Logbook entry

Exploration record - to and from Galactic Centre

14 Apr 2020Godthab

This entry is a summary documentation of long-distance tour CMDR Godthab recently completed.

Tour route map

Confirmed itinerary

From the bubble to Colonia (29 Mar - 02 Apr 3306)
29 Mar - Shinrarta Dezhra [Jameson Memorial]
29 Mar - Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 [Omega Mining Operation]
30 Mar - Eagle Sector IR-W d1-105 [Eagle Sector Secure Facility]
30 Mar - Skaudai CH-B d14-34 [Sacaqawea Space Port]
30 Mar - Gandharvi [Caravanserai]
01 Apr - Kashyapa [Vihara Gate]
02 Apr - Colonia [Jaques Station]

From Colonia to Galactic Centre (04 Apr - 05 Apr 3306)
04 Apr - Colonia [Jaques Station]
05 Apr - Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 [Explorer's Anchorage]
05 Apr - Sagittarius A*

From Galactic Centre back to the bubble (06 Apr - 11 Apr 3306)
06 Apr - Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 [Explorer's Anchorage]
06 Apr - Great Annihilator [Two black holes]
07 Apr - Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 [Tranquility's Stop]
09 Apr - Boewnst KS-S c20-959 [Polo Harbour]
10 Apr - Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 [Gagarin Gate]
10 Apr - Skaudai CH-B d14-34 [Sacaqawea Space Port]
10 Apr - Rohini [Eudaemon Anchorage]
11 Apr - Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 [Amundsen Terminal]
11 Apr - Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 [Hillary Depot]
11 Apr - Shinrarta Dezhra [Jameson Memorial]

Tour details

From the bubble to Colonia (29 Mar - 02 Apr 3306)

Massive number of stars, icy satellite research, geyser observation

Highlights: Colonia Connection Highway run, codex discoveries, Colonia sightseeing, another Python purchase

CMDR comments: Thanks to the pioneers who had ventured to Colonia then built the stop-off points, long distance between the bubble and Colonia actually did not drain this one's mental and physical energy too much.  Fact of the matter is that when he felt like it, he would brought his DBX's nose toward a nearby random satellite to land and work on some material hunting for a change.  As he often did material collection on metal-rich type of satellites in the bubble, during this tour he intentionally chose icy satellites to visit to enjoy their cold blue views.

Just as happened to every other CMDR's cases, a shout of victory echoed through the ship when he finally reached Colonia and eventually saw Jaques Station, accompanied by ringed pink planet floating right next to the station.  Before departing to the center of the galaxy, he looked around in Colonia to see many stations, planets and inhabitants.  To establish strong bonds with four notable engineers living in Colonia region, he decided to purchase an another Python to fulfill not-piece-of-cake tasks the engineers offered him. That was for sure a big shopping, but considering the duration ship transfer takes from the bubble to Colonia, which is 61 hours approximately, it was worth investing.  Especially because CMDR Godthab values time more than money, most of the time.

Jaques Station and nearby ringed planet in Colonia, Green Gas Giant in Colonia region, Hayabusa Landing in Amatsuboshi system

From Colonia to Galactic Centre (04 Apr - 05 Apr 3306)

Neutron star embraced by blue nebula, Pink Gas Giant, new finding on rocky mountains

Highlights: unexpected findings of nebula and gas giant, density of stars toward galactic centre, great Sagittarius A*

CMDR comments: Amongst three phases of the tour, actually this phase felt longest for CMDR Godthab. It is probably because there are physically no stop-off places. You've gotta FSD Jump, after jump, after jump, after jump.
As he saw a flickering blue light at a great distance when he was working on FSS scanning, he headed to the light and jumped in the system - then boom, he was in the midst of blue ocean having a neutron star.  It was one breathtaking encounter, definitely.   Having experienced several other astronomical and biological findings, he safely arrived in Galactic Centre, at the station Explorer's Anchorage.

Explorer's Anchorage, Sagittarius A*, Event Horizon

From Galactic Centre back to the bubble (06 Apr - 11 Apr 3306)

Great Annihilator, Traquility's Stop space bar, neutron star

Highlights: Great Annihilator, space bar in green, consecutive neutron stars

CMDR comments: There was one significant change of way of tour between the previous two phases and this third (last) phase.  While he did perform FSS scan in every system hey jumped in(seriously) until he reached the galactic centre, on this journey-home he minimized the frequency of FSS scan.  He also continued to jump until the fuel was almost depleted, then finally he would start fuel-scooping near the scoopable star.  This significantly boosted up the speed of return and the return was completed much faster than he actually expected.  

That said, shortly after the departure from Explorer's Anchorage, he had chances to see two well-known POIs nearby: Great Annihilator and Tranquility's Stop.  Great Annihilator is an extremely unique system, by its fact that it hold two black holes. The one you see right after jumped in the system, would look just like a smaller sized version of Sagittarius A*.  Tranquility's Stop is a kind of entertainment facility and many people recognizes it as "space bar."  For some odd reason, the bar is located right in front of the black hole; however since the system is all look green, the hole should actually be called the green hole, in his opinion.

Another notable experience was that for a good while, he encountered neutron-star system quite consecutively.  Neutron after neutron after neutron.  He finally had to change the jump-to system manually to a scoopable one, otherwise the ship would have to get stuck right in the middle of nowhere of the galaxy.  But the continuous views illuminated by light blue color were phenomenal.

After the area of many neutron stars he also ran through a number of flattering red wings of nebulae, then dropped in at the Black Treasure nebula, then finally brought himself back to Jameson Memorial of Shinrarta Dezhra.

GRU HYPUE AA-A H69, SKAUDAI AA-A H71, Black Treasure

SKOOMA SMUGLLER, CMDR Godthab's Diamondback Explorer

Surface paint on the ship hull was almost all gone by the abrasion damages caused by FSD cruise and jumps.
Poor DBX, but definitely worth it.   CMDR gained Explorer rank Elite on his way back from Galactic Centre, which awarded Triple Elite crest to him.

CMDR Godthab out.

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