Logbook entry

MARS: 12 - Destiny - TITAN Contractors

NOTE: This story contains themes of violence and strong language.

DATE: 30th of June, 3308 [16:23 UGT]
LOCATION: 'Templar' TR-03X >=>:[DOCKED TO]:>=> CCV Katana, Unknown System

Aurora Adair

"Okay, fineee... how about this one?"

Tapping on the screen of her PDA, Aurora skipped to the next music track in line, the small cosy quarters aboard the Templar filling with a fairly funky tune. Sat up against their bunk wall with Isabella curled underneath her arm, Aurora cuddled with her gently, resting her head atop her lover's as she brushed a hand through her flowing hair. Laying her PDA down onto her lap, she closed her eyes and listened to the music, twirling chestnut strands around her finger. Isa hummed slightly, before she shrugged her shoulders and answered, looking up at Aurora.

"Yeah. It's... alright~..."

Aurora giggled softly and rolled her eyes, looking down at her partner with a warm smile. The two had been up for several hours now, but with not much to do and lots of time to burn, Aurora figured that there was nothing better than spending it together. But... in a way... it made her feel guilty. She remembered the suffering they had been through. The things they had to do aboard the Solaris just to make it out alive.

The attack had happened just over two weeks ago... when thousands of the crew went rogue and turned against them. She just wanted to do the right thing, to make things right again. To stop her past from hurting anyone else. But they lost everything. She almost lost Isabella. The only person who had ever given her the drive to continue, the want to live and be better.

She couldn't help but reminisce. From the time they first met in the medical wing when Aurora sat by her side... to their deep companionship and the first kiss they shared that lonely night after she admitted her growing feelings. Isa was the one constant Aurora had ever had in her life. She wouldn't let anyone or anything take this away from her. She simply couldn't. Aurora had committed herself to fighting for the squadron - even if, in the end, it was just for the two of them.

But, despite everything, the last two weeks started to feel more positive. The two recovered from their injuries, and to their immense surprise - Isabella found out that her mother, through some turn of events and maybe a little fate, had joined TITAN as a logistics officer. After hearing SOF Tethys's goal, she joined the force and planned to re-join with her estranged daughter... and it went well. For Aurora, it was mostly a blur, but she was happy for her lover regardless. It was closure she deserved.

That, and they had found out Violet was okay too. Thanks to her typically rebellious nature, she had snuck aboard a Tethys ship, with the same goal of finding Isa and Aurora. Things, for once, felt okay. But... for Aurora, she couldn't help but still feel a tinge of guilt. More than a tinge, actually. To her, it didn't feel like she was doing enough. That the enemy was still out there, and the Solaris was still abandoned. She had a duty to protect the squadron, to save her people, but here she was, sitting with her partner in their quarters instead of being out there, doing... something.

But where would she even begin?

Isa nudged Aurora a little bit, her focus fixating back on her partner's hazel eyes.


"... Yeah?"

"You okay...? You looked like you zoned out there for a moment."

"Pfft, totally did. Lost myself in those eyes of yours..."

With a laugh, Isa shook her head and leant in to give Aurora a gentle kiss on her lips, before she scooted back in to the cuddle, interlacing their fingers as they held hands.

"I love you..."

"I love you so much too, Isa. Do youuu... wanna do anything today? I mean... we've been sitting here for a while. Could visit your mum or check in on Violet."

"We could~... what do you wanna do?"

"No fair. I asked you first."

The two giggled as Aurora rubbed her lover's opposite shoulder, leaning against her a bit while the music continued from her PDA. The two swayed there as they listened, waiting for Isa to answer as she thought, humming softly.

"Hmm... we could go v-..."

Aurora's PDA abruptly buzzed on her lap, prompting her to look down at it. A message. Perfect timing, of course.

With a sigh, she brought a hand over and tapped on the screen, pausing the music as she swiped to the message, picking up the PDA to read it along with Isa. It was from Captain Faust, the de-facto leader of SOF Tethys. It only took the first few words to make Aurora's heart sink with worry as Isa frowned and spoke first, looking up at Aurora.

"... An emergency? What?"

"I... I have no idea."

Sitting up as she quickly scooted out of the bed, Aurora climbed over her lover and hopped out, clutching her PDA as she grabbed her magboots nearby, slipping them on quickly and tucking the black pants she already had on into them. Straightening her t-shirt, she brushed her hair back and strapped her PDA to her right forearm, quickly looking back at Isa with wide eyes.

"We should go. You coming with?"

"Absolutely, honey. Just a sec~..."

Hopping out of the bed as well, Isa quickly grabbed her own pair of magboots that she kept near the bed, slipping them on over her small feet quickly before she straightened up and stepped towards Aurora, who began to approach the quarters door. Ensuring her lover was following, Aurora swiftly opened the door and picked up her pace, almost jogging down the corridor of her Templar as they headed for the rear airlock.

Her heart was racing. There was nothing good about that message, and she was running through all the scenarios in her head. Did the enemy do something? Did they attack? Did they figure something out? There were too many questions and possibilities.

Opening the rear airlock as she now broke into a proper jog, Aurora crossed the docking tube as quickly and as safely as she could, her partner in tow as they followed the airlock through into the CCV Katana, entering the access hallway. It was busier than normal, some CSF soldiers jogging past with purpose, heading for the fighter bay. Aurora looked at them, but there was no time for her to think about it. Taking Isa's hand and interlacing their fingers, she split off and began to head for the briefing centre, her anxiety rising.

Not a word was said as the duo continued through the various doors leading to the Katana's CC, soon reaching the outer door. The guards didn't even need convincing to open the door - upon spotting Aurora, one of the guards turned and opened the door, allowing them passage into the well-lit briefing room.

Aurora entered, and immediately spotted four figures in silver suits positioned around the holographic briefing table in the centre of the room. None of them seemed to acknowledge Aurora right away, but Captain Faust's gruff, angered voice was well recognizable and audible, his face the only one uncovered, a dark frown plastered across it as he gripped the edge of the holotable tightly.

"...-fucking believe this. Len, Ariana, get Damocles, Scimitar and Tanto linked up. I want them at the Mortal Dictata right now."

With two of the figures nodding, they swiftly turned and departed the room, making space for Aurora and Isa to position themselves near the table. She hesitated for a moment, seeing the expression on his face. But after a moment, Faust looked up at her, and she picked that moment to speak.

"Captain... what happened?"

"Commander. The Mortal Dictata has just been attacked."

Aurora froze.

"... w-..."

"A group of approximately 20 to 40 boarded the carrier covertly and stormed it. We have intel suggesting that they were purposefully targeting the remnants of the Solaris crew. Over 100 or so individuals have perished, but we're still waiting on the full casualty counts."

Immediately, her emotions hit her, anger and upset taking over as Aurora stared at him. Isa just stood there in shock, anger flickering across her face too before her eyes widened, and her mood dropped, looking over at Aurora.

"... w-who? Who the fuck did this?"

"A mercenary group... who identified themselves as EMBER, of all things."

"What...? EMBER? The-..."

"... -the first group to ever attack the squadron, yes. So clearly, they're much bigger than the eleven people we originally thought. The private security aboard the Dictata didn't stand a chance, but we've been told they've just retreated. The attack happened about half an hour ago. We have a few elements on the way to triage casualties and secure the area."

Aurora just stood there, her view trailing off as Isa stood by her side. Wasn't it enough when thousands of people had died? Now they had attacked innocents yet again, trying to wipe out the squadron because of her past, or at least she could only assume.

"There's... another thing, Commander. We've confirmed that they have successfully assassinated the operations crew, mostly. Only CO Ramirez and Commander Goddard survived... but their injuries are extensive. We're not sure if they'll make it."

"... f-fuck..."

Unable to hold back her emotions, Aurora sniffled softly as a tear rolled down her cheek, prompting Isa to wrap an arm around her partner. She tried her best to hold back her emotions, leaning into Isa as she closed her eyes. They never had much time to mourn the loss of the Solaris... and now this? The Captain sighed, looking down at the holotable.

"... Commanders, with all due respect, we can no longer hide. We need to put an end to this. If we lose any more people, we will collapse under our own weight. We need a pl-..."

"If I had a f-fucking plan, I would've shared it with you already..."

Aurora snapped at Faust slightly, straightening up again as she shot a glare at him, much to his annoyance.

"Aurora, I don't have time for this. Put your emotions aside. The enemy knows you have information that could compromise them. We trusted you to crack i-..."

"Don't fucking talk to her like that."

Faust looked at Isabella as he was interrupted, scowling as he straightened up.

"Commander Levine... innocent people are dying, and she is the lead we need to stop this. For the last two weeks, the two of you have barely been out of your damn ship! We're trying our best to keep the squadron afloat, the least you could do is meet us halfway!"

"Meet you halfway? Aurora has done that the entire time! She sacrificed so much for this fucking squadron. The least you could do is cut her some slack. She's been through a lot."

"She's not the only one, Commander Levine. There's no time for slack, we have a job to d-..."


The room fell silent as Aurora yelled, her hands trembling with anger as she looked between Isa and Captain Faust. Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke, trying to get her emotions back in check as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm t-..."

"No, Aurora. Don't fucking apologize to h-..."

"Isa. Stop. Please."

Isa sighed slightly, glancing at Aurora as she went quiet, though she didn't seem very pleased about it. Steadying herself, Aurora turned her focus to Captain Faust, who glared at the both of them.

"I'm trying, Captain. I know we're all in the same boat, but... this is a lot to handle for me. It's not an excuse obviously... but... knowing the entire squadron probably rests on your shoulders and you're the only one who can crack open a databank to stop this... it's a lot of pressure... and the only problem is that I don't know how to crack it open. I know we need to act but... I... don't know where to start. Regardless... you're out of line, Captain. I understand you're frustrated... I am too."

"I'm sick of seeing everything I care about fall apart around me... and I barely have much left. So when I s-say I'm trying... or I'm committed... I mean it. I hope you realize that."

The Captain seemed to study Aurora and Isa quietly for a moment, looking down at the holotable thereafter with a sigh. Leaning forward onto the edge, he looked back up at them... and nodded.

"Consider me put in my place, Commander. I apologize. Of course you understand the stakes and... out of all of us here... you've been given an immense responsibility. I trust you - the both of you - to do what's right. But... that being said... I'm hoping you can tell me what's next. I spoke to Commander Kryik recently - him and his Federal benefactors are willing to provide some support, but we also discussed the data you handed over to him. I understand they're attempting to decrypt it, but..."

"Sharales? Is he okay?"

"... He suffered some injuries, but survived. They're looking after him. And, rest assured that the Federals helping us are, at least, on our side. They're a special, smaller detachment personally vetted by Commander Kryik's own team. Regardless, for safety, I've ensured that we respect covert comms protocols and the like."

"Now, Commander, I know there's no update on the data or any foreseeable way to decrypt it... and brute forcing it isn't an option as I was told. I believe you have the physical databank yourself. Is that correct?"

Aurora nodded.

"Do we have any idea how we could access it and decrypt it? Any thoughts?"

Shrugging her shoulders a bit, Aurora looked over at a silent Isa, who met her gaze with a soft, reassuring smile. She thought for a few moments, folding her arms before she looked back at Captain Faust.

"... I... I don't know. I guess we... could... maybe go back to my parent's place in Sol."

"Right into the heart of the Federation once again? That's a daring plan, Commander. You sure you could do it again?"

"We pulled it off once... we could do it again... maybe. Need a few days to plan a different way in..."

"Well... if you think there's something that could help us back at your father's place, then that's our best bet... and only option. I'll see if I can pull some strings with Commander Kryik's contacts, and it's possible we could look at creating a diversion with the crew to keep the enemy's attention away from you. But, getting into that starport again without being caught will be up to you. So... how are you going to pull it off a second time?"

Glancing at Isa, Aurora raised an eyebrow, lowering her arms again as a slight smirk emerged on her face. She played it off, shrugging a tad as she flicked her PDA on, pressing on the screen.

"... Well... I think I might just know the person for the job."

DATE: 7th of July, 3308 [21:57 UGT]
LOCATION: 'Li Qing Jao' Orbis Starport, Sol

Aurora Adair

"So, we're just simply breaking into one of the Federation's most secure starports, once again..."

Predator folded his arms, looking between Isa and Aurora as they stood in front of him. All of them were fully clad in their suits, albeit with a more casual look. While both Aurora and Isa wore their Maverick suits, Predator opted for a much lighter look, just a simple brown flight suit covered by a matching outfit, and a black visor hiding his identity as always.

As for the women, Aurora had donned her dark-grey outfit, while Isa wore a camo blue that she didn't use often. Unusually for Aurora, her medium-length curly hair had been pulled and tied back, a set of slightly modified metal-frame shades obscuring her eyes.

Isa was much the same, and although it wasn't the most inconspicuous look for the both of them... it was good enough at a first glance. Plus... there was an extra trick up their sleeves that Predator had concocted with Aurora and Isa's help. At his statement, Aurora looked over, frowning a bit as they stood there.

"Yeah, well... we went through the plan already. You're the mastermind after all."

"Ah, 'mastermind assassin'. I like the sound of that. You know, it's not often someone compliments my true expertise."

Even while the black visor obscured his face, Aurora could just sense the conceited smirk, rolling her eyes as she shook her head and glanced over at Isa. Isa returned the glance, scoffing slightly as she looked over at Predator and responded first.

"Don't be so sure of yourself. Hope these glasses of yours work."

He shrugged.

"Ask your partner. She made them after all. I can't take all the credit now, can I?"

"I might've made them, but... ah whatever, we don't have time to go through it again. We're..."

The lift dinged as it came to a slow, the doors parting once it had halted, revealing the reception to the executive deck.

"... here."

"Oh. So we are."

Stepping out of the lift, Predator began to saunter to the front desk, with Aurora and Isa in tow. As they entered the foyer, Aurora felt her anxiety kick in again, noticing the two armed Federal guards strategically placed in the corner of the room. Their duped authorization had got them to the executive deck... but hopefully the guards wouldn't check further.

With Predator nearing the front desk, the female receptionist behind it glanced up at him, plastering on that typical business smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

Predator reached back into his jacket, grabbing a card as he simply slid it over the desk, towards the receptionist. She picked it up, examining it, her eyes widening slightly. Aurora tried to keep herself steady, becoming increasingly nervous of the guards nearby. This was the one part of the plan that had to work. If it didn't...

"Okay. Go right ahead, agent."

With a smile, she handed the card back, and Predator nodded, stepping away as he started to head for the executive hallways. Aurora and Isa swiftly followed him, not saying a word as they stepped into the sprawling corridors, leading to the various luxury rooms on this deck. Aurora recalled dropping into one of the few hallways when they first infiltrated... but now they were just walking straight through the entrance. Truth be told, she preferred the sneaky route.

"This way."

Predator began to take them down the one hallway, passing signs and room numbers as they searched for her parent's place, proceeding down the sleek, grey corridor. They were silent, their footsteps barely audible as they walked along the blue-carpeted floor. She counted the numbers on the various doors as they continued. There weren't that many rooms to check... and on this side of the hallway, her parent's place shouldn't be that far at all.


Predator stopped, looking over at Aurora as they stopped up in front of room 23. Aurora took in a breath, nodding at Predator as he stepped forward and tapped the card on the door console. With a beep, the door unlocked, and a follow-up button press parted the door with a hiss as it slid open.

"After you."

She stepped forward through the door, Isa in tow as they entered the entrance hall, slowly walking along the ornate floor. Her steps echoed throughout the quiet place, taking in the ambience and environment again. Every painting and picture was just like it was when she last saw it. It was cozy. Welcoming.

It felt like home.

Without a word, Isa stopped by Aurora's side, looking at her as she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Aurora just stood there, taking it all in once again. She looked at the pictures when she was younger, when things were simpler. When she was happy with her family. She was happy now, but...

"... It's okay, Aurora... you can take all the time you need..."

"I'll guard the door."

With a nod, Predator turned away and walked back to the quarter's door, leaving Aurora and Isa to it as they stood there in the hallway. A part of her was missing. She loved Isabella, and that alone filled a massive void in her life... but she also missed her father. She missed seeing her family again, even if they weren't the biggest fans of her. There was so much to be said, but nobody to say it to.

Slowly stepping forward down the hall, as she passed framed pictures and potted plants, Aurora glanced around at the various doors, slowly turning right before the stairs that led up to her father's office and coming to a stop in front of a patterned, metal door. There was something else to check first.

Pulling on the handle as she slid the door aside, Aurora walked into another hallway. She remembered where everything was. The bathroom to her right... her parent's main bedroom at the end of the hallway... her brother and sister's rooms to the left. But, right there, near the end of the hallway, was another door close to the main bedroom.

It was her room.

Walking over slowly and stopping outside the door, Aurora grabbed the handle, hesitating. She hadn't been in here for four years... and she never intended to return when she took all her stuff and ran. But... here she was.

Sliding the door open as she slowly stepped in and flicked the light switch nearby, Aurora took a look around... and stopped. Her heart broke, sniffling softly to herself as she fidgeted with her hands and started to tear up.

They never changed anything.

It still had the same soft, blue walls, decorated with patterned black stripes. The dark ceiling was peppered with stars, normal room lights cleverly integrated into the art, her single bed positioned on the back wall in the middle with an untouched black duvet covering it. Although her wardrobe and wall-shelves were empty and closed, several pictures still adorned the walls of her room.

Aurora slowly walked around, her tears streaming freely down her face as she walked over to one of the pictures near a shelf, reaching up as she gently removed the frame from the wall, holding it in her gloved hand. She ran her thumb over the smooth wooden frame, taking in the picture it held.

Wrapping a gentle arm around Aurora, Isa slowly approached her side and rubbed her opposite shoulder, gazing down at what she held. She smiled softly at the sight of a much younger Aurora... a time when things were simpler... and her first look at what her father looked like.

"Hey honey..."

Turning to face Isa, Aurora looked up at Isa from the picture, only for her lover to slowly reach up and grab the temples of her shades, gently pulling them off and placing them aside on the shelf. With her teary eyes curiously studying Isa, she gently wiped Aurora's tears away with her thumbs, cupping her face gently.

"... Have I... ever told youuu... how hot this look is on you~...?"


Aurora couldn't help but laugh, her mood lightening a little as she glanced down at the picture in her hands, interrupted by her partner again as her head was lifted. She started to blush as she gazed into her lover's hazel eyes through the polarized glasses, sniffling a bit as her watery eyes glimmered in the light.

"Hey. It's okay babe."

"J-just wish... wish he was still a... around... why'd they have to-..."

"I know. I know, honey. It's... it's not fair. All this shit that keeps happening to you. But... you said it yourself. We're going to make them pay. But... right now... just focus on the moment, okay? Take your time."

Aurora nodded quickly, sobbing softly as she stepped in and wrapped her arms around Isa tightly, hugging her as she buried her face into her shoulder.

"I l-... love youuu Isa~..."

"I love you too, honey."

Giving Aurora a gentle kiss on her cheek, the two eventually stepped back after a few long moments, Aurora looking down at the image in her hand again. She brought a hand up to wipe her face, smiling weakly as she looked at her father in the capture. He was so happy. She was so happy then... but she never truly understood the special value of these moments until they were long gone... impossible to have again.

"... t-this was in... uhm... 3299. That was... a long time ago... ha~... uhm..."

"My f-father took me out to this tourist spot... it was this massive mountain almost c-completely flat on the top. Apparently the... the old Earth name for it was 'Table Mountain'... a-and when you stood on top there was this... beautiful view all around. Of the ocean. One of the places relatively untouched by the war... my father told me about it... the history, even if I... don't remember much, ha~..."

"It... it was one of the best things he ever did for me. I'd always nag him and ask if w-we... we could go to some stupid theme park or whatever... but he a-... always took me somewhere else instead. Showed me nature and... stuff. A-and I'd... give him the typical sass for it or whatever... but... j-just wish I could go back and have those moments one more time... y'know...?"

Aurora wiped her face again, sighing as she lowered the image in her hands and looked around the room once more, at the other various nature-themed images she took with her family. Isa slowly stepped in again and wrapped her arms around Aurora, rubbing her back gently as she swayed with her.

"I know, babe. They're beautiful pictures. You should bring them with us... whichever ones you can carry, at least."

Nodding slightly, Aurora leant back a bit with her one arm around Isa, glancing down at the frame in her hands. She stepped back a bit, fidgeting with it in her hands as she flipped it around, examining the craftsmanship and the design of the frame.

"Think I'll... b-bring this one. Come back for all the others when we finish this..."

"Sounds good. Sooo~... let's go check your father's office?"


Turning swiftly, Isa began to leave the room, Aurora grabbed her shades and put them on again, following her partner as she glanced down at the frame... before she slowly stopped, looking at the backing again while she fiddled with it in her hands. She frowned a bit... noticing a mark by one of the latches. An etching.

She peered a bit closer... the number 1201 scratched close to the one latch. She flicked it open, the frame loosening as she began to undo the remaining latches.


Opening the frame as she popped the backing open, Aurora looked in at the back of the photo. Writing was scribbled onto it, much like the first pictures she found in the hard case her father left, that contained the databank that 'could make everything right again'. And this... this was a key, the writing scribbled around a printed piece of text.


As her partner walked back over and looked down at the photo, her eyes widened in surprise, a silent 'oh' escaping her.

"... Aurora, is... is that a key? For the databank?"

"I... I don't know. Pr-... probably? God... w-why didn't he ever tell me..."

Sniffling as a weak sob escaped her, Isa quickly wrapped Aurora under her arm and started to walk with her out of the quarters. Aurora just couldn't take her eyes off the code and what was written, her heart breaking. Truthfully... it wasn't the code or the situation she was placed in that she cared about. It was never being told those last few words that really broke her heart.

"Predator. Hey."

As Isa moved Aurora out into the main hallway, and called over Predator, he grunted quietly and walked back, glancing at the two of them.

"I take it you found something."

Holding the picture tightly, Aurora showed the back of the photo to Predator, allowing him to examine it as he folded his arms and huffed.

"So, that's it? You found the key, just like that?"

"Probably not that simple. We... we should go. Take this back to Tethys. Aurora, hey... honey? You want to look around one last time before we leave? You have time..."

Aurora nodded weakly, trying not to burst into sobs again as she took in a breath and cleared her throat, slipping the image back into the frame and latching the backing closed again.

"Yeah... j-just one more time..."

"I'll be waiting for you both outside. But... this is a good start. Keep it up, Commander."

Predator turned away, heading for the exit before he paused again and glanced back over his shoulder at Aurora. Even with the black visor obscuring his face, that same smug smile behind his words as he spoke.

"Oh, and... all things considered - and this is just my humble opinion - but your father certainly picked the right person for the job. You certainly pass a lot of expectations, Aurora. Hell... maybe all this... could even be your destiny, huh?"

Aurora just laughed, looking up at him slightly behind her shades, before glancing at Isa.

"Ha... d-destiny, hm? Yeah... destiny sure is a weird thing..."

Chuckling to himself, Predator turned away and exited the hall without another word. Aurora turned to Isa and looked at her, smiling weakly as she shrugged her shoulders and scratched her neck.

"Well... hell... guess this really is my destiny now. T-to... to make things right again. No pressure... none at all..."

"You got this, babe."

"... T-... thank you. Thank you for being by my side, Isa. I love you so much..."

Isa couldn't help but smile widely, stepping forward as she pulled Aurora close, the two of them entering a sweet kiss as they shared a warm, gentle hug. Breaking away after a moment, the two continued to sway in the hug for a little bit, gazing into each other's eyes as they smiled broadly, Isa peering over her shades at Aurora.

"I love you too. Now... when you want to go and fulfil your 'destiny', you know where to find me~..."

Giggling softly, Aurora watched her lover wink playfully as she slipped away, heading for the exit as she stood and waited. Tucking the frame into her jacket, Aurora looked back into the entrance hall and sighed quietly, taking in the scene. Maybe they were right. Maybe everything in her life had led up to this moment. A turning point in her life... and a new future with the person she loved if she could bury her past for good. If she could save the people she cared about from it.

Maybe this was what she was meant to do after all.

Maybe, just maybe, it was her destiny.


This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook/short story as well as other associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A massive thank you to CMDR Isabella Levine for their involvement in the story. Thank you so much for reading!
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