Logbook entry

Back from the woods

22 Aug 2022Rhaazerus
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CMDR Rhaazerus Orzhov
CMDR Log - #026
Star Date - August 18th 3308
System: *redacted*
Planet: *redacted*
Location: *redacted*

Saw the Galnet news all over the planetside spaceport on my way to the shuttle last week.
Everybody that was boarding was talking about it.
The flight announcer was assuring travelers that it was safe out there, though I'm not so sure they even believed their own announcements.

So that Salvation guy did it . . . He fired off his crazy space laser. And it didn't work . . .
All while I was off camping in the woods too. I always seem to miss the exciting stuff.
Now Salvation's nowhere to be seen, his weapon turned into some weird Thargoid-Guardian hybrid abomination, and we have angry space bugs out there swarming like pissed off bees.
I had a feeling his whole plan was a bad idea, but now . . . who knows what he just kicked off.
My guess? There's some giant Thargoid queen bee out there and this Salvation guy just made her real mad.
I hear people chastising all of humanity for this whole thing; calling us a "genocidal species" or that any repercussions will be us "getting what we deserve".
Sounds like a load of self-loathing garbage to me.
I can't blame Salvation for wanting to stop something that seems to be threatening humanity, but he sure did screw up by trying to exterminate those things.
But most of us out here ain't on some extinction crusade against Thargoids, but every one of us is screwed when they decide to blast a station or a megaship somewhere in the black.
The galaxy's a dangerous and beautiful place; these Thargoids, they're just another part of that, like sharks in the ocean.
Well, I guess we'll all find out how they really feel about "us darn genocidal humans" soon enough.
But, there's honestly not much of nothing I can do about it here.

For now, I got back from being planetside a few days ago and I've been dealing with a bunch of busy work on deck with the Squadron Fleet Command guys.
Feels like these guys never sleep, I'm half convinced they're all just androids Commander Deluvian bought to run this carrier.
Gonna be flying out of here soon though.
We've got some logistic and strategic things to take care of for our constituents in the system.
I already miss the peace and quiet of those woods . . .

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