Logbook entry

FC journey diary 040 - High latitude research - Core Regions 3307

25 Feb 2021Godthab

AB3d uniquely ringed icy planet of BYUA AED IC-L d8-36

The next plan of research around Waypoint #5 DSSA King's Pass, was to check the higher latitude sectors above the DSSA carrier anchoring location. The latitude (layer) structure of the sector was confirmed as follows:

LowerNUEKEADSSA King's Pass anchoring latitude
This one's research plan was to scout BYUA AED and BYUA SCHOE sectors.

Repetitive ringed planets - example A: BYUA AED PD-S e4-0

Repetitive ringed planets - example B: NUEKUIA PT-Y d1-53

Many ringed planets or stars in the same system
While traveling from Nuekea up to Byua Aed sectors this one came across a lot of systems having numerous numbers of ringed gas giants or brown dwarf stars. This was not something only observed here but also everywhere else, yet the encounter rate was the level this one wanted to make a quick note of.  Some such systems had zero or almost zero moons; others had many moons per each ringed big one respectively.

PGG - Planet 1 in BYUA AED BV-G D10-269

PGG - Planet 2 in BYUA AED LI-I D10-25

PGG - Planet 1 in BYUA SCHOE WZ-G D10-5

Pink Gas Giants in higher latitudes
Might have been another coincidence, but several PGG, Pink Gas Giants started showing up in Byua Aed and Byua Schoe systems. PGG would not be very popular compared to GGG Green Gas Giants yet this one had been keeping records of first discovery of them during the expeditions. What should be highlighted was that all of PGGs found this time were Class III type.

Territory of Neutrons and White Dwarfs in highest latitude
The star density started dramatically falling when past 1,500 Ly up above the DSSA carrier. The star was getting more and more sparse and the choice of route plotting less and less.  This time this one flew up approx. 2,100 Ly above from where he departed, and at that level the systems having Neutron star or White Dwarf (DC) star started prevailing. An interesting tendency.  Having an eye to the fuel left this one collected data of those high-latitude blue-white color lit systems.

WWs and ELWs found during the research
A good number of Water Worlds was found especially in Byua Aed sector. Just before returning to the DSSA, two Earth-Like Worlds showed up as if they were greeting this one's return.

BYUA AED HQ-P D5-201A6Water World
BYEIA AED LK-Q B5-10A4Water World
BYUA AED ZZ-G D10-38B6, B7Water Worldfirst mapped only; first discovered by GOOCH_A
BYUA AED PI-J D9-64Water World (ringed)
BYUA AED ND-I D10-384Water World
BYUA AED EX-I D10-44Water World
BYUA AED CC-J D10-164, 5Water World
BYUA SCHOE VU-M C21-0D6Water World
BYUA SCHOE LD-Q C19-0DEF1Water World
BYUA AED OZ-M D8-76Water World
BYUA AED JX-K D8-76AB5, C6Water World
BYUA AED LS-K D8-145A7Water World
NUEKEA NZ-M D8-1555, 6Earth-Like World (both)

This is the end of the report of high-latitude research done this time.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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