Logbook entry

Out of the Bubble (2)

03 Feb 2017Jermus Karlsen
After taking one last picture in the Eravate system I set off again! Out of the bubble and on to Colonia.

I bought another copy of the Galactic Travel Guide in the hope that this guide could help me reach Colonia. The cover is extremely re-assuring, but the content is not going to help me reach Colonia. It does contain beatifull stories and possible locations to visit.! One day I might follow up on the guide's advice to "visit Beagle Point before you die", but for now my destination is Jaques (who is also listed in the guide, describing in detail the beverages to abstain from while visiting his bar; this makes you wonder if there is anything left in the bar that is safe for humans to drink)

Travel is going good this time. I managed to travel 1000 Ly today. I hope to arrive at Hillary Depot tomorrow (or maybe the day after tomorrw).

It is good to fly again

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