Logbook entry

Circumnavigation Day 3 - SWOIPHS NU-B C2-6 A 1 A

14 Feb 2017Draesoneth
We've set down on a medium sized moon to hunt for Vanadium, a critical component we will need in replenishing our AFM unit. While scans indicate it's a relatively metal free planet, there is a small percentage of Vanadium present.  Let's hope there is some near our LZ.  While the Selkie II is in good shape, keeping her that way will cost us resources. Tizz reports that the hull is still at 100%, though I suspect she's already EVA and inspecting for cracks, pocks and anything else that could be detrimental to our girl's health.

I am preparing to head out in the SRV.  There's a lovely gas giant on the horizon.

My shopping tripe yielded 8 units of Vanadium.  That will help keep the AFM running when it counts. The SRV sensors detected more materials out there, so I'll make another excursion soon.

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