Logbook entry


23 Jul 2019Elderrook
I've never considered myself a paranoid individual. I think I'm pretty well grounded in that regard. Sometimes a healthy dose of suspicion isn't necessarily a bad thing. Besides, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. I reached out to a few of my contacts in the military. I still haven't gotten a straight answer but the lack of information coming back from them makes things pretty clear. Someone is locking me and my company out. I've suspected something for some time now but lately it's become pretty flagrant.

We're denied government contracts, certain businesses refuse to ship with us, and we've become increasingly targeted by raiding groups. It's not a coincidence. Someone has enough influence to be a real problem. I suspect it's someone in the Imperial government. There really isn't anyone else who could throw so many obstacles at me so quickly.

The question is who, or why?

I'm working on a plan to make either question irrelevant. I've never been one to run from a problem, but I've been on the fence about relocating ElderRook LLC for some time now. This might just be the incentive I need to help me make the decision.

It looks like I'll be making a trip soon. There's a few details I'll need to take care of first. If things go well, we may have a new home in a week or two.

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Commander Ryan Elders was glad he'd decided to take the 'Incisor' instead of his Asp X for the trip to Shinrarta Dezhra. He came under attack the moment he exited hyperspace in the Neunets system. He noticed the shield impacts while still dazzled from the primary star filling his front viewscreen. He engaged the thrusters and began an evasive roll while he tried to identify his attacker.

He locked onto a Python and managed a few quick shots of his own, although they went wide. Another tight turn saw the Python's tail as he boosted out of close range. The shields took a few more hits. He was facing two coordinated attacking craft. The second ship pulled the same stunt as the first. It was an Eagle II light fighter. Reacting on instinct, he spun his ship again and caught the Python as it closed for a second pass. His heavy beam laser drained the Python's shields, but he had to break off as the Eagle came in again.

They were employing dog pack tactics and Ryan knew they'd win that fight. 'Time to change the game.' he thought. Instead of turning to face the Eagle, he cut a forty-five degree angle against him. The Eagle tried to match the turn but his greater velocity threw him off. He ended up on the Vulture's tail, but the maneuver had taken him too far from his wingman. Even now, the slower Python was trying to make up the distance.

Ryan disengaged the flight assist and spun the Vulture like an oversized turret in order to face the pursuing Eagle. Now flying backwards as both enemy craft pursued his Vulture, he used his maneuvering jets to keep the Eagle between himself and the oncoming Python. Now he only had to deal with fire from one enemy as the Python couldn't get a shot in. He opened up with both his beam laser and the multigun and the Eagle quickly turned away barely in time to avoid destruction. A few moments later and he saw the low wake echo appear on his scanner as the light fighter tucked tail and ran.

He enabled flight assist, accelerating towards the Python. The heavier ship had recharged their shields while Ryan had lost his against the Eagle. The Python mounted more hardpoints than his Vulture but the Vulture's two weapons were both heavy against the Python's medium to light weaponry.

Ryan grinned as the two ships converged. He redirected shield recharge to the engines, allowing just enough power to prevent the laser capacitors from being drained. The Vulture was a heavy fighter, but even on the worst of days could still outmaneuver a Python. In a few seconds of twisting rolls and tight loops the Python was losing, and it's pilot knew it.

"Surge detected." came the calm voice of the Covas. That's what he'd been waiting for. He'd actually had to hold back. He didn't want to destroy the Python. A moment later and his last opponent was gone. He dropped the throttle to zero and directed power to the shields to let them recharge.
Meanwhile he focused the scanners on the Python's high wake echo. The Frame Shift Wake Scanner came back with the results. Just as he'd suspected, the Python's jump carried it back towards Imperial space.

Now it was personal. Someone was after him, and he was damn sure going to turn the table.

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Imperial Intelligence Service
>>Eyes Only<<
>>Top Secret<<

Action Report for Subject (Code Name) Wayward Son

Asset is still in play. Two outsourced field agents failed to remove Wayward Son from the board. No additional information available at this time.

Agent Flayblade reporting.
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