Logbook entry

Exploration record - FC Expedition summary: great refuel, path to the Outer Arm's End

31 Aug 2020Godthab

This entry is a periodical summary documentation of expedition CMDR Godthab is currently participating in.

Expedition route so far

Confirmed itinerary

(Itinerary from departure through Heart & Soul Nebula arrival)
(Itinerary from Heart & Soul Nebula into Formidine Rift towards Kepler's Crest)
02 Aug - Sphuenns DE-K c8-0
02 Aug - Hyueths HS-H d11-5
08 Aug - Gongae QW-L c24-0 [Dreamer Blush]
08 Aug - Crab Sector DL-y d9 [Station X]
10 Aug - Monkey Head Sector DL-Y d64 [Monkey Head Nebula]
13 Aug - Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59 [Rosette Nebula]
13 Aug - Jellyfish Sector FB-X c1-5 [Jellyfish Nebula]
16 Aug - Cyoidai ZT-Z d4
22 Aug - Groerld HL-P d5-1
22 Aug - Dryau Aec JF-A d11 [DSSA Reginleif]
27 Aug - Lyed YJ-I d9-0 [Amundsen's Star]
27 Aug - Leech TG-Y d8
29 Aug - Hypoea Drye WB-B a68-0
30 Aug - Leerld VD-Z c27-0
31 Aug - Phrae Drye WS-I a105-0

August was the month of reunion, farewell and new encounter for Blodeuwedds Branch.  The carrier completed her sail in the Formidine Rift and entered Kepler's Crest, yet another outer rim region of the Galaxy. Blodeuwedds met the fine apes of the Silverbacks in  Station X in Sanguineous Rim to get massively refueled by another Fleet Carrier traveled all the way down to Station X from the Bubble.

The crew of Blodeuwedds had a chance to enjoy reunion with other apes of the squadron in and around Crab Nebula, where the Station X was located.  Meanwhile, commander IAN, whom BB ran across in deep Formidine Rift in early July and shared time and experiences on the route toward Station X had made a big decision - to return back to the Bubble.  Blodeuwedds bid farewell to The Hapax, CMDR IAN's carrier and wished his safe path back home.  New fortunate encounter meant the opportunity to get to know the great crew of DSSA (Deep Space Support Array) #30 Reginleif.  DSSA Reginleif crew and BB crew have been having close communication up until today.

DSSA Reginleif insignia

Transportation by

Fleet Carrier Blodeuwedds Branch (JHZ-6TZ)
CMDR Godthab is onboard Blodeuwedds as an afternoon-shift (GMT) crew.

Tour details

Dreamer Blush, Crab Nebula

Green Gas Giant with rings, also known as Dreamer Blush

Station X - an asteroid station in Crab Nebula area

Reunion with a squadron mate near strange colored gas giant

Highlights: Enjoying view of GGG, reunion of other squadron members from the Bubble

CMDR comments: To drop in at Gongae QW-L c24-0 was a personal request of this one to the carrier captain, although later carrier reminded him that the visit to the said system was originally in the schedule of the route toward Station X. It was the first GGG (Green Gas Giant) this one had a chance to see in quite a while, after he saw Radioactive Green in Col 285.  It was not a surprise that a fleet carrier was anchoring between the giant and inner rim of the asteroid rings there.

The last time the carrier crew had a chance to visit asteroid stations was back in late June when Blodeuwedds was still in Heart & Soul Nebula, so visiting Station X was a good chance to cash out all those codex data, which was collected here and there over the past 1.5 months.  The captains of Blodeuwedds and another carrier of the squadron from the bubble had had a lot of meetings to weave out efficient schedule of refuel process in advance and thanks to it, other crew non-related to the actual works of fuel transfer, had a good amount of time to look around and scout.

Best moment for this one was when he was fortunate to meet up with his same-batch mate, in Crab Pulsar system.

Trip to three famous nebulae

Monkey Head Nebula

Rosette Nebula

Jellyfish Nebula

Highlights: Visits to three notable nebulae in a limited amount of time

CMDR comments: on the fleet carrier's way toward Crab Nebula the bright milky way was always within sight of the crew.  Barnard's Loop was showing itself as a small arc in the dense stars; next to it, several nebulae were always trying to make their presences known to all those who look toward the centre of the Galaxy.  They were Jellyfish Nebula, Seagull Nebula, Monkey Head Nebula and Rossette Nebula.  This one had no hesitation to decide to visit Monkey Head upon arrival in Crab Nebula, since it was just less than 20 FSD jumps (roughly 1100Ly) away.

This one had several minds though, when considering to visit also other nebulae.  They were the ones also seen from the Bubble side of the Galaxy beyond Barnard's Loop, but a little too far away to visit casually from the Bubble side.  First, he decided to abandon visit to Seagull Nebula, as it was also a little too far away to access from Crab Nebula side.  Then he calculated the distance between Rosette, Jellyfish and Crab.

From - ToDistance (Ly)Jumps
Crab Nebula - Rosette Nebula2,880.9447
Rosette Nebula - Jellyfish Nebula1,612.8126
Jellyfish Nebula - Crab Nebula2,238.4237

Having confirmed that all three routes needed less than 50 FSD jumps, this one decided to do another quick trip to Rosette and Jellyfish.  To make sure he didn't forget to inform captain and the bridge about his trip and estimated return time so that he could avoid being left out alone.

While Monkey Head had a fleet carrier in it only, Rosette and Jellyfish had asteroid stations - which were New Beginning and Beta Site.  It was a bit of this one's surprise that Rosette Nebula had a kind of medical facility - which obviously should be very important to maintain good physical and mental conditions of commanders working or exploring deep in the outer rim regions.

Learning the structure of the Galaxy

CMDR comments: This one never cared about this sort of stuff, but he gradually learned from captain, the bridge, and other crew about the difficulty of deep space expedition.  He once thought if you got an exploration ship with a good length of FSD jump you could literally go anywhere in the Galaxy, from Sagittarius A* to the very edge of the outer rim regions.  Which was wrong.   He learned that the dense areas of stars were in shapes of whirlpool, and while you were in star dense areas it's easy to route plotting, the sparse the stars become, the harder you consider your route.  You may still be all right if next stars were within the reachable range with the help of FSD-supercharging or FSD injection through material synthesis, but if those couldn't be of help - you literally hit a dead end.

After refuel project completion and departure from Station X the carrier was to sail the Outer Arm Vacuus to the direction of Xibalba, heading toward the pinnacle of the Outer Arm. With 500Ly hyperspace jump range of the fleet carrier, people now have more opportunity and freedom to venture into unknown region of the galaxy; that said, since generally stars tend to be sparse in outer rim regions, captain and the bridge had to pick the route very carefully.   It was this one's another surprise to know that even in the deeper rim of the Outer Arm, there were small areas such as Exteriores Australis that had much more density of stars than surrounding regions.  It was great of the bridge's decision to drop by in Amundsen's Star, the most southern system from Sol currently reacheable.

Other wonders of the Outer Arm Vacuus

Very rare types of rings seen in Gongue NR-C d0

Gyre trees seen in Amundsen's Star

Insanely numerous number of rare materials

CMDR comments: People may estimate the days in the outer rim would just be boring or depressing, but it would probably not the case of this one.  Gyre trees were said to be a kind of space oysters but they had to conjure an image of dead Thargoid Interceptor's skeleton to him.  Most recent surprise was the findings of rare materials on a satellite of a system in Exteriores Australis - there were countless numbers of shards which had unbelievable amount of Yttrium.  It didn't took much time to collect this rarity-4 material to the maximum capacity(150).

In September 3306 the carrier is scheduled to enter Xibalba, yet another outer rim region.

CMDR Godthab out.

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