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Hillary Depot

04 Feb 2017Jermus Karlsen

I made it to Hillary Depot today.

I have been talking for while with Compatriot Delilah William of the Colonia Council, but that did not give me a pleasant feeling. She did not bring up my past, which was a good thing, but the way she phrased how I could be of assistance... Hu! That gave me some chills: "You may have your uses, but it is my instruction that you will obey from now on." What did I get myself into? I though Colonia was a place that cherished freedom and camaraderie (which is somehow woven into the title "Compatriot" ). The only thing speaking for her was that the representative for the People of Colonia was even more creepy... Or is this what happens when you are too far from the bubble , I may have to re-think my options.

Anyway, the little exploration data I had from the bubble has been sold here. I understood from the Guide that Colonia is favored among explorers, so I figured they could do with a little help. Especially since they are on the brink of expanding into a new system (I wonder what system that will be, there is not much colonized space around here).

I have repaired my ship and now I am ready for the next leg of the journey. Next stop: Amundsen Terminal.
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