Logbook entry

Exploration record - Dazzling light: second attempt

01 Jun 2020Godthab

Planet: 2 A

It simply surprised this one that it has been already nearly 9 months since he had his first experience of this kind, but anyway, he was fortunate enough to have his second opportunity to visit the thargoid structure ever since he had been to the same kind back in September 3305.

CMDR E, coordinator of the entire tour

CMDR E is an experienced flight leader of the flight under the new squadron CMDR Godthab belongs to since recently.  With his expertise and knowledge on locations and destinations across Pleiades sector, he and his buddy prepared and developed this plan, which was to introduce an aspect of the mystery and wonder of thargoid technology to those who were curious about everything. This one was no exception of such, so he raised his hand and so did several others.   CMDR E and his buddy sent an information package to the participants in advance, to clarify essentials of the tour - System, planet, specific coordinates and GMT time to meet-up.  This one was just back to Shinrarta Dezhra when he received the package via his ship's com system; he then soon switched his ship to Skooma Smuggler - his Diamondback Explorer - without dropping in at a pub nor bar in Shinrarta to wet his thirsty throat, and straight headed toward Pleiades sector although it was too early to go to the meet-up location for the tour.

It was completely pitch-dark when CMDR Godthab arrived at the designated meet-up location, so he carefully parked Skooma Smuggler on the flat ground close to the thargoid structure first.  No other participants including CMDR E had arrived at the place yet. There were still 9 or 10 hours to go.  So he decided to move back to the living sector of DBX, to take a shower, then grab something eat and drink.  He enjoyed a pack of synthetic meat in a form of barbecued chicken, with 2 cans of Barron's Head beer before he took a short nap on the couch.  Engine off, lights off.  Time to take a rest.

Thargoid scavenger

Several hours later.
A constant bleep bleep sound from the panel on the wall of living sector woke this one up.  The panel is to bleep whenever something new happens in the cockpit.  This one got up from the couch to head back to the cockpit.  The bleeps were from the panel of scanner and comms panel. The scanner shows a couple of others already arrived nearby; on the comms panel the navigation of CMDR E and his buddy for the participants were already going on.

Having found out others parked their ships much closer to the structure than this one, he turned on the ignition to slightly shift the ship position so it could park in the same locations as others.  He got on the SRV to go on to the low-gravity hopping drive to join CMDR E, his buddy and other participants.

It was not until CMDR Godthab noticed something unknown and eerie was floating around them - not one, but several.  "Don't shoot 'em" - CMDR E reminded all the participants, shortly before this one press the "turn on" button of SRV turret.   As CMDR E taught everyone that getting too close to those flying goid coelacanths could make them quite irritated, the participants drove back to keep a certain distance from the nasty fishes.  They were something CMDR Godthab had never seen before in his first visit to the goid structure.  Probably it was thanks to the tour leaders' pre-arrangement at that time for the harmless fragile tour participants.

Inside the structure, again

Guided by CMDR E through the comm most of the participants were inside the structure.  It looked dark, spooky, and organic just as CMDR Godthab saw in the structure on a different planet.  It appeared the structure of "the structure" was same, whichever it was on different planets in Pleiades.  Inside, the tour team ran into floating scavengers here and there.  In the center core room the scavengers surrounded one of the participants and started biting her SRV.  CMDR E suggested her perform self-repair quick, and gave green light to shoot them down.  Her SRV was in danger of total breakdown, but she managed to survive.  This unexpected incident pulled up everyone's socks I should say.

Thargoid link
  • Thargoid Link
  • Thargoid Probe
  • Thargoid Sensor
CMDR E instructed the participants to acquire each one of these inside the structure, to "wake" the centre device. Putting each element into the device pods was not an easiest task to complete; this one had this feeling that turning the guardian device on would be much easier than this procedure.  The device seemed to be extremely position sensitive to accept the elements.  This one tried to put one of three elements into a pod, to no avail.  He found himself very miserable at doing this type of task successfully, so he trusted CMDR E to squeeze them into the pods.  This one is telling you, that CMDR E's patience on this was simply outstanding and exceptional.

And finally, such surreal webs of lights came down onto everyone's SRV front glass.  The show started soon after the three elements were successfully connected to the centre device, by going up toward the centre core device.  Everyone there was silent, breathless and just followed the spectacle from a distance. "This one has no idea" - CMDR Godthab thought seeing the light show.   His images of savage goid interceptors or scouts, and what's going on right in front of his eyes, really could not coexist.  Apparently this place seemed peaceful except for the presence of scavengers which was possibly taking a guard role. There found no secret treasures nor rare resources in the centre core.  For what purpose this device stands here?   Why the procedure of the ritual is this super complicated?

The show was over before CMDR Godthab finished counting the number of question marks popped up inside his mind.  Perhaps he should check out the library data built in the ship system to learn further about the mystery of Thargoids if he wishes to know more.  There should be a good number of keys to understand the mystery in the library data; if he wants to know further, more precise data should be available to purchase in some huge high-tech stations out there.  

But CMDR Godthab's attention was already shifting to other matters after showing his appreciation to the hospitality of CMDR E, saying see-ya to others then leaving the location to go back to the bubble. Over the past few weeks he empties too many cans of Barron's Head beer in the ship.  About time to taste other types of drinks at the bar he thought.  A glass of Old Sol - or Cubeo Gold would be nice.  Preferably with a bowl of limited synthetic garlic shrimps.

CMDR Godthab out.

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︎9 Shiny!
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