Logbook entry

Exploration record - FC Expedition summary: Return to the Bubble

25 Oct 2020Godthab

This entry is a periodical summary documentation of expedition CMDR Godthab has participated in. The last entry of the expedition held this time.

Expedition route from Arm's End back to the Bubble

Confirmed itinerary

(Itinerary from departure through Heart & Soul Nebula arrival)
(Itinerary from Heart & Soul Nebula into Formidine Rift towards Kepler's Crest)
(Itinerary from Kepler's Crest re-enter via Station X toward Xibalba)
(Itinerary of the Arm's End run to reach DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill on personal fleet)

13 Sep - Eocs Aihm KR-Z c27-0
14 Sep - Jongai ML-Y d0
16 Sep - Jongai YK-P d5-0
22 Sep - Hypao Aewsy DF-R d4-0
23 Sep - Phreia Hypa WE-B a68-0
23 Sep - Haffner 18 LSS 11 [Skull & Crossbones Nebula]
30 Sep - QY Canis Majoris [NGC 2362]
01 Oct - ALS 299 [Thor's Helmet Nebula]
03 Oct - NGC 2682 FBC 3456 [Cancri Cluster]
04 Oct - HD 76133 [Anaconda's Graveyard]
21 Oct - Shenve [Witch Head sector]
23 Oct - Leesti [CMDR Godthab's carrier disembarkation completed]

After having spent first half of month for the Arm's End personal fleet run, Blodeuwedds Branch finally entered her last long-haul sail; the return leg to the Bubble in the second half of month in September 3306. For the captain and bridge, one of the last hurdles was to explore the route to cross over Perseus Fades; crew were advised to stay onboard and as a matter of fact the star distribution fell sparse during the crossing, which dramatically restricted every crew's scouting possibility of nearby systems.

Having completed successful crossing of the Fades, Blodeuwedds Branch continued sailing at a higher pace toward the Bubble. On the plotted route the carrier stopped by in several notable nebulae and clusters, including Skull & Crossbones Nebula, NGC 2362, Thor's Helmet, Seagull Nebula and Cancri Cluster. A brief last stop was made in Witch Head Nebula where recent Thargoid attack was reported, then the carrier returned home. The expedition duration turned out to be a little longer than 4 months, with start on 14 June and goal on 23rd October 3306.

Transportation by

Fleet Carrier Blodeuwedds Branch (JHZ-6TZ)
CMDR Godthab was onboard Blodeuwedds as an afternoon-shift (GMT) crew.

Tour details

Return from the Arm's End

Viride Gyre trees and ringed brown dwarf star

Viride and Aurarium Gyre trees in the asteroids

Highlights: Last visit at Gyre species habitat in the Outer Arm

CMDR comments: While it took almost 5 full days for this one to reach DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill in the Arm's End, the duration of the return leg was shortened to 3 days majorly because the worry of run out of premium FSD boosts was no more and those injections were able to be used repeatedly. One regrets left on the outward run was that this one missed the visit in Hypao Aed ZJ-a d0, one of Gyre species habitat systems so he stopped by in the system. Both Viride and Aurarium type Gyro trees' presence was confirmed.

Skull & Crossbones Nebula

Nice view of ringed Class IV gas giant nearby with Skull & Crossbones Nebula behind in Haffner 18 LSS 11

Material collecting on ringed 4.  Nearby ringed 3 seen behind 4's ring

Ringed Y red dwarf

Highlights: Beautiful views, SRV race on an icy satellite

CMDR comments: Skull & Crossbones Nebula was one major waypoint originally in the carrier's plotted route after crossing over Perseus Fades. The system Haffner 18 LSS 11, one of neighbour systems in Skull & Crossbones area had a lot of picturesque locations throughout the system, as such off-duty crew enjoyed scouting and exploring in the system more than usual.

Meeting up on a high ridge of geological signal [32] of satellite 13A

Ready, steady....

Also a crew meet-up was held on the surface of an icy satellite with lots of edgy ridge quite suitable for the tumbling-down race.  SRV races were followed by canyon races on a small-sized zippy combat fleet and every crew tried to shoot down the fleet operated by the carrier captain. Had very fun time.

Thor's Helmet, Seagull Nebula

Seagull Nebula from a distance

Thor's Helmet Nebula from a distance

Highlights: Visits at asteroid stations and anchoring fleet carriers

CMDR comments: This was a nice opportunity especially for this one, as he pondered and cancelled his idea to quick-visit Thor's Helmet and Seagull when Blodeuwedds was in Crab Sector and those two nebulae were in the so-so reachable range from the side of Rosette Nebula and Jellyfish Nebula. The visits in these two meant this one's having no regrets as he completed visiting almost all of notable nebulae located in the Outer Arm.

Cancri Cluster

Ultimate Destination: Anaconda's Graveyard in HD 76133

Crystalline cluster: full of Yttrium paradise in 2MASS J08511564+1150561

A projection found in a satellite crater in NGC 2682 YBP 285, 7AA Geological Signal [4]

Highlights: Climbing up to HD 76133

CMDR comments: This small cluster of stars was located high up above the general traffic level of the galaxy and it wasn't until the bridge announced Cancri as the carrier's next waypoint that this one learned such a cluster existed at such a high altitude level.  According to the carrier database Cancri Cluster had been know as one of the hardest place to reach before the fleet-carrier era began, because commanders had to prepare themselves for challenging one-way route utilizing FSD boosts and neutron-supercharged jumps to climb up to Cancri, while there was no way getting out of Cancri on a personal fleet.

With a couple of FSD boosts BB crew made it up to HD 76133 where 'Anaconda's Graveyard' - the ultimately final destination of the expedition team who crashed their valuable Anacondas down into the surface of a satellite.  Shortly after the arrival in Cancri the carrier had run into several mechanical + interweb related troubles and malfunctions which pinned her down in the cluster for about 3 weeks, but it was a nice opportunity for the crew to scout through every star in the area to collect mapping data.  This one also welcomed this opportunity to top up raw materials here and there in the cluster.


So this is the end of the Outer Arm Expedition 3306 planned and completed by Blodeuwedds Branch captain and crew. A certain number of crew finished unloading their fleet, parts, livingware in the carrier cabins, whatnot, and returned back to where they belonged to in the Bubble.  CMDR Godthab also bid goodbye to the crew and captain before he left the carrier in Leesti, for now.  He may take part in an another expedition to somewhere else in the Galaxy in the future, but for the time being he seems to focus on sorting out tasks and works piled up during his absence from the civilization.

On a final note before ending the report, CMDR Godthab likes to show his deepest appreciation to Blodeuwedds Branch captain Junagu, who opened the door to the unknown world of the Galaxy for him.

Entire expedition route map, slightly simplified (data from EDSM)

CMDR Godthab out.

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