Logbook entry

FC journey diary 043 - Around Dryman - Core Regions 3307

16 Mar 2021Godthab

Neutron supercharge jump

It has been a while since this one reunited with Blodeuwedds Branch and eventually reached the expedition waypoint #7, EOL PRUAE KV-E c28-25 - "outer coat" area of permit-locked Dryman sector - also called as Dryman exclusion zone. The fleet carriers had been anchoring right outside Dryman so that the captains and several crew could work on the special project in a most efficient manner.  

Dryman sector sphere (map: ED Astrometrics)

Thanks to the efforts by the expedition teams who had visited the sector with a strong will, the approximate shape of Dryman sector had already been visually sketched out. It was not in the shape of sandwich fixings but more of a sphere. The team put their efforts to record to the visited systems right outside Dryman so that the resolution of the sphere could be higher.

This one did not participate in the sphere measuring team but headed out to north-western sectors from WP7 to pay visits at Planetary Nebulae.

ZUNOA SY-A e0 Planetary Nebula

First Nebula was located in ZUNOA SY-A e0 system. After dropping in at PHROOE FLYUAE QE-Y d1-44 system this one flew 1,780.61Ly toward this Nebula jumping 27 times which was a piece of cake. A small blue dot gradually got bigger and bigger as the Diamondback Explorer approaced the system.  Figured out it was a blue colored type nebula.

System: ZUNOA SY-A e0
Planet: N/A
Place: Planetary Nebula + Black Hole

Upon arrival in the system this one realized it had a black hole close to the hyperspace jump arrival point. Its pale-pink color was mixing with blue Nebula clouds which reminded this one of the scenery of TRAIKOA FL-P e5-4 aka Black Treasure he visited months ago on a solo run.

System: SCHREANG PD-B e24
Planet: N/A
Place: Planetary Nebula + Black Hole

Next Nebula was located in SCHREANG PD-B e24 system which was a little less than 1,900Ly away from ZUNOA Nebula, which needed 29 jumps to reach.

This Nebula also had a black hole and showed this one a kaleidoscope show of Andromeda shining far away from the galaxy in pale-purple color. That was another specutaclar scene to experience.
He returned back onboard BB after the visit of these two Nebulae and did a couple of quick round-trip type longer runs as his training of highway route-plotting using neutron supercharge jumps. AFMU/Auto-Field Maintenance Unit was a line-of-life part so he swapped the unused passenger cabin with an AFMU to maintain FSD function after multiple supercharge jumps.

In the meanwhile the bridge seemed to start planning of the next long leg from WP7 to WP8.  That was another 10K+ Ly leg heading from Dryman toward Norma Arm, to the Galactic Core. The density of stars should get higher and higher from now onwards. This one again start wondering if he should put some plans of solo fleet runs between WP7 and WP8 rather than sleeping on the fleet carrier's back all the time.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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