Logbook entry

MARS: 13 - Retribution - TITAN Contractors

NOTE: This story contains themes of violence and strong language.

DATE: 9th of July, 3308 [21:09 UGT]
LOCATION: 'Templar' TR-03X >=>:[DOCKED TO]:>=> CCV Katana, Unknown System

Aurora Adair

"Well... go ahead and take a look for yourself, Commander."

With a sigh, Captain Faust slid the datapad across the holographic briefing table towards Aurora, who hesitantly picked it up with a gloved hand. Her eyes widened slightly as she continued to read, her heart sinking as she took in the transmission transcript printed across the screen.

"To any and all Commanders who support TITAN Contractors and their operations - know that you are not safe anywhere in this galaxy."

"For years, humanity have proven themselves a scourge on the galaxy. As trillions of individuals cower in the shadow of the Thargoids, one man has claimed the vacant position of saviour."

"The Proteus Wave device aims to commit genocide against the alien race once again, much like the INRA and its classified Mycoid compound, both created in a senseless war provoked by mankind."

"Salvation is not the first entity to exploit typical human nature. In an endless conquest for greed, mankind pillages entire star systems, and destroys environments untouched for millions of years, wiping out unique species or exploiting valuable resources."

"Those of lower status suffer as the elites live comfortably, and lives are nothing more than number. Humanity is clearly not worthy of the gift of existence. We are finally prepared to offer our antithesis."

"Your corrupt leader of TITAN that you so blindly trust was most helpful with this. Her actions have directly contributed to safeguarding our own so-called 'superweapon', and its capability against a variety of vessels and sapient targets has been proven. But, to call it a superweapon is almost insulting to its true purpose."

"Our project will cure the galaxy of the true virus - humanity - and it will all start with those who stand in our way - your squadron first. Then, we will reduce mankind to embers... if 'Salvation' has not done so already. It makes no difference to us. However... this would be no fun without a challenge after all."

"Do your best, Commanders. Nobody will remember how hard you fought after all, and there is only one person to blame for providing us with such success. Allow us to see how Commander Aurora Adair crumbles once and for all."

Folding his arms as he looked up at Aurora, Faust frowned, glancing around at the other Tethys captains standing by his side.

"So... Commander, explain to me why they think you safeg-..."

Aurora chucked the datapad forward onto the table, a loud echo reverberating throughout the room as she shot a glare at Faust, clenching her fists. It took every ounce of effort to not yell at him, taking in a breath as she released it in a slow exhale.


"No, Faust. Do you h-honestly think... that I wanted this? Do you think I want them to keep doing this?!"

"Aurora, w-..."

"No! No, I'm... I'm f-fucking tired of this, okay?! Tired of feeling like everyone's treating me like the enemy. I fucked up, okay?! There's-..."


Breaking down into sniffles as Faust's command overpowered her, Aurora looked away to her side... but there was no Isabella to comfort her. It was times like these when she wish she brought her partner with.

"Commander Adair. Relax. Nobody is accusing you of the past. I understand it's a touchy subject, but we need to know what the enemy thinks you were 'safeguarding'. You told us some of your operations in the Red Hunters pertained to destroying a weapons project. But... we established that was for the Syn Group. Unless... EMBER and Syn are the same."

"... I'm s-... sor... sorry... I..."

Sighing quietly, Faust gestured to the other captains and dismissed them swiftly. Exiting the briefing room as they passed Aurora, only her and Faust remaining, alone in the briefing room.

"... I... c-can't d... do this... a-a... anym..."

"Commander... breathe."

Sobbing softly, Aurora nodded and quickly wiped her face, looking around the room as her face quivered with emotion, fidgeting with her hands in front of her. She tried to steady her breathing, avoiding looking at Faust as she looked down at the briefing table once again.

"I know it's difficult, but admittedly we recognize you have it the worst. There's a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, and I've seen people with proper training and experience crack easily under this kind of pressure. Hell... I can safely say I'm one of them. You started out with neither, technically... not with the position you're currently in..."

"... and honestly? I wouldn't even blame you if you turned and ran right now... but... the squadron needs you, Aurora. We need you. Getting that passcode was the first step. Now that the enemy is ripping off the mask, we need to take the gloves off ourselves. The galaxy's eyes are all on Salvation, and the Thargoids."

"Nobody can save us but ourselves. And... you're the only one who can help us do that. Your father left behind these passcodes, right? You found one... and you suspected there were more. You said you'd update me when there was any progress."

"... y-yeah... I..."

Aurora nodded weakly, trying to hold back the tears streaming freely down her face. For once, the stoic expression of the Captain cracked, his face softening with sympathy as he brushed a hand back through his hair, straightening up.

"Commander, we can discuss this another time. You need a br-..."

"... n-no I'm... o-okay... uh... I'm... I'm sorry..."

Taking in a breath, Aurora wiped her face once last time, putting away her emotions as she took a few moments to get herself back under control, before eventually looking back up at the Captain.

"I... I don't know who these people are. I don't know why my father kept it a secret and only told me until later... when he was... d-... dead. Maybe he was... waiting until he thought the time was right... until I'd be in place as SC... but... I w-wish he told me while he was... still alive..."

"... and I don't know what this weapon is. I don't know how to stop any of this. I... I r-really want to. I guess the passcodes are a start but... Sharales hasn't updated me yet. He's helping me decrypt them... a-and then I suppose we go from there."

Faust nodded.

"Just know that nobody is blaming you, Commander. Anyone who's getting stuck on something that happened four years ago to a changed individual can, y'know, politely go fuck themselves. Actually... remove the 'politely' part."

Aurora couldn't help but laugh slightly, a small smile emerging on her face. With his jest having the intended effect, Faust chuckled, leaning forward onto the holotable once more. But, after a moment of thinking, his expression slowly became more serious again.

"... Aurora. A lot of us have done questionable things in the past. Hell, there were plenty of our CSF operatives who were dishonourably discharged from various navies, some who... who aren't proud of the things they've done either. Maybe it's not exactly comparable... but they changed because of the squadron. They saw there was a possibility to do better, and under your command, they happily acted as such."

"There's no hiding the fact that when they found out about your past, some felt betrayed. But... if anything, what happened to you was a perfect example of someone making a difference. Someone who stepped up against all odds, who confronted their past and changed their path. You-..."

"... w-well... ha... I... I don't know if I've... confronted my past all that much. Feel like I'm going through it all over a-again..."

"You get the point. Commander, it's an honour to serve under your leadership, and it still is. CSF might not have much left, but I'll be damned if we let EMBER, or Syn - or whoever the fuck is behind this - get away with it. They won't make us roll over that easil-..."

The room filled with a soft beep as Aurora's PDA buzzed on her arm, prompting her to look down at the screen. A notification from Sharales. Looking back up at the Captain with slightly wide eyes, Aurora wasn't sure which emotion to feel...

"... Sharales just decrypted the passcode."

... but eventually, she settled on just one.


DATE: 12th of July, 3308 [05:44 UGT]
LOCATION: CCV Katana, Unknown System

SGT. Rocco Locke, Sabre 1-1

"Sergeant Locke. Welcome."

As he entered the room and approached the holotable, Locke met the gaze of the Captain opposite of him. He was used to seeing a face - typically Captain Faust's face, but only his reflection stared right back at him in the cold, black visor, the silver Dominator suit of the Captain's following a more feminine form.

"I'm Captain Luna Asper. Now... I understand you're more used to Captain Faust issuing briefings to Sabre. I also understand that... you've been through some difficult times with the news regarding the Solaris-..."

Locke thought back. Hearing the news of Solaris... well, that broke him. For the first time, it truly felt like nothing they worked towards ever mattered. That... and he thought he had lost the one ray of hope in his life. Onyx... or as he knew her, Kira Chen. She had almost lost her life that one day, when he asked her to run support for his team.

The chances of her surviving her injuries were slim... but she survived. It'd been almost three months now that she'd been in recovery, with barely enough time to see her. The Solaris attack ruined any chance of that happening again... or so he thought. The last he heard - after begging for some kind of report - was that she was whisked off to the Mortal Dictata, along with the rest of the injured crew that survived the disaster but were left out of action.

"I'm fine, Captain. What needs doing?"

"Well, Captain Faust is pre-occupied with providing the remaining CSF forces aboard the Solaris with weapons and equipment, so they can hold out while we refocus Tethys."


"Well... Commander Adair has uncovered information regarding the passcode, leading them to a specific location. However, our mission will be to return to an old listening post used by the enemy. It was the same one your team assisted with during our initial investigations a while back - the same relay that transmitted Commander Adair's naval file."

"Recon suggests that, when they abandoned the squadron, the Federation ripped the internals out of that installation and left it behind. Your team's job is to take a set of replacement gear that we've recovered from the Solaris, and the Katana's stores, to reclaim the listening post and boot it back up."

"Once that's done, we'll use the listening post to bring our communications and tactical network back online. We also need to reclaim connection to G.R.I.D, as we believe the enemy is still in control of the concourse channel. We don't need the enemy spying on what Commanders are saying, and we also don't need Commanders triggering reactions from the enemy."

"Commanders? They're provoking the enemy?"

"Yes... at least we think so. Commander Adair notified us, and advised us to keep that under consideration. Her partner, Commander Levine, still has her connection to the concourse channel. Some of the things being said in that channel may have caused the attack on the Hecate's Rest on the 10th. We don't want to poke the bear right now, so... we need control over that channel again."

"What's the Hecate's Rest?"

"You haven't heard? It's one of the carriers that assisted with the Solaris rescue, apart of a different squadron. They're not directly associated with TITAN, but Commander Fallharbor - their leader - was one of the people closest to the rescues, as well as one of the people to have supposedly experienced the effects of the enemy's unknown weapon. We believe they set out to make a point by striking a carrier otherwise distant to us. Either way, it was a calculated move."

"Okay... any resistance expected at the installation? We're not going up against the Federation, are we?"

"No resistance... not from the Federation at least. Commander Kryik has assisted us with that, but you don't need to concern yourself with that at this stage. We'll keep you updated. However... you need to be aware that taking back control of G.R.I.D and that relay will likely draw the enemy's attention. That's what we want... but we cannot afford to let the relay slip away. You will have support from Tethys, of course, but you will be the first team in."

"Sure. Fine by me. When do we set out to restore the installation?"

"Within a few days. You will run your restore operation at the same time Commander Adair launches her own mission to investigate the location they uncovered. They need to return to Sol... so the preparation to break in again undetected will take time. Commander Kryik is assisting them. We suspect it won't be long now, so you will use this time to brief your team, prepare your ship and load up any gear you need. We'll let you know immediately when Commander Adair is good to go."

"Got it."

"Alright. Good luck, Sergeant."

DATE: 16th of July, 3308 [22:31 UGT]
LOCATION: Earth 33°57'46.3"S 18°24'35.4"E, Sol

Aurora Adair

"Y'know... Commander...? Did you really... have to take us up... the whole damn mountain?"

Groaning softly as she lifted herself up the edge, Aurora slowly got to her feet after a bit of a struggle, turning back as she crouched down and extended a hand. In the darkness, a teal glove extended and grabbed her hand as she pulled her partner up after her, Isabella grunting slightly as she scrambled forward onto the ledge.

Making sure Isa was up on the ledge securely, Aurora looked back down, watching Predator hop slightly as he grabbed onto the ledge and pulled himself up.

"Ah... no help... needed... here. Nope... not at all..."

Aurora chuckled slightly, watching the masked figure get to his feet as he clambered up the ledge. Brushing off the knees of his dark brown flight suit pants, he straightened up and looked between the two, before looking at Aurora, the moonlight catching on his visor in the darkness. He sounded slightly out of breath, much to Aurora and Isa's amusement.

"... Okay. So... how much further do we have to go, Commanders? The shuttle got us so far... then there was the matter of not getting spotted... and then hoping they didn't have security emplacem-... ah, nevermind. You know... it took us a week for this and we couldn't even get mountain gear?"

Aurora glanced down at her right forearm as Predator rambled on, switching on her PDA that she wore strapped over her Maverick suit. The screen lit up to the last thing she had opened, a simple wireframe map showing the contours of the mountain, and marking a specific set of coordinates in the midst of a plateau. It seemed like they still had some way to go.

"I guess... a kilometre or so?"

"Cool. Well - as long as there's no more fuckin' climbing..."

Now it was Isabella's turn to chuckle, shaking her head as she folded her arms and glanced at Aurora, the two meeting each other's gazes.

"Ready to go, hun?"

"Yep. Time to walk, I guess."

Taking her hand, Aurora smiled warmly, and started to walk with her lover along the rocky terrain, minding her step as Predator followed them by their flank. Although it was dark, the soothing, cool light of the moon in the sky lit their way, just barely highlighting the silhouette of the terrain ahead. She looked around as they walked slowly, taking in the scene around them from the height of the mountain.

City lights filled the horizon in the distance, a shimmering ocean as far as the eye could see beyond. The air was pristine with each deep breath she took. It was peaceful... quiet. Just them, as if they were in a world of their own. She figured she was too young to remember the times her father took her, but seeing the view again... even at night... it made all those memories flood right back.

"Wow... this is beautiful, babe."

Aurora just squeezed her hand in response, looking around in silence as they walked. Isa said nothing, knowing the meaning this held for Aurora, the two simply holding hands as they walked along. The sky was clear, the stars above their heads, the reflection glinting in Aurora's blue eyes as she looked up. Isa was right. It was beautiful. Serene, as the wind caressed their skin and brushed through their hair.

"Hey hun~... it's okay..."

Snapping out of it as she slowed down and looked over at Isa, Aurora suddenly realized she was crying, prompting her to quickly wipe her tears aside. She put on a weak smile... even if reliving all those memories broke her heart. She could never have them again. She wanted to remember them all... but it felt like it was so long ago. Now, only a few remained. But... she was so, so tired of crying.

Shaking her head as she took in a deep breath and frowned to herself, Aurora squeezed Isa's hand, releasing it and flicking her PDA online as she glanced down at the map.

"Yeah... it's... it's okay. Thanks honey."

They weren't too far now. Continuing to walk, Aurora took Isa's hand once again and sauntered along with her, taking in the fresh air and the beautiful night. After spending so much time in space, being on a planet in proper gravity was a nice change of scenery... especially at such a prominent, protected landmark. The two could enjoy it together, as Predator stuck to the shadows behind them, keeping an eye out as they walked ahead.

Keeping an eye on the map from time to time, Aurora guided them through the shrubbery, their footsteps gently padded by the grass beneath. They swayed their arms in rhythm with their steps, and for a moment... all her worries melted away. All that mattered to Aurora was the moment she was present in. Just her, and Isabella... on top of the world. A gentle smile grew on her face, replacing her upset from before, as she looked over at her partner and gave her hand a soft squeeze.

"... I love you, Isabella..."

Isa glanced at Aurora, giggling softly as she raised a brow and returned the squeeze.

"Hmm... I know hun... I love you too. You know... this is an amazing view."

"... Yeah. It is. I don't really remember much of... when my father took me here. Basically only that one time... and it was in the day. When that picture was taken."

"The one picture where you were super cute?"

Aurora rolled her eyes and giggled, looking ahead as they continued to walk. Glancing down at her PDA, she checked the map once more. Only a few hundred metres to go.

"Ha... yeah. That one."

Going quiet, Aurora started to reminisce slightly, thinking about the times she spent with her father. She so badly wanted to only focus on the good... except it always seemed overshadowed by what he made her do, and by the situation she was in now. Everything she had been set up to do, starting from when her father encouraged her to join the Navy, had all led up to this, hadn't it? Why didn't he ever tell her what he was doing?

She shook her head, trying not to think about it as they continued to walk. They were here for a reason, and so that was all she needed to focus on right now. And... she had time to enjoy the sights with the love of her life. The last time she might be here again. Glancing over at her partner, Aurora smiled softly, giving her hand a squeeze as they continued on. She opened her mouth to speak as Isa looked at her, but found herself cut off as her PDA buzzed on her arm, beeping twice.

Glancing down at her PDA, she turned on the screen and checked the map. Here they were... an area of approximately 15 metres to search. But all she could see when she looked around was just rocks and flat grass. No markers... nothing of interest sticking out at them.

"Here we are. Well... apparently. We're in the search zone, so..."

"So... what are we looking for, exactly?"

Predator stopped by Aurora's side, looking down at the screen of her PDA.

"No clue but... if it's not on the surface, I guess we're digging for it. So... let's look around for something in this area. Anything kind of sign on the ground that might lead us to... something."

"Like a treasure hunt... Nice. Quite the spot for it too."

Chuckling to himself, Predator stepped away and began to walk ahead into the supposed search zone, starting to look around. Glancing at Isa, Aurora nudged her softly and released her hand.

"Let's split up, honey. See what we can find."

"Okay. Let's see who can find it first~..."

As her partner playfully winked at her and stepped off, Aurora giggled softly, shaking her head with a smile. Looking down at her PDA, Aurora split off into her own direction, following the edges of the search zone as she began to circle around the center of the given coordinates. Her walk was slow as she scoured the ground for any signs - anything that could indicate whatever they were looking for. The only problem was... what were they looking for? Even a 15 meter radius felt like a lot of area to search for an item they didn't know the look of.

Minding her footing as she traversed the rocks and clumps of shrubbery, Aurora continued her search along the rough ground. There was no way they were about to unearth the whole fifteen metre zone, not in any decent amount of time... but maybe they didn't have to do any of that.

Stopping suddenly as she frowned a bit, Aurora looked up and began to scan the horizon, taking in the view of the city, before she turned her focus to the mountain itself, the silhouette of the terrain blocking off the view. Although dark, the moonlight still caught on some of the rocks, highlighting the cliffside ahead. That was right... the cliffside. It was that one in the image. This was the spot where her father took those photos with her.

Looking down as she began to think, Aurora brushed a hand back through her hair, closing her eyes. She needed to remember...

"...-urora, careful sweetheart. Not too close to the edge, oka-...?"

Opening her eyes again, Aurora quickly began to walk forward, stopping a few metres from the edge of the mountain just ahead of her that overlapped into the search zone. She stopped, looking ahead at the cliffside over on the opposite side before she looked down again, taking in her immediate surroundings.

"...-up you get. Steady? Here, look at the camera. There we go! Smile, say c-..."

Walking over to a fairly large, flat boulder right near her, Aurora stepped up onto it, staring off into the distance at the cliff-side.

"...-perfect! Look at you! Careful-careful, don't fall now."

Turning around with her back facing the cliff-side, she looked down, slowly stepping off the boulder onto the flat dirt beneath with a thud.

"...-aha, I got you. Well... one thing is certain, your brother and sister are definitely going to be jealou-..."

"...-e have to go back now, sweetheart. No... sorry... I know you'd like to stay longer, but dad's got work later, okay? We'll come back another t-..."

Getting to her knees, Aurora wiped her tears from her face and sniffled, stuck in her own world as she started to dig at the dirt beneath with her gloved hands, breaking up the soil as she began to carve out a hole.

"Aurora? Aurora, did you find something?!"

She heard the voice of her partner call out, too choked up to answer as she continued to dig deeper and deeper... until her fingers suddenly brushed against something a lot more solid. Footsteps began to approach as she reached in, fumbling as her hands came around a handle. Gritting her teeth a bit, she grabbed onto it tightly and lifted with her knees, yanking a buried case out from beneath.

Standing up with the muddy, dark case in her hands, Aurora started to brush the dirt off, Isabella coming to a stop by her side with Predator in pursuit.

"Well... looks like you found it first, Commander."

"Hun... it's okay. It's okay. You found it."

Clearing her throat as she stepped back a bit and sat down on the boulder nearby, Aurora looked at the case, fiddling with it in her hands as she cleaned off the latches. With a deep breath in, she unlocked the two latches with her thumb, slowly lifting the lid as the case opened up for her to see.

Inside the hardcase, sat just a singular item. She removed it, placing the case aside on the boulder as she examined the item. It was a data recorder, with a scribbled note stuck to its back of seemingly random numbers and letters, and the words "PLAY ME" marked on the front. Isa walked over, slowly sitting down on the rock next to Aurora as she looked down at the recorder.

"Well. I'll... leave you two to it."

With a shrug of his arms, Predator turned away, Predator began to walk off, leaving Aurora and Isa alone. With an arm wrapped around Aurora, Isa gently rested her head against her partner's shoulder, as she fidgeted with the data recorder, her fingers eventually brushing over the media buttons.

"It's okay, babe. One deep breath... and let's play it."

"... y-yeah..."

Taking in another deep breath, Aurora closed her eyes and released it in a slow exhale, before she opened her eyes once again, and pressed down on the PLAY button, listening to the gentle voice she missed so much through the speakers of the recorder.

//::START_RECORDING :: 33071205
PLAY TRANSCRIPT >>> 00:00 |---------- 08:26
Hello Aurora... my sweetheart. It's Dad.

If you're listening to this, I... well... I ran out of time. And... truth be told... that was bound to happen at some point.

:: detecting pause ::

I really wish things were different. I know you do too, sweetheart. I know you probably have so many questions and... I wish I had all the answers. But... I want to tell you a story. So... I hope you'll indulge me.

Back in 3299... you and I... we came to this exact spot atop Table Mountain... where you now found this recording, I hope. Ha... I remember it as if it was yesterday. You were only 16 then. Very much in the 'teenager' stage, haha. You didn't quite want to go that day, you wanted to go to some park or something... but... I dragged you along anyway. It's one of my fondest memories. I wish we could have spent more time together.

But... at the time, I had... gotten myself into something 3 years prior. Something I didn't quite understand. Hell... even now, I'm still not sure I do. I was made aware of something in the Federation. A prototype weapon they were designing. It's of course no surprise that most weapons research is conducted secretly. We, much like the enemy, will do anything to stay on top of any military effort.

However, the majority of prototype weapons tend to never see the light of day. Typically... it's just unique variants of an existing weapon deemed too costly or unnecessary. Most will never pass the testing phase, let alone the design phase. But this... 'weapon', this device... it was something entirely different. New. Hybrid technology, apparently.

Only a few Admirals were assigned to the maintenance of the project, supplying manpower, logistics and combat experience advice, but they were never permitted to see the device physically or to view its full design specifications. I was one of them, and... of course, such secrecy did raise a few eyebrows... but usually it's no surprise with novel technology.

The problem was, as time went on, the ethical concerns of the project became clear. It wasn't just its unparalleled capabilities in electronic warfare, it also was said to have potentially damaging psychological impact on human targets. Naturally... some wanted to weaponize it, but a few of us were clear on our stance - such a weapon was too dangerous to be in the hands of... anyone, really.

We had our doubts that the other Admirals would see it the same way, but it appeared the budget constraints and apparent issues in obtaining the technology for the device were enough to dissuade the top brass from supporting the project. And so... we figured it ended there. That was the last we heard of the project after it was forcibly shut down. It became forgotten, and the research team was disbanded or moved to other projects.

But... I was curious. When it comes to a weapon that could immediately grant you an upper hand in any situation, no matter its disadvantages, I didn't expect it to be dropped so quickly. And I was right. After some digging... I figured out that the research team continued to develop the weapon in secret... leeching resources off the Federation and corrupting the chain of command to prevent ever being found out. They were very good at hiding it.

So, I spoke to a great friend of mine, another Admiral who had been assigned to the same project when it was still officially active. She was as shocked as I was, but promised that she would take it to the top and have the project shut down. I asked her not to mention my name in the report, and she agreed. I'm... thankful she omitted my name... because that was the last time I ever saw her.

That was when I realized the Federation has fallen a long way from its heyday... that they had become corrupt and greedy for power... I just wish I realized that sooner. But I was too deep into it now. I couldn't sit by and let them design that weapon. So I turned to a soldier previously under my command. Captain Adrien Marshall. If you don't know who he is yet... he was the father of Quinton Marshall - the man who started TITAN Contractors.

By involving Adrien into my plan to collect information about this weapon and the new group behind it, I had hoped to add extra links to this... 'chain'... so if I was to be killed, that all hope of exposing the weapon wouldn't be lost. It was clear I couldn't do it alone, but it was also clear that an immense effort would be required to ever bring this corruption to justice.

However, an unfortunate chain of events led to Adrien being dishonourably discharged, and later killed. The public report always said it was a 'pirate raid' during a routine mining operation. But I always knew his discharge was orchestrated, and his death planned. I'm still not sure how it happened... part of me suspects that he mentioned something to someone... and the enemy had their ear to the ground. But I will never know.

I began to fear for my own life. That was when I made the biggest mistake of my life. I pushed you to do what I couldn't, Aurora. And this is the story I wanted to tell you.

When you were young... you were always rebellious. Way more than your brother and sister combined, even! You were a handful for sure... and your mother would always whine about how 'Aurora would never do her chores' or 'Aurora's walking through the starport park again, alone'! Ha... you were quite the explorer too.

But there was a potential I saw deep inside. You were more powerful, more strong-willed than your brother and sister. They never questioned the Federation - hell, they still don't. But you... you had a natural curiosity about everything. You had ambitions. Dreams of something bigger. And I made mistakes. I know I did... with what I made you do. It was wrong.

:: detecting pause ::

I... pushed you to join the Navy, because I wanted you to do what I couldn't ever do. I... I needed to make sure you could pick up where I left off. That you could finish this. But I didn't account for how deep the enemy's influence ran... how much we-... I... broke you.

Your accelerated training that brought you into the Red Hunters was... unexpected. I intended it to happen, but not so quickly. I tried to protect you, and your identity... but everything else slipped out of my control. The Red Hunters went from counterterrorism ops to cleaning up the Federation's mess... EMBER's mess. That was what this 'research group' had named themselves. They were going to kill the entire team when they were done with you.

Then the Red Hunters defected. I didn't see it coming, but they figured out EMBER was tasking them via proxy to wipe out information regarding their weapon, traces that had made it out. In a way, I think it was a test... or an accident... I don't know. Either way, the Red Hunters didn't know much of anything at the time, to be honest... but it was enough to make them want to defect.

When Vance spoke to me - well... you know him as 'Dawn' - he mentioned you. How you wanted to leave when he revealed that the group had been committing crimes on behalf of a corrupt Federation group the entire time. I didn't want the Red Hunters to try take matters into their own hands... due to the risk of them messing it up and making the enemy dig even deeper, but it was hard to convince them.

So... I... I didn't want them dragging my daughter down with them. They agreed to let you walk and... they wiped every trace of you from every Federal database they could. I spent the next two years making sure of that, making sure you were safe. But I...

:: detecting pause ::

I focused so hard on this rising threat, and keeping your identity hidden, that I... I didn't really focus on you. I didn't realize how much it broke you. I was so stuck in my same old ways. After those two years, I reached out to you. By then, Adrien's son, Quinton, had started a squadron. It was the perfect opportunity, I figured, to reach out once again, and continue what I was trying to do. To expose this threat.

And... you were the contingency plan. Always. If the enemy ever figured out Quinton was alive and following in his father's footsteps - which they did - I needed a plan B. Quinton was determined enough to bring whoever took his father from him to justice, and he was willing to give away everything he worked for to make that happen. After all you had done in CSF, and everything you had overcome... we knew there was no person more suitable for the position than you.

All that was left to do was to put in a good word with the Pilots' Federation. Being a Triple Elite Commander has its benefits... though... admittedly that career is long gone for me now. The only thing we didn't anticipate was the enemy recognizing you. Knowing your past. They did everything in their power to try take you down via proxy... but now the gloves are finally coming off. Now that they've manipulated every organisation they could to get to you, to delay this - including the Red Hunters once they had devolved into the Crimson Venators - EMBER is getting ready to face the galaxy, and my time is up.

So... while I prayed it would never come to this... that I would see it through to the end... I needed to make sure Quinton would hand it over to you. I hope he doesn't leave it to you alone, but... no matter what happens, Aurora... you have overcome so much. Don't stop fighting for what's right. These passcodes I have left for you will let you crack it all wide open. You'll know how... and they won't be able to silence you.

:: detecting pause ::

... But... Aurora. I want you to listen to me right now. I don't expect you to be okay with what I've done. I... I hope you aren't. Nobody deserves to have suffered like you have. And I've made many mistakes. My biggest mistake was ever putting you through any of this. For not being there for you. I can't change it, even when I wish I could. And there's so much I've never been able to say to you. I'm so sorry.

I want you to know that I am proud of you. I always have been. The squadron is in such good hands, and they're very lucky to have you. But... I wish I could have been there more often. I wish I was a better father and... said these things more often to you. I wish you stayed longer at your mother's birthday party. I think that will be the... the last time I see you again. Just remember you are a gift, Aurora. I love you, sweetheart... and I will always miss you. You are the strongest, most amazing, beautiful woman I know.

Never forget that. And... definitely don't tell your mother I said that.

:: chuckling ::

... Goodbye, sweetheart. I love you.
PLAY TRANSCRIPT >>> 08:26 ----------| 08:26

... Aurora just sat there, tears streaming down her face. There were so many emotions. So much... conflict. Her hands trembled as she stopped the data recorder, her mind processing everything she had just heard before that same realization came tumbling in... and she gave in.

But all she had the energy for was a soft, pained whimper as she started to cry, her curls obscuring her face while she looked down at the ground.

Isa just sat there, an arm around her partner as she rubbed her shoulder gently, not sure what to say. So... she didn't say anything yet, holding onto Aurora as she broke down into soft, almost silent sobs, punctuated by a sharp, shaky gasp as she lifted her head and looked around, leaning against her lover. Through sniffles, she clumsily wiped her face and stared off at the city in the distance, trying to keep her breathing steady as her face quivered with emotion. It was... just so much...

"... h-how... d... d-..."

"It's okay, babe... just... breathe."

Carefully placing the data recorder back into the hardcase, she secured the lid over it and locked it once more, clutching onto the case tightly as she kept it on her lap, staring at her feet.

"T-... they... f-f... fucking took h-h-... him... from... m-me..."

"I know, hun. That's why we're going to make them pay, okay? We can do this. I know we can. You can."

Nodding as she practically hugged the hardcase, Aurora closed her eyes and leant into Isa, taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. After a few moments, she opened her eyes again and gazed off at the horizon, taking in the fresh air, the stars, the city lights. This spot... it was special. Comforting. She looked up at the night sky, wiping her eyes and gazing at every speck of star, all of them in reach. It was a magical moment... even with the pain she felt inside. There was closure... and an end to all of this in sight.

Cuddling into her lover, she sat there and listened to the gentle whistle of the wind and the city ambience in the distance. It was relaxing... peaceful... even if she would only be able to enjoy it for just a few minutes with Isabella.

After all... they had a job to do.

DATE: 17th of July, 3308 [02:13 UGT]
LOCATION: Unregistered Listening Post, Unknown System

SGT. Rocco Locke, Sabre 1-1

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Sabre 1-1, this is the Katana. Priority message, over.]"

"Go ahead, Command."

Glancing back down the hallway of the relay as he watched the rest of Sabre sitting and relaxing around the barricades and automated turrets, Locke got to his feet, turning to look up at the mainframe of the comms post they were aboard, taking in all the equipment they had haphazardly plugged into it.

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Be advised, Damocles reports that you have an unidentified vessel vectoring for approach on the relay. One klick from docking port Alpha. Dig in and get set for contact.]"

"Well... that didn't take long at all. Copy that, Command. Any reinforcements?"

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[We don't want to spook the enemy just yet. Stand your ground, we'll be there when the time is right. Out.]"

"Alright Sabre, listen up! We got potentially hostile contacts en-route, let's get set! Cover the hallway leading to port Alpha, and remember the R.O.E!"

Grabbing his Oppressor rifle from his suit pack, Locke broke into a quick jog towards the first set of barricades to the left, crouching down behind them after he passed through the doorway leading into the mainframe. The rest of his team took up their positions, weapons at the ready... but it was only the four of them. Helvet by his side... Lionel and Adeline on the opposite. For now, at least. Hopefully... they'd be able to hold their ground.

They waited there in eerie silence, night-vision highlighting the dimly-lit hallway ahead.

"Helvet, switch the turrets to manual engage."

"Copy that."

The turrets beeped as Helvet tapped away on his PDA.

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Sabre 1-1, incoming vessel is rapidly approaching, approximately 500 metres out.]"

"Alright, if we start taking fire, get some shield projectors up over the turrets. Don't want the enemy popping them. Rest of Tethys should come in when the enemy starts pushing in. They'll want to destroy the relay, we can't let that happen. We need to hold our ground."

Carefully peering down the scope of his Oppressor as he braced it against the edge of his cover, Locke slowed his breathing, flicking the safety off. They waited... listening to the occasional radio reports.

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[300 metres.]"


IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[100 metres.]"

"Everyone get ready. Shields up."

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Imminent contact. The rest of Tethys are standing by.]"

With a groan, the structure of the comms outpost shuddered, rattling for a moment as a ship evidently docked to it, quite forcibly. Sabre waited. They were ready.

Tightening his grip on his rifle as he kept the rest of his body behind the barricade, Locke focused down the hallway. Everyone was quiet, their suits shimmering with that typical blue tinge. The tension was palpable... but there was no fear. Not among them. Not anymore.

No. It was invigorating.

Charging footsteps slowly became audible, as the boarders emerged from their ship. The docking port simply led into a t-junction that turned into the hallway Sabre was overwatching. It wouldn't be long now until...

The white skull appeared, etched onto a black visor. Numerous figures emerged from around the corner, blood-red capes billowing behind their dark suits, weapons of various types in hand. There was no mistake. They were here. Locke raised his voice and shouted out.

"Drop your w-...!"

The dim hallway filled with a deafening boom, lighting up with a yellow tracer as the high-calibre round tore right through one of the turrets, the machine bursting into a brilliant display of sparks and fire. The sudden attack made Sabre flinch and duck back behind cover, but there was no further hesitation as they peeked and returned fire.

The hallway erupted into a cacophony of deafening gunfire that shook the walls, high calibre rounds and bolts of plasma chipping away at their improvised barricades. The enemy pushed on, closing the distance rapidly as their shields held up to the punishment, taking cover behind the structural pillars of the corridor. Locke yelled out into his radio, trying to hold the line.

"Hostile contacts confirmed! EMBER is attacking the relay, over!"

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Copy that. Let's box these fuckers in. Tanto and Dagger are en-route.]"

Moving swiftly, Helvet yanked a shield projector from his belt and slapped the top of the device, priming it as he chucked it up next to the turret. As the levelling legs popped out and the projector righted itself, a perfect sphere of energy beamed out from the grenade, covering the turret and Helvet as he quickly tapped on his PDA.

With a beep, the turret activated, pivoting towards the closest, most prominent enemy as its barrel spat out crimson beams, the enemy's shields flashing and shattering under the fire. The mercenary made a dash for cover, a plasma bolt narrowly missing them as they disappeared behind a pillar.


Quickly ducking back behind cover to reload, Locke peeked out once again, trying to get a head count of the enemy as quick as he could, before a close call forced him back into cover.

"Katana, we got about... six... maybe ten hostile contacts here! They're pushing hard! Where's our backup?!"

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Two minutes. Stand your ground! Out.]"

"Ah, fuck. Someone get a disruptor down there, and then frag them!"

Crouching down behind cover as a yellow tracer suddenly ripped through the top of the barricade, Specialist Adeline ducked next to Lionel, fumbling with her kit as she yanked a shield disruptor from its pouch. With a twist of the top, she leant out and chucked the grenade out of cover, watching it bounce and float freely away. The lights of the corridor and their suits flickered as the grenade discharged its pulse, the enemy's shields breaking as their suits went temporarily offline.

As the laser turret scorched at the armor of those exposed, the EMBER mercenaries suddenly doubled back, the large group splitting in half as they swiftly took cover behind the pillars again, disappearing into cover. Grabbing a frag grenade from his belt, Locke pulled the pin and released the spoon, lobbing the grenade towards the closest threat, watching the explosive ping off of one of the pillars before it detonated mid-air, disappearing in a fiery cloud of shrapnel and reverberating throughout the corridor.

No sound or yells came from the enemy. Locke cursed under his breath. Had it hit any of them?


Lionel yelled out as he gestured down the hallway, trying to lean out of cover before that sniper rang out again, the shockwave rattling Sabre as the high-calibre round cut through their last turret, the tracer tumbling as it ricocheted at the end of the hallway, scattering metal and electronic debris alike against the door leading into the mainframe. And then... the hallway filled with a dreadful beeping.

Multiple fragmentation grenades - about four - pinged off their surroundings, ending up behind the barricades as the beeping turning into a unified screech. Locke dived for the equipment they had nearby, grabbing Helvet as he turned his body to face the explosion, grabbing whatever he could to cover himself and his friend.

"Oh shi-..."

The corridor filled with smoke and debris as the grenades ruptured in sequence, the shockwaves fracturing their shields as Sabre huddled up behind their cover, grabbing anything that could cover them. The shrapnel shredded anything it touched, saturating their side of the hallway with tiny, lethal fragments of metal. As the initial explosions subsided... it went quiet. The four brave soldiers of Sabre laid there, covered by metal panels from their barricades, as the enemy began to advance...

With a quiet groan, Locke grit his teeth, shook off the concussion from the grenades, and tightened his grip around the handles of the ballistic shield he had grabbed. There was rage. Fire within. The enemy wouldn't win. No, they couldn't. Not this time.

Locke tucked the shield close to his body and reached back to his right thigh, yanking his Tormentor from its magnetic holster as he rolled forward onto his knees, his groan turning into a rage-filled yell as he straightened up behind cover, peeking the barrel of his Tormentor past the cut-out of the shield.

Through the viewport of the shield, he watched as the enemy raised their weapons, only metres in front of him. But he was the first to fire. The first plasma round from his sidearm shattered the shields of their point man, the second finding its spot in the middle of his visor, his body crumpling. He turned to the next target, the enemy backtracking as he dashed to the right, squeezing off precise shots, missing one before he finally put down his next target. The shield shuddered as rounds impacted it, plasma and laser fire chipping away at the multi-layered mirror coating of the ballistic shield. He could hear the composite layers cracking from the added kinetic fire, the armor barely standing up to the punishment.

Splinters spread across the reinforced viewport of the shield as layers began to shatter, obscuring his view. Tucking his pistol back in, he squatted down behind cover and started to reload, glancing around. Sabre struggled to their feet, grabbing their weapons nearby. They were still in this fight.

Flicking the breech of the Tormentor closed once he had slotted in a new cartridge, Locke readied his sidearm once again and continued to fire as the rest of his team got back into the fight, their suit shields regenerating. Four dark-red suits had collapsed at their feet, the enemy entering a fighting retreat. And then... the corridor lit up from behind, suit lights illuminating them. They were boxed in, as the rest of Tethys arrived, weapons fire cutting down their assailants en-masse. Locke subconsciously acknowledged the team ahead, some charging across the T-junction and heading for the enemy's dropship that docked to port Alpha.

IDENT: {TANTO 1-1} "[Katana, this is Tanto! We're intercepting the enemy at Sabre's pos now. Their dropship is departing, over!]"

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Copy that. We got them.]"

IDENT: {TANTO 1-1} "[Tanto! Push up! Get to Sabre!]"

With the volume of fire and the superior numbers on their side, CSF continued to push the enemy back into the middle of the hallway. Ducking down to mind the crossfire, Locke discarded his shield aside and huddled behind his cover, reloading swiftly before he peeked out once more... but the chaos had finally come to a silence. Blood floated in the air, bodies suspended as if time had frozen. It was over. Getting to his feet slowly, Locke quickly glanced around at his team.

"Everybody good?!"

With a couple nods and groans of pain, Sabre slowly rose once again, staring ahead at the neutralized combatants. Had they won?

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[Enemy dropship destroyed.]"

IDENT: {TANTO 1-1} "[All callsigns. Relay's fucking secure... hostiles down.]"

"... Holy shit... Locke, we did it! We won!"

"Easy with the enthusiasm, Helvet. Let's take a lo-..."

The hallway suddenly erupted in a deafening, combined explosion as something among the bodies detonated. He tried to call out, but it was too late. Cutting Tanto and Sabre off as the shockwave threw them off their feet, shrapnel perforated the corridor and pinged off their shields and armour, finally breaching the weakened structure of the listening post. The structure groaned as it was blasted apart from the shockwave, the atmosphere violently sucked through the new, large hole created in the floor of the corridor. Stuck in mid-air from being knocked off his feet, Locke flailed around to try grab onto something, but it was futile. The decompression sucked him towards the hole as it vacuumed out bodies, discarded equipment and debris, ejecting it into space as if it was confetti.

He watched his team cling onto the barricades, some of Tanto's team falling to the same fate as they were tossed from the outpost out into space. There wasn't anything to grab onto... and so he was next to go.

SUVAS: "Exiting pressurized environment. Low temperature detected."

"Aghhh, fuck! GODDAMNIT!"

Cursing to himself as he entered the void, Locke tried to get his bearings, the radio fuzzing out for a moment before it slowly began to return.

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[...-anto, Sabre. What was that explosion? Anyone? Do you copy? Respond now!]"

Locke shook his head, trying to stabilize himself with the suit thrusters, getting his spin at least somewhat under control. He kept his breathing steady, following his training as he picked a specific spot to focus on, trying to figure out what happened. Did... did the bodies... explode?

"... Katana... this is Sabre 1-1, the... the bodies. Some... some kind of... dead man's switch... on the bodies. Fuck..."

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[What's the status of you and your team?]"

"Unknown. Uh... I mean... they were aboard the outpost. I think they're still there. Shields took the explosion but I've been ejected."

There was a pause.

IDENT: {CCV-KATANA} "[... Copy that. We're tracking you now. Just hang in there, Locke. We'll get you.]"

"Yeah... alright..."

He sighed, looking around at the stars and the listening post in the distance, slowly getting further and further away.

"Ah... not like I fucking got anywhere to go anyway..."


This story is only possible thanks to our squadron and community. Join TITAN Contractors, a diverse and talented squadron, and experience our custom lore and events. This logbook/short story as well as other associated images and story is property of TITAN Contractors, CMDR Radiumio. A massive thank you to CMDRs Isabella Levine, Fallharbor and SpectreKryik for their involvement in the story. Thank you so much for reading!
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