Logbook entry

Exploration record - Killerbees

12 Oct 2019Godthab

Planet: 1 A

Having Dr. Martuuk's tailored tune-up on Frame Shift Drive range increase, it has got even easier for this one to hop in and around the bubble of the universe by the new Vicious Serpent - ASP Explorer.  Speaking of which - her surname looks like it is subtly trying to tell people that her ancestors may be originally coming from the huge island of Greenland on Earth, Sol system - this one asked her if she ever tried to trace her ancestors when he was at her Long Sight Base, but Doctor remained silent - probably too busy and focused on modding this one's little black snake.

Well, whatever.

Having completed several long-range jumps this one’s ship body was vaguely illuminated by the purple light coming from Aldhibah, a Class B blue-white stars.  Just like Wolf-Rayet blue stars or light-flowing neuron stars, its cold color engulfs everything in the system.  As the planet 1A was orbiting somewhere close to the star, you could have enough lighting when attempting to land on the star surface.

This one had been perhaps very fortunate, enough to witness the moment both star rise and eclipse were showing up just above the horizon - in the silent world of dawn purple.

Same as Dav's Hope, this planet also had an abandoned settlement.  What was different from Dav's Hope, was the visible damages and dents on the left-off facilities.  There were many aisle blocks having gape open holes on them here and there.  Most airproof doors were malfunctioned or physically broken.  Obviously, no living things would be surviving inside without oxygen.

And still - even in this harsh environment, the log uplink devices were pretty up and running.  There were 4 of them across the facility site.  Getting annoyed by the buzzing sound of sentry skimmers flying in the air, this one drove SRV toward the devices to collect remnants of human inhabitants.

The logs were basically the record of communication between the military general and facility technical engineers.  Things subtly started with the malfunctions of the security system.  The engineers were excellent enough to narrow down the root cause to the skimmer control program which they continued to look into further.  Apparently it did not take long until they boiled the cause down to the anomalous code in the skimmer code, which was not supposed to be there.  What might make you feel a presence of conspiracy, is that the strange code would most likely have been mined in the code before the military unit departed their base to come over here.  Somebody with no doubt tried to control, observe or maneuver, whatever.

The plotter was clever enough to wrap the code with a strong, complicated protection code which the military engineer could not unfold tenderly.  The last piece of the logs had eloquent testimony on the pathetic end of the site.

Emergency. I repeat, emergency.

Security systems are off line.  The skimmers have gone haywire.  Some kind of backup subroutine triggered by adjustments to their control code.  They're operating independently.  All attempts to bring them under operator control have failed.  They are killing everyone on sight.

Please send help ... We can't hold out much longer.

So clearly, those honeybees usually harmless to human, turned into executioner bees to massacre everyone here.  Now they are just hovering around in the site, most likely following a programmed circle path continuously.  No hostile actions can be seen, thus it can be estimated the massacre was an action purely to remove the threat potentially to harm the embedded anomalous code.

Which leads this one to the fact that the plotter, is still watching here in obscurity.  Feeling chills down on this one's spine, he beat a hasty retreat from the dawnpurple planet.

CMDR Godthab out.

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