Logbook entry

Exploration record - FC Expedition summary: The Arm's End run

12 Sep 2020Godthab

This entry is a periodical summary documentation of expedition CMDR Godthab is currently participating in.

Fleet carrier route and personal fleet (ship) route

Precise jump record of personal fleet

Confirmed itinerary

06 Sep - Eocs Aihm RR-F b11-0 [Start]
07 Sep - Jongoae OX-L d7-0 [Lone Runner]
07 Sep - Jongoae SX-L d7-0 [Notable Stellar Phenomena]
07 Sep - Jongoae UX-L d7-0 [Notable Stellar Phenomena]
07 Sep - Jongoae MI-B d13-1 [Hansel]
09 Sep - Hypi Aed MA-A d0 [Gretel]
10 Sep - Hypau Aec IO-Z d13-0 [Goal: DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill]


In early September 3306 the fleet carrier Blodeuwedds Branch bid farewell to Kepler's Crest region and entered Xibalba region, the third outermost rim region the carrier has ever set her foot in during the expedition. The first waypoint BB anchored in Xibalba was Eocs Aihm XX-U d2-6 where one of the DSSA ships DSSA Aristarchos had got settled several months ago.  From around this sector the expedition team's next waypoint - in other words the biggest objective - was to reach the very end of the Outer Arm Vacuus where another DSSA ship of the region, DSSA Explorer's Bar and Grill / The Arm's End had started its operation also earlier this year.

The distance between where BB was and the Arm's End was roughly less than 5,500 light years. This was not a short length, but obviously nor hopelessly too long to travel for a fleet carrier with maximum 500 Ly hyperjump capability either. At this point, the carrier captain and the bridge presented two options to all the crew onboard as to how to get to the farthest frontier gourmet facility: (a) proceed the FC till the Arm's End, or (b) venture across the last leg by each one's personal fleet(ship).

Star density shown with sectors (data from E:D Astrometrics)

The option (b) was chosen as the majority of the crew dared to challenge it. In addition to DSSA Aristarchos there was another fleet carrier around Blodeuwedd's anchoring location; however between this starting point and goal there was definitely no carriers nor asteroid stations, no useful oasis offering repairs, restocks or meals, so each crew had to prepare well to make extra sure they didn't fall into troubles throughout the lone travel.  As shown on the map above, in the beginning things shouldn't that hard while in Eowyg Aihm / Eock Phio sectors, but route plotting had to become harder and harder after entering into Jongoae / Dryua Phoea then Hypao Aed / Hypoi Hype sectors, as the density of stars dramatically dropped which forced every venturing pilot to route plotting manually per jump; and eventually to consider the use of FSD injection which was not a must while in the dense-star sectors.

With no loose ends the carrier captain departed with his personal fleet as the last one after having checked the departure of all the challenger crew; he was cautious enough to load repair limpets and fuel transfer limpets in case of serious troubles the crew might run into - to rescue them from their stuck situation. Several crew had lost their SRV or received a certain damage on their ship hull, however fortunately all the crew had made it to the Arm's End. Definitely this was one of the most memorable experiences Blodeuwedd's Branch crew ever had during the expedition this time.

Transportation by

Personal fleet Skooma Smuggler (Diamondback Explorer)
FSD jump capability without FSD boost: 66 light years (with full tank of fuel)
Availability of FSD injections before the trip: 130+/110+/50+ (Basic/Standard/Premium)
- low inventory of Polonium, Arsenic and Niobium was a concern.

Tour details

Lone Runner

CMDR comments: in Jongoae sector (where the trip started to get tougher) there were a number of POIs known through various database, so this one determined to take a look hopefully at all of them though the stocks of FSD injection was a little concern. Jongoae OX-L d7-0 was a branching point to head to POIs in two different directions.  This system was well known as having a planet orbiting a system star at an unbelievably fast pace. This one approached the site and recorded the planet's move which didn't turn out to be in a best quality, so instead of introducing the mess here he would like to quote the pioneer commander Han Zulu's good quality record here.

Gyre Pods and Gyre Trees

Gyre Pods and Gyre Trees near the star

Two different types of Gyre Trees in one same area

Aurarium Gyre Pod | Viride Gyre Tree | Aurarium Gyre Tree

Highlights: Confirming a good number of Gyre entities in a certain limited area

CMDR comments: From the branching system Jongoae OX-L d7-0 this one first headed to Jongoae SX-L d7-0 and UX-L d7-0 which were reported to have a number of notable stellar phenomena signals. It was not the first time this one confirmed Gyre trees as they were seen in Amundsen's Star also; however down here they showed him variety of their types. While Viride type Gyre trees was in a viridian color, the newly seen one Aurarium type was more in yellow-gold color, shining in the reflecting light from the nearby star.  A certain number of Gyre pods (seed pods of Gyre trees) were also floating around the trees - Gyre pods in the photos might look pretty large but actually they were much smaller ones than trees.  Caution was required when approaching Gyre pods since the gas surrounding the pods were reported to be toxic and corrosive. No significant damages on the hull and system of the ship were confirmed after the approach to the pods, though.  This one might just have been fortunate.


Gyre Trees and Lindigoticum Silicate Crystals

Gyre Trees and Lindigoticum Ice Crystals

Highlights: Confirming silicate and ice crystals for the first time

CMDR comments: It was not only Gyre Trees and Pods you could confirm in Jongoae SX-L d7-0 and UX-L d7-0 systems; they also had a number of crystals also seen in notable stellar phenomena signals.  While Gyre species looked very organic and alive, these inorganic materials were just floating and seemed to be non-harmful.  Both silicate and ice crystals were accompanied by Gyre Trees.  The ship temperature dropped as it approached ice crystals but this was a fully expected phenomenon since ice crystals were clothing themselves in chillness.

Hansel and Gretel

Hansel (Jongoae MI-B d13-1)

Gretel (Hypi Aed MA-A d0)

Red giant up-close

CMDR Comments: 'Hansel and Gretel' are the systems having an extremely big red giant as their main star. Having returned from the survey on Gyre species and crystals to the 'branching' system, the next route to take was to proceed the path having these two notable systems.  The bigness of the giant star was obvious when seen on the data of Universal Cartographics.  These were the last POIs before resuming difficult route plotting toward the Arm's End.  

DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill

Three stars near DSSA ship

DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill insignia

Highlights: Nice drinks, various choices of non-artificial foods, great views outside the carrier windows

CMDR Comments: This one cannot forget joy welled up within him when jumping in this very last system of the Arm's End and confirmed the presence of DSSA ship - after countless times of FSD jumps from the start point.  Especially the star sparseness of the last several hundreds light years was so massive that almost for every jump he had to consider, estimate and calculate which type of FSD injection would be sufficient to jump the gap.

DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill was located some time of supercruise away from the FSD jump-out point and notably surrounded by three stars, including two brown dwarfs closer to the carrier.  This one was one of the last ones arrived onboard and calming down his complaining starving stomach he strolled around in the carrier to check the available services.

In addition to the basic facilities available onboard such as livery, tritium depot, shipyard and whatnot, DSSA Explorer's Bar and Grill had - as her name told it - a good number of eating or drinking places such as restaurants, bars and cafes across the carrier.  Quite surprisingly they had stocks of both alcohol and non-alcohol beverages; while cafes were serving coffee and tea with several choices of synthetic sweets(e.g. chocolate-bar, cinnamon sticks), bars were offering beers, liquors and even a limited selection of wines. At some bars equipped with robust fire-protection system even smoking was allowed.  Through the windows of several of such bars the inside was visible from outside; hazed by smoke and people were enjoying indulging in tobaccos after a long trip in their fire-ban ship.  As this one didn't smoke he dropped in at a smoke-free bar and enjoyed a couple of selections of beers. Not bad at all, for a bar located this far remote place of the galaxy.  He wondered what the logistics would be like to realize the operation of all these eating and drinking places.  There must be unknown businesses untold to maintain all of these.

Most of the restaurants were located in the outside hull area; this was probably to secure the views outside the carrier window for the visitors.  This one visited one of the restaurants famous for their meat dishes (so they said, at least on the signboard outside the entrance) together with some commanders he got to know at the bar.  What they offered was not in the shape of synthetic food cartridges, but substantial traditional foods served on plates.

Sirloin steak with sauce of balsamic vinegar and red wineMedium rare, also with boiled spinach with butter and baked potatoes
Signature bacon and cheese hamburgerWith french fries and salad
Grilled beef fillet with mushroom cream sauceWith crispy roasted sliced garlics

This one took sirloin steak.  Other two guys went for hamburgers and beef fillet.  The big muscular commander, one of those who I met at the bar, ordered two dishes of hamburgers, looked like he really loved it.  This one was rather a slow-eater and munched every bite, appreciate the juiciness of the meet as well as its combination with the sauce.  Another guy ordered beef fillet and he shared the roasted garlic with other commanders as the amount served was way too much to finish for one person.

The feast lasted till past midnight (the restaurants onboard were open 20-24 hours) and it didn't take long time till the commanders fell asleep in each rent-cabin afterward including this one.  He spent a couple of days onboard checking the bars, cafes and restaurants here and there before he finally made up his mind to start preparing for the return trip.  he felt very reluctant to leave the DSSA, but he was aware he was not supposed to be this end-of-the-world paradise forever.

Near the Arm's End there was this Hypao Aed YD-K d8-0 system, known as a green system offering every raw material for FSD injection synthesis.  He scheduled a visit at this system to build up inventory, especially of Niobium, Arsenic and Polonium so that he could pass over sparse Hypao Aed and Jongoae sectors without too many difficulties.

CMDR Godthab out.

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