Logbook entry

FC journey diary 042 - Toward Dryman - Core Regions 3307

14 Mar 2021Godthab

From DSSA ship to WP7

It's been a while since two fleet carriers, Blodeuwedds Branch and TFS Quantum Harmonic departed WP6 Circinus Pulsar. Prior to the departure from the Pulsar, two captaions of each fleet had a short discussion over the route plots for one of the two longest legs in the whole expedition plan. It appeared they didn't need much time to make a decision, which was to split the routes into higher and lower latitude. TFS started to jump at the higher sector levels while BB proceeded on the lower sector levels.

4D ringed Icy in EOCK FLYI PP-E C12-3

This one was again a little too occupied by the communications with several business partners in the Bubble to spare a long time for the longer scouting; he remained in the carrier cabin to sort out such to-do things for a while after the two carriers left the Pulsar.  During the work break though, he tried to jump in the Diamondback Explorer's cockpit to explore around Blodeuwedds as much as the time allowed him to do so.  One of his targets to achieve was to fisrt-dicsover a system with a Wolf-Rayet star; however this seemed to be a tough goal to achieve as even an an already-discovered one, a WR star was hard to find. He was not giving it up yet, though.

What he did not realize in the last expedition to the Outer Arm was the fact that White Dwarf stars and Neutron stars were relatively prone to be found in groups at the very highest and lowest latitudes. He came across most types of White Dwarf stars in Norma Expanse and only two left undiscovered for him were DAZ and DBZ type.
After he was finally freed from works and communications in the cabin, he resumed jumping on his DBX flying ahead of BB. More than 10K light years leg looked hopelessly long, but by dividing it in a number of shorter runs it turned into something manageable.

The presence of DSSA Glomar Explorer in around the middle of this long leg was a good support to him to access repair and cartographics data services. He also tried a climb-and-dive type of scouting above and below this DSSA ship.

Blodeuwedds Branch near 6F + 6G binary Water Worlds in CHANIAE AA-A H64

Next timing this one reunited with BB was in CHANIAE sector. The expedition leading career was anchoring near unique binary Water Worlds, orbiting very close to each other.

CHANIAE RT-R E4-3, a characteristic system with a Herbig AE/BE star

In addition to the finding on White Dwarf and Neutron stars' distribution trends, what this one had been fortunate was the discoveries of young Herbig AE/BE stars. This one is telling you, that he did not run across even one single Herbig AE/BE in the previous expedtition. This time he already had more than one chance to find one of them as a first discoverer.  Also one C-N star was seen, its first discovery had been taken by an another commander though.

EOCK FLYI YU-P E5-1Herbig AE/BE star
YOQA HH-V F2-1Herbig AE/BE star
YOQA XF-F D11-0C-N star (first discovered by Nathan Ex)
OOB AOSCS WE-R E4-5Herbig AE/BE star (first discovered by The_Biscuit)
OOB AOSCS EG-Y G3Herbig AE/BE star (first discovered by 3-eyed Wren)
CHANIAE RT-R E4-3Herbig AE/BE star

Sector layers having DRYMAN sector in the middle

In the meanwhile he arrived in Waypoint #7, where TFS was already resting her wings.  Several other particpants were already in the system, some were onboard the carrier, others arrived on their personal fleet just like this one did.  Research team already started working on measuring the size of DRYMAN sector, which was unable to access without an appropriate permit.
This one also had plan to join in the research soon, but before that ... cold beer and wine were needed to wet his dry throat at the carrier bar.  

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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