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FC journey diary 047 - Hello again, Explorer's Anchorage - Core Regions 3307

12 Apr 2021Godthab

Explorer's Anchorage in STUEMEAE FG-Y d7561, a little oasis for the deep space explorers

The arrival of the expedition team to the Galactic Core, had been done before this one knew it - while he was cozily asleep in the fleet carrier cabin of Blodeuwedds Branch. Not sure exactly when the fleet carriers arrived in the core, but at least he confirmed he was in the last waypoint #14, STUEMEAE FG-Y d7561, on April 10th of 3307. The original ETA Galactic Core was May 3rd, so the schedule proceed much faster than what's originally intended.

The first time this one reached to the Galactic Core was back on April 5th of 3306, so it was a little more than a year ago. At that time this one was traveling alone, but also on Diamondback Explorer - the departure point was not from the Bubble but from Colonia. Unlike the Ourer Arm expedition which we occasionally ran across a couple of asteroid starports, this time the team had least opportunity to have access to starports throughout the route. This one felt stable and relieved when he parked his DBX in the dock to stroll in the station of Explorer's Anchorage starport.

The very first participation to an expedition ended successfully for this one; he dropped in at the every difined 14 waypoint without missing any of them. A good number of other crew had already reached #14 as well. Achievement rate so far seemed to be exactly 50%. This one keeping his fingers crossed so that the rest of crew could complete their journey as planned also.

HYPUAE SCRUA DQ-W d2-67 4 Class III pink gas giant

HYPUAE SCRUA GW-U d3-116 A3 Y (Brown Dwarf) star - not a PGG to be exact

HYPUAE SCRUA AP-R d4-300 6 Class III pink gas giant

From around past the waypoints #12 and 13 this one had been fortunate to find several PGG, Pink Gas Giants in HYPUAE SCRUA sector. PGGs were more common than GGG Green Gas Giant, but not something you could come across like everyday and this one always felt lucky when he found himself getting the credit of first-discoverer of them. Those ones in HYPUAE SCRUA DQ-W d2-67 and AP-R d4-300 were remarkably pink.


One of the uniqueness of being in the Galactic Core would be this fact that you could identify detailed view of the dark nebulae much easier than when you were in the Bubble, because everything else around the nebulae could look brighter.

MYRIESLY CL-P e5-7383 Nebula

After a little break at Explorer's Anchorage this one set out again on his DBX to do some researches in MYRIESLY sector which was reported to have a variety of lagrange clouds as well as anomaly and metallic crystals. MYRIESLY CL-P e5-7383 Nebula was already there before this one realized its presence.

Purpureum Metallic Crystals in Caeruleum Lagrange Cloud

Q06-type Anomaly in Caeruleum Lagrange Cloud

Q06-type Anomaly, up-close

When you were in Caeruleum lagrange cloud you would feel as if you were in the deep sea. Q06-type Anomaly in the cloud was easily confirmed, but this one kept a certain distance from the bright spheres remembering what he experienced when he tried to approach an anomaly in a different sector - which resulted in not a small hull damage of his own fleet.

Flavum Metallic Crystals in Viride Lagrange Cloud

Flavum Metallic Crystals in Viride Lagrange Cloud

In viride lagrande cloud which apparently held only metallic crystals he felt rather safe than when seeing anomaly nearby.

Croceum Lagrange Cloud

T04-type Anomaly in Croceum Lagrange Cloud

T04-type Anomaly in Croceum Lagrange Cloud

In croceum lagrange cloud he confirmed yet another type of anomaly, T04. The appearance of T04-type anomaly reminded him of fireflies in the sky in summer, on Earth of Sol system. Compared to Q06 this T04 type seemed harmless, but this one did not stop keeping a good distance from where they were flying emitting flickering lights.

Perhaps this one would remain in around the core for another couple of days - or weeks - until the expedition leaders officially announce the completion of the expedition. Then he needs to decide what to do further, where to go. The initial plan was to go straight back to the Bubble, but now this one has a second thought. Might be good to head to Colonia again before returning home. Or what about diving deeper in the black?

At least, there's plenty of time to consider. For now.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307 | Arrived in the Core on: April 10th 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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