Logbook entry

Scrap Jobs and Shiplogs

05 Nov 2022Rhaazerus
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CMDR Rhaazerus Orzhov
CMDR Log - #028
Star Date - November 5th 3308
System: Sol
Planet: Mars - orbit
Location: Mars High Starport

Welp, been a good month of scamperin' around Sol, grabbing some scrap and catching up with some of the guys back in Mars High.
Old Hosha kept going on at the bar about his glory days as a Federal scout in the Navy.
Meanwhile Joakis was drunkenly rambling about his grand dream of owning a Coriolis station and declaring independence from the Federation as a sovereign colony.
Ha . . . I don't even think anyone's allowed to just outright buy a Coriolis station . . .
Can't blame him for not dreaming big I guess. Just hopin' those dreams of his don't get him killed one day . . .

The Trading Group gave me leave for a while and -redacted- didn't have much going on for me at the time, so I figured I'd head home.
Though, I heard there's some conflicts sparking back up in -redacted- recently.
Hmph . . No doubt, all the political vultures are still trying to squabble amongst themselves and get the next best thing it seems.
Just hope it doesn't end up with me getting a call to suit up and head back already.

Got to stay with Ottis and his family at Mars High for a while.
His kids are really growing up. His youngest one really has some natural talent piloting in the simulations; I bet they'll make fine Commanders soon.
Ottis and I did some scrapping jobs together in the past, and he's been working for the Federal Congress recently.
Mostly just breaking down decommissioned Navy Corvettes or Fed ships and the like, but sometimes we got those calls for a reclamation order.
I've always hated those ones. It always leaves ya feelin' like some worthless thug.
The call usually comes in to go retrieve some ship that was abandoned or hidden away somewhere because the guy couldn't pay.
In the end you're just coming to repo what's left of some poor Fed citizen's life.
It's never some higher up or rich mogul, just the poor sop who couldn't cut it trying to scrape a living together.
He got to talking about some reclamation orders that've been offered recently and wanted me to help him out.

I wasn't hard pressed for creds or anything, but I decided to just get the job done. Just helping out a friend I guess.
Luckily it wasn't worse than the usual sad story. Some guy got his ship banged up while mining and couldn't make the payments.
So he stole his ship back and took it to some scavengers and started pirating to pay them off instead. Got himself arrested and then we got sent to go retrieve the thing, and Ottis broke it down for parts.

Other than that, I tried to avoid too much action in the area.
Joakis' friend Tiber was always a techy, and he let me in on some decent jobs running shiplogs for different companies.
I will do anything to avoid sitting at a desk doing some data-entry job . . . And I mean anything!
But Tiber said all he's gotta do is run some scans and transport the data, and they give him the credits, simple as that.
He also mentioned that while he's at these megaships, he likes to enjoy his hobby of hacking their systems and helping himself to some valuable details.
Says he's only gotten caught twice . . . a real "professional" . . .

All systems are looking good. Leaving Sol now.
I can't help but think about the obvious Thargoid in the room though.
They say those things are heading right for the bubble, and I think at this point everyone knows . . . Something's coming . . .

//File Attachment:

Federal Congress - Sol System: Ship Salvage Reclamation Order
Nov. 02. 3308.
Unit #221043
File Status: Reclamation Approved
Memo: Independent agent R. Orzhov initiated for reclamation task.
All actionable orders are to be carried out immediately in the reclaiming and recycling of Unit#221043 and all assets.
Previous owner unable to complete payments on insurance claim. Federal warrant issued to owner.
Payment upon completion.

//Log end . . .

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