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Time to Upgrade my Gear

30 Nov 2021Darth Wonko
This whole 'space legs' thing is so new to me. Where to start? Exploration? Combat?

Before I set out to do much of anything, I feel like I need to upgrade my suits and my weapons. Maybe I don't. Then again, maybe I do. It feels right.

I think I'll start with farming some mats by taking missions to bring military bases online. I hear that's the way to go.

I started at Rich Terminal in LTT 8190. Unfortunately, the only mission I could find (that was a low threat level) was a simple delivery job to Suh Defence Facility on LTT 8910 A 7 D A. I got there and gave the schematic to the right person and headed back to Rich Terminal for the payout.

I'm doing this in my DBX, which I don't think is the right ship for the job. I might switch over to the Python or even the Vulture so I can pick up some black box or other, more dangerous ship missions.

I've begun to rethink my strategy, which means my DBX is the right ship for the job. Rather than hunt down all these mats, I'll instead find pre-upgraded suits and weapons. I've already found G3 suits (all three). Now, it's time for weapons. Fortunately, the community helps.

My hope is to pick up a TK Eclipse G3 at Washmann Installation in HIP 91805. The Artemis G2 reported there isn't something I need. Unfortunately, it was gone when I got there (but the Artemis is still there).

So, on to HIP 88178 and Illy Platform to see if the TK Zenith G3 is still there. Alas, there is an Artemis G3, but the Zenith is gone. Better luck at Gold Survey? A Eclipse G3 has been reported there as well as at Stephenson Bastion, which I'm trying first. That one has a reload speed upgrade already. If I come up empty, I'll circle back to Gold Survey.

No luck at Stephenson Bastion, although there is a Zenith G2 and Maverick G2 in stock. At Gold Survey, I managed to pick up the G3 Eclipse, which was great.

I've updated the data found in the forums and will continue my search.
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