Logbook entry

Busy Last Few Days

08 Jun 2020Savjazz21
Star Date 2020-06-08

Well been busy and tired last few days. Haven't went really hard on milk runs just random credit runs here and there.
I did do a experiment with my fellow cmdr William Morgan II on a wing mission, first time sharing one, it was fun and worked well even if he was far from me so most likely will do some more small ones again.
Empire rank at almost 50% on Marquis so very close to Duke for Cutter.
Been also choosing more more engineering Mats as rewards to cut on farming and to trade as required.
Think will look into getting the Unlock requirements for the discovered engineers that i need to complete Noob Vision.
Anyways all in all where moving forward in getting are first fully engineered ship done.

CMDR Savjazz21 Over and Out Yall 07
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