Logbook entry

Ship Maintenance

15 Jun 2022Rhaazerus
//synchronizing logbook . . .

CMDR Rhaazerus Orzhov
CMDR Log - #023
Star Date - June 15th 3308
System: Sol
Planet: Moon (orbit)
Location: Galileo Starport

Back in Sol again.
I took my time traveling back after helping out with the Golconda out in Upaniklis.
It felt good to be a part of supplying that ship. And getting to hear about those Artificer guys . . . impressive clan.
They seemed to just arrive, work their magic, and then disappear.
It's captivating, to know there are these mysterious nomadic tribes wandering the stars like mythical creatures.
Makes me wish I was born on a dredger like that. That's quite the life.
But, that wasn't the hand I was dealt. It's back to salvaging for now.
Though, I've got a new found appreciation for all the tech I come across, thanks to that dredger clan.
And who knows what else is out there in the black, waiting to be transformed into something new. . .

//File Attachment:
[Audio Log: Ship-Comms: RU-30C - connection:// - Dock 19 - Maintenance bay - Galileo Starport

[Mechanic] Sensors are giving a good reading! Try running the diagnostics again!

[Rhaazerus] Got it. Running diagnostic now.

[Mechanic] . . . hmm . . . Alright! Alright, I think we got it! Cut the engines and power down!

[Rhaazerus] So what are we looking at?

[Mechanic] Well . . . some glitches in your spatial sensors, and your star tracking seems a bit delayed, but nothing to be concerned about.
I'll dial in some of those imbalances in your accelerometers too.
You uh . . . fly this thing near a neutron star or something? . . . Just askin'.

[Rhaazerus] Ha . . . well, uh . . . yeah, actually.

[Mechanic] Smooth one Commander.
So . . . you said you were helping out with that Golconda ship huh? What was it like? You get to see those Dredger guys?

[Rhaazerus] Ha, well I was really just another delivery guy and did system defense for a while out there. It's pretty cool to see that ship getting all geared up for another voyage.

[Mechanic] Yeah but, what about those Dredger guys? You . . . you get to see them or anything? They look like freaks?

[Rhaazerus] Nah. The Golconda crew and those Artificers are both pretty exclusive. Authorized personnel only, ya know?

[Mechanic] Ah, figures. Man, I hear that clan are some real tech wizards. Got that ship all kitted out with an FSD and everything.
I didn't even think that was possible with those old generation ships.

[Rhaazerus] Yeah, they're pretty impressive. I was tempted to stow away on that dredger and ride out into the stars with them.

[Mechanic] That'd be the dream! Well . . . if they didn't eat you or something first . . .
Alright, I'm gonna cut the comms. I gotta do some tinkering here. I got parts getting wheeled over here from section 4 side of the starport.
Why don't ya kick back in the lounge for a while or something.

[Rhaazerus] Copy that. Thanks.

[End Transmission]

//Log end . . .
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