Logbook entry

10% of Club/Cabal Factions are Currently Retreating

13 Jun 2020Erlaed
One upside of the current volatility is that it's hitting the shadowy organization known as "The Club" particularly hard.

Thirty-two Club-related minor factions operate in 172 systems.  They're vulnerable to retreat in 138 of these (in addition to the home systems, Aegis Defense seems immune to retreating from Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-42 and HR 1172).  As of this morning's data hack, we see them in retreat in 14 systems.  

Half of these retreats are Aegis Research evacuating out of systems in the Pleiades.  Janus Incorporated and Sirius Mining Merope
are also retreating systems in the Pleiades.  In the Sirius region, CQC Holdings is retreating from three systems, and Sirius Corporation and Hodack Prison Colony are also experiencing retreats.

In the Rectangle region  (formed by Ngalia, Ross 591, Socho, and 64 Ceti), Sirius Hot2Cold is on the ropes in Chicoana.  And an oddball: Turner Research Group is faltering in the tiny California Sector BV-Y c7 system.

In other news from Club Space,

  • 10 wars in progress
  • 5 elections in progress
  • 5 Club factions expanding
  • 15 Club factions retreating
  • 71 factions rated "very easy" to attack

Recent victories
  • Sirius Hyperspace removed from Cail
  • Wreaken Construction removed from Kali
  • Aegis Defense removed from Madrus
  • Janus Incorporated and Aegis Research removed from HR 1183

To learn more or join the fight against the Club, check out this morning's data hack at https://club-raiders.herokuapp.com/
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