squeeze, leaning in to kiss her on her cheek. Stepping away to stand by her side, she grabbed her helmet from under her arm and brought it forward into both of her hands, fidgeting with it for a moment as she stared into the visor, and her reflection stared back.

"But... it'll be okay. I... I believe in that."

"That we can end this once and for all..."

Aurora took in a breath and looked up at the both of them, smiling softly. Seeing the both of them... knowing the rescues were happening, that the others were helping and that there were still people left... it gave her hope that they could recover from this. That the squadron could move on, grow stronger...

"... and rebuild."

DATE: 13th of June, 3308 [19:40 UGT]
LOCATION: T.O.C. Solaris Q4V-40N, IC 4604 Sector HR-W D1-68

Aurora Adair

The dark, creaking corridor filled with a dull, shimmering light as the blue beam of the cutting tool began to slice away into the comms array maintenance panel within the wall, guided by Aurora's steady hand. Isabella stood nearby, leant against a pillar with her arms folded as she observed Aurora working from behind her visor, her suit light helping her see what she was doing.

As the beam carved away at the edges of the panel, Aurora soon released the trigger, the panel popping off as she put the tool down next to her, grabbing the panel and discarding it aside as she looked into the maintenance access, seeing the auxiliary backup console and power units. She started to hook up her tools, plugging in a small tablet as she connected a separate power supply up to the array unit.

"Hey, hun?"

Aurora paused a bit, looking up at Isa as she stopped what she was doing.


"Just checking... someone's super focused..."

"Ha~... yeah... don't want to... mess it up, I guess."

"You won't..."

Aurora turned back to the comms array and continued to work, booting up the display as she started to reactivate and reset the unit, as power was gradually fed into the backup battery.

"So, I was just thinking... I know you got that resort place for us and everything... but... you remember that Earth-like we found? Wonder if we could ever get the permits to go live there. Have our own place. Imagine how awesome that would be."

"Ha... Isa... last time you suggested this, I cried."

Isa chuckled slightly, stepping a bit closer as she squatted down next to Aurora, smiling warmly through her slightly darkened visor. Aurora stopped what she was doing and looked over again, returning the smile as she gazed into her partner's hazel eyes.

"Hmm... I know. Just think it'd be amazing. Could even get married there~..."

"... you know I'd love that so much."

"Sooo... when this is all over... you and I are totally doing this. And... I don't care how much it costs... but fuck it, let's buy an entire planet. Why not?"

"Pfft... can't imagine the red-tape that comes with trying to claim an entire Earth-like... let alone an unexplored one. Besides... I thought the resort was pretty cool. No commitments... just a beautiful place you and I can go when we want to. When we have a gap."

"Yeah. Just... makes me think of my homeworld. Wish I could go back there."

Aurora sat back on her knees, placing her tools down as she turned a bit more to face Isa.

"We'll figure something out, honey. Trust me..."

Reaching over to take Isa's hand, Aurora interlaced their fingers and gave her a gentle squeeze as she looked at her, the two of them exchanging a weak smile. Soon, she slowly released her hand and turned back to the array unit, grabbing the tools again as she got back to work, Isa still squatting down by her side, turning her back to the wall next to her, leaning back against it.

IDENT: {Tanto 1-2} "[.̶̀҉.̨̡́͟.̸̵-͟͢r̷͡͏g̀́͜͜͠è̷̛͏n͝͠c͘͞͏ỳ.͝.̵͞͠.̡̨̀ ̵-҉̢e̶̸̷̷̡ ̶͟a̴̷r҉̡̀̕e̵͡ ̶̷̢̨̨u̧͟͡n̷̢̡҉͜d̴̸͠ȩ͟͡r̸̡̀́ ̴́a̕t̵͜͡t̡̨͠-̸͜.̴͘.̴̧̢͞.̶͡]"

Aurora froze. The voice over the radio was extremely garbled, since they were in a deadzone and the carrier's hull was too thick for short-range signals to pass through, but even with that, she could hear the panicky tone, the comms ID visible on her HUD. She stopped what she was doing and stood up, looking over at Isa with wide eyes.

"... Did you-...?"

IDENT: {Tanto 1-2} "[...-a̢͜͠l̸̢̕l̡͡ ca̸̴l̡l̕͢͞s̨͏i͞gns̀,͜ t͘h̵is͘ ͘͜ì̢̨-̨̀.̕.̸̡̛.͝ -͏̶͘n̕͠ ͏̕͞e̢m̛e͘̕͞r̀́g̀̕̕e̡̨n̷̕c͞y̢! ͞W̸̷e ҉̷a͜͢r̛e̶ u̸̧nd́e͜͜r̷̷̕ ̴a̛̕t́͞͞t̵̢́á̸͡c̸̨k͏̀͏, ̨g̵͠e̷ţ̕ ̧̡͞b̴̧ac҉̴k̡͢͡ ͏̷́t̸͘ǫ ̢͟͏B́́-̵̸̀.͏.̴͟.̛͟-...]"

... Emergency? Attack?

"Isa, we need to go!"

Isa jumped to her feet as Aurora reached back and grabbed her rifle, quickly stepping past as she broke into a jog, transitioning into a sprint as her partner followed close behind. Her heart pounded as her breathing got quicker and quicker, dashing through the dark corridors of the Solaris while she followed the signs back to Bay 13 - the core of their operations.

IDENT: {Tanto 1-2} "[All units, exercise extreme caution! We are being fired upon by Centurion units, I repeat - some CSF elements have gone rogue, but not all! Check your targets and get back to Bay 13!]"


Aurora's heart sank as a chill ran down her spine. Why... why had some of CSF gone rogue? Why were they...

"... oh no..."

She started to slow down, panting as she shouldered her rifle and switched her shields on, looking back at Isa who did the same, drawing her carbine from her back. Although they could only hear the groans of the carrier mostly, distant gunfire was barely audible as it echoed through the corridors, starting to reach them as they got closer and closer to Bay 13.

It sounded like an absolute warzone, Aurora slowing down into a walking pace as the gunfire started to become deafening. There was a lot of fire being exchanged, and-...


As they turned a corner, a guttural scream came from behind Isa and Aurora, footsteps stomping behind them as the two spun around. Their suit lights landed upon the silhouette of an armored CSF soldier charging them, and although his face was obscured... there was no mistake in sensing the pure rage that came from the man as he beelined straight for Aurora.

She froze. Time seemed to slow. She didn't know what to do as he closed in, bearing down on her with as the blade of a tactical knife glimmered in his hand.

The corridor erupted with gunfire as multiple yellow tracers found their place in the center of the soldier's chest, cracking through the armor. His shout of pain was cut short as he suddenly crumpled mid-sprint and slammed face first into the floor, sliding to a stop. Aurora just stared at the corpse, panting as the barrel of Isa's carbine smoked, her partner looking over at her.

"Hun, are you okay? Just breathe... we need to get back to Bay 13, alright?"

"Y-yeah... f-fuck. Fuck! What the fuck is going on, Isa?! He was..."

"We don't have time to think about it, Aurora. Come on!"

Aurora hesitated a bit, looking back at where the soldier was. A few corpses of the crew littered the hallway, just barely able to see blood pouring from stab wounds in the low light. She stared in horror, until Isa quickly grabbed her arm and tugged her along, starting to sprint to Bay 13 as they weaved through the hallways.

The further they progressed, the more bodies there were. Some were still alive... soldiers and crew alike groaning in pain. Some were slumped against pillars, tending to their injuries or sitting there idly as they stared ahead and tried to catch their breath... or just gave up. What the hell had happened?

"Stop! Drop your weapons!"

A voice yelled out from further down the hallway as numerous lights emerged from the Bay 13 entrance. Isa and Aurora stopped, quickly lowering their weapons. Aurora just froze, too lost in her own thoughts and worries to respond before Isa did.

"Friendlies, friendlies! Relax!"

The hallway was silent, the soldiers ahead staring at the two of them. Eventually, they yielded, allowing the two of them to pass and enter Bay 13 via the maintenance corridor directly connected to the hangar. The ambience filled with yells and arguments as people groaned in pain. Guards laid dead, some crew being treated by combat medics that were still alive. It was a mess, but the briefing center seemed to be still standing, finding itself at the core of the yelling with dozens of individuals crowded around it.

Aurora started to walk over, standing behind the crowds as Isa followed her, overhearing what was being said. It seemed like Sergeant Laurier was shouting orders, gesturing at soldiers and Commanders alike around the table.

"...-uiet! Listen up, because I'm not going through this again! We are currently under attack, and our rescue teams are losing ground as well as survivors. They are reporting that... for some reason, CSF forces found deeper within the carrier have gone rogue and are firing upon crew and rescuers alike."

"We have no clue why this is occurring, and it doesn't seem to be everyone. Rescuers reported that, during their operation to crack into more of the habitation zone, that they were suddenly swarmed and attacked by rogue Centurion forces out of nowhere. These rogue forces have gone utterly insane and are killing on sight. We unfortunately lost that rescue team shortly after their report."

"Not all of the rogue forces are armed, but... for lack of a better explanation at this time... they are bloodthirsty and are doing everything in their power to destroy us - their opposition. It's imperative that we maintain the upper hand! I need every combat-capable unit in this bay to respond immediately to the forward hab sections! If you have a gun, grab it and go!"

"I also need all Commanders here to assist us in barricading Bay 13. We could use your expertise to defend this position as a last resort... we don't need Commanders charging off into the fray. For those that don't know, Commander Aurora Adair is present aboard the Solaris. Do not question why, just find her and get her here!"

"You have your orders. Mark your armour, PID your targets and do not let them reach Bay 13! There are survivors here, and evacuating them is going to take time, so we need to retain control over the carrier. Seal off the bay entrance and secure those sectors. Dismissed!"

The crowd of CSF soldiers began to bustle and move as they grabbed their weapons, and turned. Pushing past Isa and Aurora as they charged for the Bay 13 entrance, Aurora just stood there. She knew what had happened. The insanity... the rogue forces. The nightmares and the disturbances. This was a second wave of attacks...

The enemy. They knew she was here.

"Ah, Commander Adair, just the person I was-..."

She couldn't stand idle and watch people die. She had to stop this. Nobody else could get hurt for what she figured was her fault in the end.

Quickly pulling Isa into a tight hug, Aurora hugged her lover one last time, whispering her apology and love for Isa before she quickly shoved her away, forcing her to stumble back into the briefing centre. And without another word, Aurora turned and dashed for the Bay 13 exit, hearing the mechanism of the door as it began to automatically seal off.

"No, Aurora! No!"

She ignored the calls and yells of her dear Isa and her friends as she sprinted down the maintenance corridor. The one access door they had opened for Bay 13 was slowly closing, the last of the CSF combat elements slipping through. With a burst of energy, Aurora quickly jumped into a dive, skidding underneath as she slipped through the gap between the door and the floor.


... and then... the door closed behind her. Grabbing her Energylink from her belt, she tore the door console open nearby with a bit of a struggle, and overloaded the mechanism, sealing the door shut as the circuitry within was fried. The door was now sealed... and with the state of the Solaris, it was sealed permanently. The last thing she heard from her lover was the call of her name.


You know... she loved Isabella. More than anything in the galaxy. Knowing this might be the last time she ever heard her partner or see her again broke her heart... but to her, it was for the 'greater good'. For something that truly mattered. She wouldn't let Isa or the others make that sacrifice. They deserved a second chance. She... didn't.

She knew she wanted to just hold the love of her life one last time. Just for a few seconds longer. She wanted to go back to that resort and soak up the light of the star with Isa by her side. She wanted to giggle, laugh and make memories. She wanted to see the stars and visit that beautiful system Isa shared with her. Aurora wanted to share every waking moment with her.

Her best friend.

Her true soulmate.

But... it felt like everything was trying to tear them apart. That Aurora wasn't meant to have this, and everything was trying to take it from her. She wanted to have it, and she knew what she was doing right now was wrong. She promised they were in this together. That they wouldn't leave each other's side again. And she really wanted that. Isa was the only reason she could do any of this. Their relationship was the one true thing she had, the one thing she could say was actually hers. The one thing she truly adored and loved...

She sobbed softly to herself.

She missed Isabella already. Part of her wanted to stand there until they opened the door, but she couldn't let her or the others get hurt in this second attack. She couldn't just stand by and hope the enemy wouldn't reach the bay. She couldn't stand by, all protected and safe. Not after all the things she had done, all the lives she had taken.

"... I love you, Isa."

The door returned her echo as she just stood there and stared at it, tears streaming down her face. Her left thumb ran over her ring finger, pressing through the glove as she felt the subtle outline of their engagement ring press against her skin. It was the last thing she still had of them. A reminder that she was doing this for Isa. For the others. She wanted to take this fall.

She clenched her fists, gritting her teeth as she reached back and snatched her rifle from her suit pack. Taking in a deep breath and looking down the corridor as she listened to the distant march of the CSF combat element, Aurora started to jog, flicking her rifle's safety off. She put away her tears and put aside her emotions. It was time to stand up.

She'd fight for the Solaris. She'd fight for the squadron. She'd fight for all of the others and everyone who had lost their lives in this disaster. She'd fight to make things right again.

She'd give anything to make things right again...

Even if, in the end, it was all just for her.

For Isabella.


This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook/short story as well as other associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A massive thank you to CMDRs Isabella Levine, SpectreKryik and Fallharbor for their involvement in the story. Thank you so much for reading!
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