06 Feb 2016GI Joey
Commander's Log, 06 Feb 3302:Somehow, I ended up joining the navy. Well, the federal navy auxiliary, anyway... I'm not going to lie, being a Cubeo native, I never thought I'd be finding myself doing something as silly as becoming a recruit, but here we are...
I wonder what that says about my imperial loyalty... "Probably, kid, that you're a greedy bastard who'll take advantage of any profitable opportunity that just happens to drop your way..." I can still hear her flat, earther accent, the mashed down vowels and abrasive verbiage of the eastern American coast.
I'd never have learned to fly like I do now, if not for that "Bostonian cougar" showing me the ropes outside medupe station as a teen and early adult...
Now that's got me thinking other things. Thanks, Angelica... For getting me into the freakin' federal navy...
More later...