Logbook entry

Do I really need more? Log entry 5.

29 Jul 2019Mads Gaylynne
Jumping between systems in the Cobra has been good lately. However, it does seem like a lot of work some times for little profit. I've had quite a few people asking me why I don't get a different ship and get more profit a lot quicker. Thinking about this got me asking myself, "do I really need more?"  I suppose hauling more cargo at a time does make sense.

The main thing is I like to stay under the radar as far as possible. I don't like attention and prefer not to go around drawing attention. My experience is always that bigger ships with more cargo gets way more attention from pirates and others than me in my Cobra. Yes, I'm still not rich and my profits are small. But I get around and I enjoy the way I'm doing it. Again... do I really need more?

I'll admit there are times that jump after jump after jump for a small fee can become a bit frustrating. The advantage is that I don't get disturbed much while doing this and when I do, the Cobra is so capable of avoiding whoever wants anything from me. I love that part and like zipping away before the other party can react. Yeah, I love my Cobra.

I'm in no hurry to get anywhere and don't need to keep up with anyone else. So why not relax and just do my thing one step at a time? I get by just fine and enjoy good rest with perfect views after each day.

I can't complain and enjoy life like this. I'm a small nobody in this massive galaxy. But so is everyone else. I'm just less easy to notice...

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