Logbook entry

FC journey diary 035 - Time to fly alone - Core Regions 3307

10 Feb 2021Godthab

Fleet carriers are capable of proceeding max. 500Ly per jump. Even if you always stay onboard, drinking all day long in the canteen you can still go forward on the route. But that would be a little too boring.  On the outer arm run of Xibalba in the last expedition, three of us challenged return-tour to and from DSSA Explorer's Bar & Grill, which forced us to consider usages of jumponium in certain occasions because of the extreme sparseness of systems. A tough challenge it was, but eventually all three had made it without any critical troubles. Which was fun and informative also. This one thought it would be about time to go on to a personal fleet run; slotted himself into the cockpit of DBX then departed from Blodeuwedds.

Route plan

The plan was to go high up above where the carrier was anchoring, to the system known as "Blacklight." then proceed toward CD-50 8073 aka NGC 5307 planetary nebula, and finally fly down toward Bleia Dryoae UV-C c29-52 which was defined as the 3rd waypoint of the expedition. This one calculated leg length and jumps required.
  • BLAU EUR BP-A C13 --- SCHAIKAEI XJ-H D10-1 (Blacklight) 28 jumps / 1,806Ly
  • SCHAIKAEI XJ-H D10-1 --- CD-50 8073 (NGC 5307 Planetary Nebula) 44 jumps / 2,375.46Ly
  • CD-50 8073 --- BLEIA DRYOAE UV-C C29-52 27 jumps / 1,758.39Ly
All three legs less than 50 jumps respectively. So long as the jumps are less than 100, it is not a big deal. DBX Skooma Smuggler departed from the carrier landing pad.

System: Schaikaei XJ-H d10-1
Planet: N/A
Place: Blacklight

The first checkpoint, Blacklight, had a Neutron star as its system star, giving everything nearby a blue-lit makeup. Both two planets in the system had a ring. This one landed on the one closer to the system star. Raw materials were found, but his raw-mats inventory was already filled up. After a good length of rest he departed the planet surface to head to the next chechpoint.

System: CD-50 8073
Planet: N/A
Place: NGC 5307 Planetary Nebula

NGC 5307 Planetary Nebula welcomed DBX with its bright-purple Wolf-Rayet star light. Nebula clouds were in a vivid red and green, making the scenery look like getting trapped in a monster's stomach. As NGC 5307 didn't have a landable planet, moon or satellite, this one jumped out the nebula to move to the neighbour system for camping. Having parked DBX on the top of a small mountain in a planet crater this one turned the engine and light off to have a short sleep.
Having gotten up he found himself in a dark shadow. Looked like the star was now on the other side of the planet. He pondered for a while to decide whether to stay around NGC 5307 to wait for the expedition team's arrival, or go forward. He decided to proceed further and ignite the engine.

One highlight about this going-down route was a series of opportunity to find undiscovered Earth-Like Worlds and Water Worlds.

SYRALAEI RC-C D183Water World
BLO EUR GC-B D14-292Earth-Like World
SYRALAEI ZN-B D125Water World
SYRALAEI ZN-B D12 6Water World
SYRALAEI DE-B D142Earth-Like World
BLEAE EURL WN-X C28-271Water World

Planet 2

The last 27 jumps had been finished before this one knew it. Expected the presence of some random fleet carriers, but there was completely nobody. The icy planet 2 had very unique thin rings around it, and there were more ringed planets within the sweep of the eye. But planet 2 was not the one making this system known; it was Planet 3 - as it was counted as a Glowing Green Gas Giant #15.

Unlike "Green Glory" GGG here did not look like a GGG very much - actually at all. This one flew closer to the planet and checked the gas clouds of the giant keeping the altitude.
The green gas was barely visible in a spot where brown gas was faded and dark-brown gas was strong. A very small green ... stain was observable.
Finally this one decided to wait for the carriers' arrival here. Until their arrival he should have plenty of time to scout around in the sector.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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