Logbook entry

Journal record - Summoned from 17,000 light years away

20 Jul 2020Godthab

Imperial Cutter cockpit

Planet: N/A
Place: Pirate Activity Signal

Time always flies fast. Already a month has passed since this one departed the bubble heading toward the outer rim region, onboard one of the squadron Fleet Carriers.  Means that, the last experience in the conflict zones were already weeks away.  This one used to solo dive into high-intensity combat zones to gain credits and was starting to consider solo Interceptor Cyclops hunting seriously.  Taking part in a long journey by fleet carrier with no doubt meant being away from civilization - from noble births down to random rogues, outlaws and pirates - so it was needed to double-confirm himself as to if it was really all right to stay away from combat activities for a while.   A good while.

With all of the above said, however, it didn't mean this one had no means to keep his combat skill up, even still far in the outer rim; first, everyone can keep training by utilizing CQC Championship combat simulation operated by Utopixx Entertainment.  This one has been no ally to Federation (nor Empire nor Alliance) and will not be, but he had to admit this simulation system was best as a training.   He must admit that after leaving the bubble, he has been having more time in CQC when he is off-duty in the carrier, than when he was in the bubble.   Most of the time he tends to be beaten hard, but sometimes he is fortunate to gain victory.

CMDR B driving her Cutter

Another mean to keep your combat skills up, can also enable you to keep catching up with your buddies, families or friends no matter how far away you are from them - which is, to utilize Holo-Me technology.  Every once in a while, freelancer or hunter buddies of this one contacts him through the comm and if he is not on-duty as a carrier crew, he happily joins the cockpit of their ships by telepresence technology.

Last weekend, it was CMDR B, a freelancer who summoned this one to her precious Imperial Cutter. Another buddy, CMDR U was also summoned by her and appeared in her Cutter cockpit room slightly later this one's arrival.   CMDR B had plan to go on a pirate hunting and two summoned commanders were expected to support her via Multi-Crew system.  "I'll reward you with a hundred dozens of beer bottles of your choice," she winked to two other commanders when she sent out a request video message to them.   Well, both couldn't refuse when she asks.  And beer always rules.

CMDR U summoned to CMDR B's Cutter

CMDR U is a quiet, laid-back type of good guy whom this one is secretly calling as "the Immortal."  He is a man who survives, even in certain-death situation . As far as this one can remember, he has never seen CMDR U's ship shot down.  This one is pretty confident that he is capable of rapidly ranking up CQC championship ladder, though he has not very much into it.  Maybe, someday.  This time he and this one went on the combat operating SL (Ship-Launched) fighters around the Cutter, which had enormous thick shield around it.   While CMDR B was taunting and irritating pirates, CMDR U and this one stung around like two bees.  The team hunted down a good number of pirates, and this one gained nice juicy cut from the participation.

Pirate hunting

Still not determined when to go back to the bubble - as the experience through fleet-carrier journey has been worth a lifetime experience. For the time being CQC and Telepresence technology seem to be two good methods for the carrier crew including this one for a change, when he's done Tritium mining and exploration just too much.

That's all for today.

CMDR Godthab out.

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