Logbook entry

Exploration record - California Nebula and Barnard's Loop

12 Jan 2020Godthab

System: not applicable
Planet: not applicable
Place: California Nebula, Barnard's Loop

Not only freelancers like this one, but also many pilots would once dream of visiting Colonia region, a pioneer area of humans located some 21000 Light years away from the bubble. However obviously, it is too reckless to challenge such several ten or twenty thousands Ly conquest without getting yourself used to long-haul flights at all.  Knowing that, this one decided to get his feet wet on a "shorter" long-haul flight.  1,000 Ly or so, perhaps.

Sipping whiskey at a galactic bar this one pondered which region the most appropriate destination would be for him.  Outside the bubble area, he has been to Pleiades star cluster region where he met up with other good number of CMDRs to pay a memorable visit at an ancient ruin.  That was the farthest visit for him so far.
After many times of thinking and thinking, he chose one simple conclusion - to visit somewhere he often see up in the sky.  There are always two prominent red figures you can never easily forget: California Nebula and Barnard's Loop.

California Nebula is located beyond Pleiades star cluster, some 1,000Ly away from the bubble area.  From a distance, it just looks like a small flickering flame. What would it look like when you get very close to it?  Seeing is believing.  After the visit at California Nebula, given his ship gets serious damage underway, perhaps it would be awesome to continue the travel heading toward Barnard's Loop.  By its unique shape, Barnard's Loop is quire well known amongst citizens inhabiting across the universe and this one is no exception.

Engineered ASP Explorer was the ship able to jump 45Ly+ for this one; he took his Vicious Serpent (ASPE) out from the hanger.  With the fuel scoop installed, he departed Shinrarta Dezhra heading toward remote place outside the bubble.  One of the notable things this one learned upon arrival in California Nebula region, was the fact influence of Alliance was obvious.  An Alliance faction called Turner Research Group had a good number of ground stations (research laboratory to be exact) on several planets to work on investigation and research.  Their ground stations had huge astronomical telescope and observatory, which would definitely be an essential facility to enrich their research results.

Another thing this one should highlight would be the number of damaged megaship around California Nebula region.  As there was nothing this one could do due to the lack of rescue related limpets he just humbly visited the affected site to see the ship from a distance.  The first one he saw was a typical freighter type megaship carrying dry containers on its sides.  Ship side hull was badly damaged, revealing the inside engulfed in flames.  No idea if the damage was done by human or non-human existences, but definitely better not to stay the area for a long time so as not to be victimized.

Having taken a good rest at the observatory of Turner Research Group this one set his next destination at Barnard's Loop area and returned his ship to the station surface.  Toward the horizons California Nebula was flapping its skirts, like flame in a fireplace.  It was a magnificent view, which you could never embrace from far away but up close.  

After the departure with blessing from the flame skirts, this one engaged in Frame Shift Drive again and again, heading to Barnard's Loop.  It is nothing special, but the more you get close to the loop through FSD jumps, the bigger the loop gets.  Of course.  Although it is just an outcome of attempt to get close to the target, An unexplainable feeling, something close to awe sprang from his mind.  It might be just him who experienced such a feeling, though. It was as if the growing loop was telling you that you were nothing but a dust in the vast universe.

When you are right in the midst of the loop or nebula it just looks like clouds wrapping your ship completely.  The best way to see the view of them is to choose a decent planet to land near them and look up in the sky.  Before returning to the bubble this one had a chance to see both Barnard's Loop and Witch Head Nebula in the sky, when dropping by on a minor planet near a star.  Enjoying total solitude is one of the gems you can gain when exploring the distant places, but for this one it was about time to stroll in the galactic bar in a station in the bubble, again.  He said his goodbyes at the loop and nebula above his head, then lit off the ship engine for departure.

He found out that 1000Ly trip was manageable.  He now has interest in longer distant trip, remembering the requirements those engineers voiced as a requirement for meeting - "Attain a maximum distance from your career start location of at least 5,000 Ly" - the words were said by Professor Palin and Chloe Sedesi.
Perhaps about time to give it a challenge?

CMDR Godthab out.

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