Logbook entry

Solo journey diary 004 - further to the east - Go East

13 Mar 2022Godthab

CMDR Godthab departing from DSSA Artemis Rest

Time to say goodbye to Artemis. Having taken a good rest on and near the lap of DSSA Artemis Rest this one departed this first fleet carrier of the expedition heading to the next Waypoint, #4 where a Glowing Green Gas Giant was located. GGGG was approx. 2,990Ly away from Artemis, which was 37 jumps equivalent for his fleet. The route was still plotted with no use of neutron supercharge jumps. He did not want to take a risk of giving damages to the FSD device until arriving in Waypoint #5.

System: PRU THAE BF-C C27-1
Planet: 1
Place: Glowing Green Gas Giant
37 jumps successfully completed with no accidents and he found himself at Waypoint #4. The Class II Gas Giant closest to the system star was reported to be GGGG. However, as he approached the gas giant he noticed it actually looked ash white. He finally realized this GGGG was indeed almost ash white colored, with least hints of green and pink.

System Planet Type
PLOI EURL NX-L D7-67 A5 Water World (ringed)
PRU THAE VZ-G D10-2 A5 Water World
PRU THAE VZ-G D10-2 A6 Water World
OUCHONT YU-P D5-0 A4 Earth-Like World
OUCHONT YU-P D5-0 A5 Water World
OUCHONT EL-F C11-0 3 Water World
HEGUAE NO-Z D13-10 8 Ammonia World (ringed)
HEGUAE NO-Z D13-10 6 Water World

Ringed Water World in Ploi Eurl NX-L d7-68 (A5)

Ringed Ammonia World in Heguae NO-Z d13-10 (8)

This one flew further to Waypoint #5. This leg was a longer one, about 4,705 Ly which needed 76 jumps to proceed. At first he had a concern if the route was successfully plotted because this leg from #4 to #5 required him to cross the Orion Spur Shallows, having lower-than-average star density. Fortunately his concern was not needed; the stars were much more dense compared to the sparseness he experienced deep in the Outer Arm.

On the route toward #5 through #4 he discovered more Water World. A rare find was made when he entered Heguae region and ran across an Ammonia World with a ring. He thought of doing a bit of surface scout but had second thought and kept jumping forward.

DSSA Agronautica
System: FEDGIE FN-Q D6-45
Planet: A (star)
Place: DSSA Agronautica (KBB-34Z)
DSSA Agronautica was a vivid yellow colored Nautilus-class carrier anchoring in Fedgie region. As usual this one left the fleet to the hands of carrier mechanics at the hangar for safety inspection while he headed to the offices and shops. This carrier did not have redemption office either, thus the quiet company needed to continue traveling with this one. Universal Cartographics office was up and running, which let him grab several thirty or fourty millions of credits. Kali, UC office manager looked quite satisfied by receiving tons of discovered system data.

Kaci Gilbert

While taking a rest onboard the carrier this one learned this information that one of the carriers of squadron he belonged to was planning an expedition, which also had the visit at Tenebrae in their route schedule. They were planning to depart from Colonia so the route was different from his and they had not started the journey yet. He may be able to say hello to them if the timing is right, but he does not mean to delay nor expedite his flight plan. He just wants to go with the flow.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== GO EAST TO TENEBRAE - Solo Expedition to easternmost part of the galaxy ===
- Departed on: January 23rd, 3308
- Tentative route plan on EDSM; subject to change
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