Logbook entry

Solo journey diary 005 - beyond bowtie to blue sky - Go East

20 Mar 2022Godthab

Having bid farewell to the crew of DSSA Argonautica this one continued sailing his fleet further to the east. Said goodbye again to Sanguineous Rim and re-entered Achilles's Altar. Before reaching next DSSA there were a couple of more waypoints to drop in at. During the flight on Perseus Arm he continued to surface-scan Water Worlds and Earth-Like Worlds when he came accross one or two of those in the system.

System Planet Type
HEGUAE QW-F B52-0 3 Water World
FEDGIE NL-F C14-7 A1 Water World
PLUA THUA GG-Y D49 5A Water World
PLUA THUA HG-Y D84 C5 Water World
PLUA THUA AO-T B3-0 BC1 Water World
GLUDGUAE HK-D C26-7 2 Water World
GLUDGUAE HK-D C26-7 4 Water World
GLUDGUAE FS-B D13-30 1 Water World
GLUDGUAE WW-Z C27-1 1 Earth-Like World
HEGEAE PN-L B49-2 A1 Water World
OUCHONZ JF-R D4-14 B2 Water World
PRUE EOHN EN-H D11-55 B5 Water World
PRUE EOHN EN-H D11-55 B6 Water World
A good number of Water Worlds were discovered by him, but not many Earth-Like World so far. And no Anmonia Worlds.

Nye's Bowtie #7

System: PLAE THAA NH-V d2-9
Planet: N/A
Place: Nye's Bowtie

In Plae Thaa sector just upon arrival in NH-V d2-9 system this one confirmed this unique pair of neutron star and class M star, known as "Nye's Bowtie." He thought it wouldn't hurt at all to take a rest in this system so he chose a nearby planet orbiting quite close to these stars.

CMDR Godthab looking up at Nye's Bowtie in the sky from a nearest planet surface

Malcom's World #9

System: HYUEDAU LV-Y d34
Planet: 4A
Place: Malcom's World

After having taken a good rest for one night looking up at the Bowtie he departed the planet heading to the next destination.
This was the very first planet he landed on his own feet which had atmosphere. The planet had deep blue sky. As he knew this planet had a number of living organisms on its surface, he also chose this planet as the first place to give his brand new genetic sampler a try.
The field work didn't seem to be very easy; you couldn't go too far away from the fleet otherwise you would most likely end up exposing yourself to the risk for death. Because of the high surface temperature. Which was hotter than 400K on the average.

CMDR Godthab approaching a Cactoida Vermis to take a sample

In most cases each organism was not make their habitat to each other so he had to scout on the fleet, flying near the surface watching cautiously so as to find a mass of closely spaced organisms.
Once he flew at a too low altitude and the next second he thought this was not good his fleet crashed into the ground. The hull got damaged, but fortunately the damage was not critical. He thought he was lucky as the planet had lower than 1G gravity.
He cautiously continued organisms' sample collection activity and found the below four:

Appearance Name (color)

Samples were safely brought back onboard the fleet and stored in the isolated storage. Data was also transferred from CMDR Godthab's genetic sampler to his fleet database. Both samples and data could be sold at the fleet career awaiting his arrival during the expedition - unless he has a fatal accident. The damage on hull was 16% (84% left) which wouldn't have any impact on the fleet FSD function, but having more hull damage wouldn't be no good. He needs to be more cautious until he gain an opportunity to repair his fleet hull.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== GO EAST TO TENEBRAE - Solo Expedition to easternmost part of the galaxy ===
- Departed on: January 23rd, 3308
- Tentative route plan on EDSM; subject to change
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