Logbook entry

Journal record - Sharksucker

17 May 2020Godthab

G: Hey hey. How's it going?
U: Oh hey s'been a while, I'm good.  Just finished my daily round and chillin' out here.
G: Jesus, you're still keepin' at it. Don't you get bored?
U: Not really. Gotta save up more, my baby's gonna be a big eater.

The other day CMDR Godthab was back to the home station from a long distance expedition for a couple of rich tourists.  As his exhausted body was eager for a beer and some good food he dropped in at his regular bar to grab a Barron's Head brew with a baked-crispy-chicken-wing-taste synthetic meat.  Sipping Barron's Head vacantly looking at the display on the wall airing the recent CQC best match compilation, he noticed a familiar face enjoying his sip of Achenar Blue whiskey on the far side of the circular bar counter.

And then the convo began.  It was CMDR U, one of the few buddies Godthab hangs out with in the bubble and Pleiades.   Buddies gave a lot of sage advises for everything out in the space from how to earn first 1 or 2 MM credit to the recommendations of ship builds for bounty hunting or long-distance expedition; U has his excellent expertise in the fields of human bounty and thargoid hunting and he is always a best source of information related to such activities.   Godthab knew CMDR U started making money out of mining in Borann system well known by its gold-rush state.  Low-temp-diamond rush to be exact.  A good number of CMDRs are staying in and around Borann to get rich quick lately.  Even Godthab himself paid a visit or two in Borann for some deep-core mining, but for him earning bucks from mining is an occasional thing, not regular.  This booming system is also attracting some reckless pirates, and Galnet news is reporting robbery cases happened there almost everyday these days.


Some save money for better ships or parts, others do so to buy an apartment flat in the major station.  As for CMDR U's case, his purpose of regular mining is to buy a Fleet Career and maintain it.  CMDR Godthab learned during his long distance expedition that U's earn finally reached the level enough to purchase a FC, so he was surprised to know U was still continuing with his daily routine - literally everyday.  Buying it is one thing, and maintaining it is an another story - U showed a profound smile after finishing the whiskey.

CMDR U's Corvette shooting down pirates

A Fleet Career is gonna be a big eater, we all know that.  As such, U's buddies including Godthab have plans to support him directly and indirectly - by being sharksuckers for a huge shark.  We will keep the shark's body clean so she can stay shiny.  Gotta have more discussions at the bar or through the comm to think up how to make full use of FC so we can fully enjoy it and recompense U for his efforts.

Godthab left the bar after drying two more glasses of Barron's Head.  U nodded off and started snoozing before the convo ended so Godthab left the counter without saying good night.  Time to get a deep sleep too, after returning from deep space exploration.

CMDR Godthab out.

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