Logbook entry

FC journey diary 034 - New beginning - Core Regions 3307

05 Feb 2021Godthab

System: HR 6235
Planet: 7
Place: Ringed Class IV Gas Giant

Having managed to purchase several uncommon food cartridges to put into personal fleets before the expedition start, this one completed final preparation for the long voyage including all the transfers of fleets and outfitting parts onboard Blodeuwedds Branch. A fleet cabin space was allocated for each crew and boxes of personal housewares had been already delivered to each one's cabin. At the entrance of this one's cabin, just a couple of boxes were waiting for the arrival of their owner. This one dragged them in the cabin room, snapped catches open to confirm the contents.

- Clothes
- Towels
- Shoes both for onboard FC and personal fleets
- 2 tablet computers for cabin use

That's basically majority of the contents in the boxes. You don't have to prepare room furnitures (bed, sofa or business desk) as cabins are adequately furnished. Those goods have to be push into adequate stowage spaces, but - first things first. A good rest.

HR 6235 system

By the time this one woke up the carrier had already departed the Bubble. Blodeuwedds anchored in HR 6235, a unique system having Class-B luminous blue-white one as its star surrounded by lots of ringed gas giants. The gas giant right close to the career was a huge red one. Most of other crew had already jumped in their own fleet to start exploring.

Moon 7A, HR 6235

This one jumped in his old good DBX to head to a moon nearby as the captain and other crew appeared to be gathering down there. Had some time down on the moon ground driving SRV to "socialize" with other participants. After having spent a couple of hours on the moon this one headed back to the carrier to finish his afternoon work.

System: PRAEA EUQ VP-M C21-1
Planet: 1
Place: Green Gas Giant (Green Glory)

Blodeuwedds continued jumping, getting away from the Bubble little by little. On the next day the carrier was staying in a system in Praea Euq sector, known by the presence of Green Glory - a Green Gas Giant. When was the last time this one had seen a GGG? - yes, it should be back in the last year, in early August when Blodeuwedds were heading up in Kepler's Crest toward Station X. The Dreamer Blush in Gongae QW-L C24-0. That one had mixed colours of green and purple, but this Green Glory ... looked fully gloriously vivid green.  TFS Quantum Harmony, on the expedition together with Blodeuwedds, was anchoring near Green Glory. This one dropped in at TFS for a couple of repair works and to say hello to TFS crew there.

Planet: N/A
Place: Spiral Planetary Nebula

Not far away from Greeen Glory - roughly less than 800Ly distance - a planetary nebula was confirmed so this one then jumped to the nebula. KN Muscae was the exact location, but as a wise man once said "planetary nebulae are best to be seen from outside," this one enjoyed the view of the nebula clouds from one of the nearby system.

Planet 1

System: CD-43 9005
Planet: N/A
Place: Retina Nebula (IC 4406)

Next morning this one found himself in an another system, roughly 1,650Ly away from the previous anchoring location. It appeared the carrier had made 3 consecutive jumps. The morning-shift crew seemed to have departed for scouting already. The very system Blodeuwedds was anchoring had a Wolf-Rayet class star, hence the planetary nebula - the Retina Nebula looked purple color lit, just same as everything else in the system.  Especially ringed Planet 1 looked like a black pearl, when having the star light right behind.

The bridge had been extremely busy over the past few days sice the departure. Now that the team were over 1,500Ly away from the Bubble, the departure frenzy was over and things seemed to get calmed down slowly. Still, the life in the carrier seemed different from the last expedition; you see someone eating meals or chatting with others all the time whenever you go to the carrier canteen. There seemed to be low risk of suffering from depression issues as the sectors on the route so far always had dense stars, not sparse, hence the space looked not in pitch-black but slightly-lit.
This one checked the itinerary in the cabin. Confirmed the carrier was planning to go on some consecutive longer jumps very soon. Heading to the direction this one had never been to before. Let's see what's awaiting the expedition team's arrival up there.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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