Logbook entry

They're Coming . . .

06 Oct 2022Rhaazerus
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/// Ship ID:  Y3S-7 . . . ///
/// Ship Name: Yeshua. . . ///
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CMDR Rhaazerus Orzhov
CMDR Log - #027
Star Date - October 6th 3308
System: Penef
Planet: Penef A 3
Location: Banks Installation

Green across the board.
Output is nominal. Could use some fine tuning though.
All systems are go.
Glad to see this thing still works.

I had the . . . pleasure . . . of being stationed planetside, at Banks for the past month.
Squadron Command set me up with a nice suite at the starport while I did some miscellaneous work for our constituents.
Mostly just signing off on stuff and meeting with folks, a few shake downs of some trouble makers here and there to keep things exciting,
but overall it was . . . extremely boring.
But, Lennox Trading has settled things here in the system, and Squadron command has seen things go according to plan.
So, I guess we can call it a success.
No more need for lurkin' in the political shadows of the system now. Lennox Trading has set up a new home in Penef.
It was good to get to work with Commander Mors and Commander Deluvian and the squadron. Fine gang of folks.
The credits are well appreciated too.

Though, in a way, it all feels kind of meaningless considering the recent events of the past few weeks.
Saw Galnet as I was gearing up to get back in the ship.
Some lady, that D-2 test subject, just showed up at a conference and started yelling about it being "too late to stop what's coming..."
And the Feds started cracking down on those Far God cult worshipers. I'll bet that cult knows a lot more about Thargoids than they let on.
I can't shake this suspicion . . . that Proteus Wave, was a big mistake.
All of this feels ominous. Too ominous to ignore.
What if . . . they're coming . . . ?

Maybe getting back out there is a bad idea. Maybe I should just power this bad-boy down and hide away here at Banks.
. . . Nah, no way am I going back to those meetings, staring at the time, waitin' for lunch.
I'll take my chances in the black.

//Log end . . .

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