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Solo journey diary 009 - onto cheetah paws - Go East

10 Oct 2022Godthab

Having bid farewell to the bar of DSSA Gam Nine this one headed toward the next waypoint, DSSA Cheetah Labs anchoring around the border between Lyra's Song and Tenebrae. The distance between two waypoints was 5,339.25Ly which required Skooma Smuggler to jump 81 times. Not a big deal. He did not plan 81 consecutive jumps with no rest; instead he decided to make 20 to 30 jumps then take a rest by landing onto a satellite or planet not too far away from the system star. On this leg he was to go through 7 sectors, which were:

Pla Aick - Flye Eaeb - Pre Eaeb - Priae Eaeb - Ble Hypae - Bliae Hypeia - Nuelou.

PRIAE EAEB HW-C C29-1 system

A couple of Water Worlds found but no Earth-Like World confirmed on the way. In the system Priae Eaeb HW-C c29-1 he confirmed an Ammonia World (Planet 8) and Water World (Planet 9) orbiting each other and took Detailed Surface Scan of each. That was an interesting find.

BLIAE HYPEIA NF-C D14-2 PGG up-close

Another a relatively uncommon find he made on this leg was a PGG/Pink Gas Giant confirmed in Bliae Hypeia NF-C d14-2. GGG/Green Gas Giant is regarded as much rarer find throughout the galaxy but he keeps records of PGG find for personal interest.
The PGG was the planet 1 of the system so he jumped out of the supercruise to have a closer look for a while.

DSSA Cheetah Labs, a Drake-Class carrier
System: NUELOU LX-A D1-0
Planet: N/A
Place: DSSA Cheetah Labs (V4H-B2V)

Nuelou LX-A d1-0, the system having DSSA Cheetah Labs presence, had another feature - notable stellar phenomena. Before landing onto the DSSA carrier this one set the destination on this signal to check the content of the coordinate.

Three (3) codex discoveries were registered in the signal area.
- Proto-Lagrange Cloud
- Rubeum Ice Crystals
- Purpureum Ice Crystals

This should have been third or fourth time he confirmed the codex of Ice Crystals. The last time he encountered this type of entities was last year, somewhere around Inner Orion Spur, Temple or Elysian Shore region. He had a close call when ventured into a lagrange cloud, found himself in thunderstorms, however the lagrange cloud found this time seemed to be harmless. He was fortunate this time.

CMDR Godthab looking outside on the command deck of DSSA Cheetah Labs

DSSA Cheetah Labs was supposed to be the last DSSA carrier he could stay and consider the route plotting before reaching the most easterly part of the whole Galaxy. Route plotting was not going to be an easy one. He was sure he would have to spend plenty of time on the Cheetah Paw's command deck to boil down the upcoming schedule of flying.

Finally in Tenebrae

CMDR Godthab out.


=== GO EAST TO TENEBRAE - Solo Expedition to easternmost part of the galaxy ===
- Departed on: January 23rd, 3308
- Tentative route plan on EDSM; subject to change
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