Logbook entry

Feeling positive. Log entry 2.

26 Jun 2019Mads Gaylynne
I find myself in much better space (pardon the pun) than a few days ago. Mainly because I have accepted my current situation and have set myself the goal of making the best of it. What exactly that entails I still don't know.

I've managed to make my way to some friendlier systems and have been able to make a few credits without any problems. This makes me feel a lot more confident in what lies ahead. I'm still trying to avoid any attention and stick to the sidewinder. This makes  for slow progress but I will go bigger when I feel the time is right. After all, it's not as if I need to be somewhere in a hurry! The Sidewinder definitely doesn't attract much attention and I like that. I'm tempted to spend the credits for a Cobra though...

I slept on the surface of a moon the other night and found it exciting for whatever reasons. I got that "things to do, places to see" feeling and it all makes the future look brighter. As for the past... I'm trying not to dwell on that too much. There are too many blanks to fill in.

So to the future it is! I'm getting a picture of a plan together in my head and it is giving me a purpose to keep going. But first I want to find a moon with a nice view to enjoy with some rest.
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︎7 Shiny!
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