Logbook entry

FC journey diary 036 - Reunite - Core Regions 3307

11 Feb 2021Godthab

A9A Water World in BLEIA DRYOAE LA-C D14-78

So the time for scouting had begun until the arrival of Blodeuwedds Branch at the waypoint. This one decided to fly low-latitude so flew several hundreds down below the level the waypoint system was located. Star systems were not sparse down there; lots of stars were found and in this one's preference he hopped around in the systems having O/B/A Blue-White stars. No luck to run into a Wolf-Rayet. Amongst the systems visited, two water worlds were discovered and one of them - A9A, a moon of A9 satellite looked outstandingly blue. Not very common color of Water World, it was.

BLEIA DRYOAE LA-C D14-78A9Water World
BLEIA DRYOAE LA-C D14-78A9AWater World

Random ringed moon

The combination of moon and rings never made this one bored as always.

1B moon in BLEIA DRYOAE UV-C C29-52

Had a camp on the surface of 1B moon in the waypoint #3 system looking up at the neighbour moon. In the meanwhile, Blodeuwedds Branch and TFS Quantum Harmony were sailing forward on the route, TFS slightly proceeding ahead of BB. Upon hearing the announcement of BB bridge this one learned the carrier was approaching roughly 500Ly+ away from the waypoint. He departed from the moon to make 5 jumps toward the system BB was scheduled to arrive in.

Blodeuwedds Branch porting in Thaila DO-I C26-21

And there she came. This one docked his DBX onboard the BB and finally cashed out the stocked system-scan data which turned out to be over 30 million credits equivalent. Paityn Medina, the carrier Universal Cartographics manager looked very pleased receiving a lot of data in one go.

About time to re-reviewing the upcoming route and waypoint ahead. The team is going to say hello to the first DSSA ship during this expedition.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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