Cmdr Cluster Fox
Mercenary / Researcher
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Cmcs Claymore
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Logbook entry

The Ugly Truth - Engineered war, deception and manipulation

30 Nov 2020Cluster Fox
[Cluster Fox Log – 30 Nov 3306]

Fellow commanders, I must divulge my findings again. This Empire / Federation arms race and « soon to be war » is not what you think. Something is not right in the whole NMLA narrative. When you dig and follow the clues, the findings are quite alarming.

NMLA, Zachary Hudson, Aisling Duval… the chess pieces are all falling into place... and those are all from the same side of the board. The Club's side. Now don’t read me wrong; I despise slavers and could not care less for the Empire; However what is happening now is bigger than allegiance and beliefs.

This whole situation reeks of wall to wall deception, corruption and manipulation.

That NMLA narrative... something isn't right. They are much more powerful, resourceful and organized than initially thought. Suspiciously so. Just as an example, NMLA operatives infiltrated the Eurybia Blue mafia, one of the most notorious criminal organizations, without being detected, allowing them to get blueprints for bombs from Liz Ryder. This is not a small feat that a rebellious cell or wannabe terrorists would be able to pull off without some kind of third party support. This would take months if not years.

On one side, we have the Feds

How the events between Zachary Hudson and Felicia Winters played out is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

First, Winters appears liberal and altruistic by allowing NMLA refugees. Meanwhile Hudson’s popularity was dwindling. Ever wonder why Hudson’s personal friend, Admiral Vincent, got charged for Starship One’s destruction with absolutely no motive?

Then, NMLA allegedly blows up a Federation Starport. The motive fed to the public was to ensure the captured NMLA members wouldn’t talk. That just doesn’t add up! Why would NMLA take months to get the blueprints and create a bomb in order to use it for events that happened in the last few weeks? How could they predict their members would be captured and actually plan to kill them before the fact?

Both eliminating witnesses and terrorists is typically a political and criminal tactic, not a terrorist one. After the attacks, Hudson’s popularity shot to new heights, and the problem of « what to do with the captured NMLA members » was magically gone. That was a false flag attack if you ever saw one.

On the - other? - we have the empire

Arissa Lavigny-Duval does not cooperate with The Club, we know this. Remember Salomé’s story? Arissa basically gave The Club the finger throughout the whole operation. Why would you think the Duvals are the target? This is a coup, and we’re talking at the galactic level here.

Denton Patreus is the biggest link The Club has in Imperial space and Aisling Duval is openly scheming for popularity and power behind her fake smile. Must I remind you Denton Patreus actually framed Salomé? They are both thirsty for the throne. Look at the current events with Hadrian Duval, one day he’s « saved » from an assassination attempt, the next he’s being recommended as a Royal. Hopefully Arissa Lavigny-Duval saw through this one.
Meanwhile, Nova Imperium still carry out their expansion, they will soon be reborn into Aisling’s inquisitors. The idea of a slave-free universe sounds so virtuous that you can almost justify mass genocide in the process. Nova Imperium is nothing but a state sponsored NMLA.

Finally, The Club and their motives

I have evidence The Club has created and planted the NMLA

With the Thargoid’s threat to humanity subsiding, The Club has extra capacity to deal with « irritants ». They want Arissa Lavigny-Duval out. The Emperor is the biggest threat to The Club currently and she does not like to collaborate. More cooperative Imperials would be preferred and the ends justify the means, even if billions of puppets die in the process. The Club. Just. Doesn’t. Care.

Remember, The Club has it’s tentacles everywhere. First, you hypno-condition a few charismatic leaders and make them rally thousands if not millions of people to the NMLA cause. Again, a slave-free universe sounds so virtuous. Then you employ undercover Sirius Corp operatives, known cooperators of The Club, to provide tactical training and equipment. After all, Sirius Corp and many other corporations would find a war very profitable now that the Thargoid threat is lower. This would be nothing but a small investment in the grand scheme of things.

As widespread fears of terrorism increase, so does the tension and the instability of the whole situation. Unstable situations are so much easier to take advantage of. This allows the little pawns from the Federation and Empire to fall into their place. We already have an arms race on our hands, now it’s just a matter of letting them attack each other. Once the war is on, The Club will nudge everything in Aisling’s favour, getting rid of Arissa and leading to a precarious peace.

Welcome to galactic scale civil war

What will come of this engineered war? I predict endless conflict. How many stations and settlements are home to both Imperial and Federal factions coexisting semi-peacefully at the moment? These are all on the brink of war. As soon as the Federation and Imperial frontlines are drawn, the homes of billions of people will be going straight to hell with internal conflict, ethnic cleansing and armed clashes between factions.

All of this in the interest of power. That Club. May they forever burn in Thargoid caustic fluids.

Cluster Fox out.

[End Of Log]
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