Logbook entry

Moving Day

23 Jul 2019Elderrook
The Big Move went better than I expected. It was quite the event, too. Almost everyone in the company decided to come along to our new home in Shinrarta Dezhra. I hadn't realized just how much stuff we had to move. The company has more resources than I thought. I ended up having to hastily purchase an additional three ships just to haul it all.

I was determined to only make one trip in a mass convoy for security. So I picked up whatever was available. The first one was an old Federal Dropship that had been converted to cargo duty. The 'Rheuman Grant' isn't much to look at, which is fitting because she isn't much of a ship. There's some bad neglect on this one. As soon as we're settled into our new home I'm going to have her taken offline for some serious maintenance.

The Keelback was a much better buy, though I have to laugh at whoever named her the 'Friendly Scowl'. The last was a brand new Type-7 Transporter from Lakon. I spent more than I wanted to on her but at least I'm certain she's a good ship. We've called her the 'New Hope'. Somehow that seemed a fitting name.

We left Brestla behind, only telling our former landlord that we were vacating the night before. I paid two additional months rent, so there shouldn't be any blowback from that. Everyone else there can go to hell as far as I care. The fleet was twenty ships strong, each of them armed in some way except for the Type-7. Not surprisingly, we didn't have any problems on the trip.

I purchased an entire building in the Jameson Memorial orbital. I don't actually need the entire ten floors, but we can rent out some space easily enough. Besides, who knows if we'll need expansion space down the road? ElderRook LLC has already grown beyond my wildest expectations.

Getting a work visa for everyone wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It seems I have friends in the Federation already. Karma is a great thing. I did have to offer my services in the Naval civilian reserve. They made my rank official and the paperwork is already in for a promotion to lieutenant. I don't know if that will have an impact on my title in the Empire. Then again, my knighthood didn't seem to do much for me before I left anyway.

Speaking of the Empire, I managed to get a little information about who was targeting me. It came through one of my contacts with the underworld. It says a lot that I was treated better by criminals than I was the Empire. Anyway, I got a name. It's not much but at least it's a start. Once things have settled down here, I think I'll see if I can find anything to go along with the name.

-  -  -  -

Miles Petrovich arrived home from work just as he did every other night. He parked in his driveway and waved to his neighbor across the hedge with a smile. They were barbequeing in their backyard. He picked up his mail and unlocked the door to his small home in the quiet residential area.

As he stepped inside, he dropped the false smile. Then he tossed the 'mail' into the recycler. Both were simply part of the disguise. No one here knew who or what he really was. That was fine with him. Miles wasn't what you'd call a 'people person' anyway.

He headed for his terminal, intent on checking up on a few ongoing projects before dinner. He'd learned to trust his instincts in his years as an Imperial agent. He rolled into the room and drew his sidearm from a concealed holster in a practiced move, aiming to cover the doorway. There was no one there.

An extendable baton struck his wrist, breaking bones and causing him to drop his gun. From behind him an arm snaked around his neck, cutting off his air supply. He struggled for a few moments only before unconsciousness claimed him.

He woke up tied to a chair with a smiling man standing before him. He immediately recognized the man, but couldn't imagine how that could even be possible.

"Good evening, Miles, or should I simply call you 'Flayblade'? I know how important it is to keep your identities from intermingling". The man took a seat opposite him and opened a case. From within it he extracted a syringe and an ampoule of milky liquid.

" I'm going to ask you some questions in a moment", he explained as he drew a measure of the solution into the syringe. "How well you answer them will determine how quickly our business is concluded.

He carefully injected the syringe into Miles' arm. "Answer them well enough and you should still have time for a late dinner." He smiled again but there was no trace of warmth in that smile.

it turned out to be a very long night indeed.

-  -  -  -

"A local man was found dead in his home this afternoon. Police are investigating the death, but haven't issued a statement at this time."

" ICN news has identified the man as Miles Petrovich, an employee with the government office of trade. "

"His neighbors were surprised to hear of his death, saying he was a quiet but friendly fellow."
" For ICN, this is Mira Graphett reporting. "

-  -  -  -

Imperial Intelligence Service
>>Eyes Only<<
>>Top Secret<<

Blue Drake,

We can confirm that Flayblade was murdered via an overdose of carpaxizine. It was made to appear as either an accidental overdose or possibly a suicide. We have allowed local authorities to believe these findings to be correct.

We have no conclusive suspect at this time. We are aware that you regularly employed this agent for personal matters.

This is not an accusation. We condoned this arrangement. This is simply a suggestion that you exercise caution. We cannot rule out the possibility that this may be connected to some private matter.

Kind regards, my Lord,
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