Logbook entry

Out of the Bubble

31 Jan 2017Jermus Karlsen
I set out with just enough money to cover the insurance. I hope I don't need it.

Today I made it out of the bubble. The ship is almost a stock sidewinder. I used the CR 10.000 that I got (almost) for free to buy some D-graded components (FSD, Sensors, ... , nothing really impressive). And I realized that with this configuration I will be "en route" for a while.

I did meet some nice things today. My first jump outside the bubble was into a dark system.

Then I found a system with quite some bodies within the 500 Ls range of my discovery scanner:

Only the dark star is more than 500 Ls away, all the other bodies are within the 500 Ls range

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︎6 Shiny!
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