Logbook entry

FC journey diary 038 - Longer solo leg - Core Regions 3307

18 Feb 2021Godthab

Solo leg route plot

The expedition carriers - Blodeuwedds Branch and TFS Quantum Harmony were still anchoring in Hawking's Gap abandoned sites sector. A couple of new participamt commanders seemed to start catching up with the carriers departing the Bubble with a delay. Commanders in the main team had been into various kinds of activities: middle or short-range personal fleet scouting, raw material collection on the moon/satellite/planet surfaces, adjustmens of personal fleet parts, repairing, mining, whatnot.  
Junagu and Michael, two captains of the expedition carriers had been busy discussing over the future leg routing. Having Dryman area in-between, the whole schedule held two very long-distance legs having more than 10,000 Ly distance respectively when proceeding up along Circinus transit and when diving into Norma Arm turning to the core direction from the Dryman Ridge.
The next waypoint #5 was where we would see the second DSSA ship of the whole schedule - DSSA King's Pass. Distance between #5 and current location was a little less than 6,500Ly, 98 jumps equivalent if on this one's engineered Skooma Smuggler, DBX. Looked not too far away, so would everyone else who had gained business access with the famous Prof. Palin or Chloe Sedesi. So this one determined to go on to the solo run again, but before departing the carrier he pulled out Earthgore, a Python for mining from the hangar bay then headed to ringed Planet 3 gas giant in the same sector to collect Tritium. It had been a good while since he did Tritium-mining for his buddy's carrier in the Bubble. One of the main crew of the expedition, commander Scy was starting to organize several sessions of group Tritium mining which this one would miss the chance to take part in during the solo run. Although the captains had let crew know the carriers already had sufficient amount of Tritium, sufficient enough to reach the Core, yet each crew wanted to contribute to the carrier operation and this one was no exception of such.

Working on sub-surface displacement mining

As always, he loaded approx. 80-90 limpets in the ship, arrived in the asteroid rings then mined 200Mt+ Tritium primarily by sub-surface displacement missiles; secondly by mining lasers. 200Mt+ donation raised the level of carrier fuel at Tritium depot from 67% to 87% which made Iris Montgomery (the depot manager) happy. This one told about the solo run plan to her while waiting for the completion of Tritium transfer at the depot waiting room. She said there should be a lot of undiscovered things across the route and wished him a safe trip.
Through the Galaxy database it was confirmed there were three minor POIs on the route.
  • SLENGUIA LC-V E2-4 (Leviathan's Lair) holding a planetary nebula, black hole and Class-A star
  • TRA X-1 (X-Ray Nova) holding a triplet of black holes
  • BLEIA HYPE IC-T C4-0 (Dark Pink Hyper) holding a dark-pink colored gas giant
Route plotting was done including these spots. The latitude of X-Ray Nova was much lower than other POIs as well as DSSA King's Pass' location, so the route shape turned out to have downs and ups.  Total 98 jumps might look a lot, but by dividing it into roughly 25 to 30 jumps per POI, the burden did not seem extremely heavy.

Planetary nebula whole view

Skooma Smugller exploring in green

Facing a blue-white star

System: SLENGUIA LC-V E2-4
Planet: N/A
Place: Leviathan's Lair

Leviathan's Lair already started to show its luminous purple-blue-green colors when approached one or two systems away from it. Jumping into the system let this one realize that the system was completely filled with light green color, just like he experienced when visiting Tranquility's Stop bar near the Core or spirograph nebula in Barnard's Loop. When arrived in, what's in front of the visitor's eye was a black hole (it looked like a green hole specifically, though) and in addition to that, a blue-white star was shining approx. 23,000 Ls away from the hole.

Skooma Smuggler near black hole A

Something eerie gazing at you

DBX near black hole B

System: TRA X-1
Planet: N/A
Place: X-Ray Nova (Three Black Holes)

Next this one safely arrved in X-Ray Nova. Took closer looks at Black Hole A and B as orrery-wise C was a little too far away fro A and B. Surprising enough, in this far remote place out in the space there was a tourist beacon along with Beluga Liners full of tourists. The reflection of light from the Milky Way far away made eerie yet interesting abstract shapes around the ship just like all the other black holes' lens effect would do.  When in X-Ray Nova I had a comm call from commander Matteo Vann, an another participant of the expedition. Cmdr Matteo let this one know that he was actually also in X-Ray Nova at the moment, though two commanders seemed to be flying too far away from each other in the system. A coincidence.  Having wished him a safe run onward this one jumped out to continue the run.

Getting close to a pink rubber ball

Looking down on a pink rubber ball

System: BLEIA HYPE IC-T C4-0
Planet: A3
Place: Dark Pink Hyper

DSSA King's Pass was getting closer and closer. In the next POI, a log of Gas Giants were confirmed and all Class III gas giants had asteroid rings. Amongst them A3 Class III was known as it had unusually dark pink color. Indeed It had. This one what other color types of gas giants we could possibly find We had seen ordinary brown or mocha, rare green or purple, here pink.  Would there be yellow, orange ones?

Ringed ELW whole view

An another ringed planet barely visible far behind

Polar region up-close

System: BLEIA HYPE LJ-G D11-25
Planet: 2
Place: Earth-Like World (ringed)

Just like the cases in the past, this one mapped Water Worlds and Earth-Like Worlds every time he found those ones in the systems jumped-in aiming to gain good credits afterwards. Water Worlds had been constantly found from time to time, but it had been a while since he found an undiscovered Earth-Like World, and this time it appeared with a big thin ring. A nice surprise during the solo leg this time.
List of discovered Water or Earth-Like Worlds:

FLYDOE PHIO PO-A B46-12Water World
EIFOLS NV-T C17-2 / A4A4Water World (ringed)first mapped only; first discovered by SKESIS
BLEIA HYPE GU-R B20-1B1Water World
BLEIA HYPE JY-H D10-383Water World
BLEIA HYPE LJ-G D11-252Earth-Like World (ringed)
NUEKEA AB-V D3-19AB1Water World

Looks vaguely green-ish...doesn't it?

Flying up close to her face
System: NUEKEA AB-V D3-19
Planet: B1
Place: Class V Gas Giant with a hint of pale green

Another this one's own finding during the run was this Class V Gas Giant. Its color was basically light-mocha, but it looked extremely slightly light green. At least it had much more green color spirit than the one the expedition saw at WP3.  To confirm the actual color up-close this one flew close to the giant surface.  When seen up-close, the gas giant looked more white-ish, but a hint of light green did exist there. This one recorded her as his own first-discovered (light) green gas giant, and mapped her surface details shooting a lot of probes.

DSSA King's Pass anchoring near a moon

System: NUEKEA RP-M D8-161
Planet: TBC
Place: DSSA King's Pass (FHH-7QZ)

DSSA King's Pass insignia

Finally this one arrived and docked onboard DSSA King's Pass. The green and white colors of the carrier reminded him of his buddy's fleet carrier anchoring in the Bubble, which was named after an imaginary legendary snake.  All dents got repaired, ship surface re-polished, emptied a couple of beer glasses dry, then fully stretched out on a carrier cabin bed. Phew. Time to take a little rest.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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