Logbook entry


26 Feb 2016GI Joey
Commander's Log, 25 Feb 3302:

Huh. I'm back in Robigo. Surprise, surprise.

The money's just too good to pass up. At the rate I'm going, I'll be able to afford a decent Trade-Conda in a couple more weeks. If I can keep it up. At that point... Buckle and unbuckle parts depending on what mission suits my mood, I guess.

Won't have to smuggle slaves anymore. Maybe the Princess will forgive. Heh. Right.

Least she's better than Torval. Crafty bitch, that one.

It's an odd feeling to have 20 million credits sitting in the bank and still feel broke. I've got more upgrades to make, but I need some goddamned money before I can swing it.

Maybe the Fer-De-Lance was the better ship option after all. All you need is kill, or something like that, right? Stupid novel.

I actually really liked the book.

Maybe I can read it again during the interminable hours I'll be spending in SuperCruise when I leave the Mines tomorrow for Antal space.

Who knows. Time to imbibe far too much Kongan Ale with that pair of twin strippers from Mike's Tavern in Lowtown Robigo Mines. Screw the tower bar, place is a sham.

Sheila and Trixie? Sh... it starts with a Sh... Sharon? No... Shaniqua? No, she's blue, not black... Sharana! Sharana and Tr... Trixie? Trilby, Trim, Tripp, Trina...?

Ah, fuck it. Good night, Commander's Log.

Trynn! That's the one!
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