Logbook entry

Hyponia mission 2.0

17 Apr 2017Jermus Karlsen
Well, I think I like exploration around here

I took a break because I got word that materials were needed around Colonia. The demand for better outfitting is increasing and better outfitting requires proper resources, because without resources no production. So I went back to help mine these resources.

After that I changed ship, the T6 is a great miner, but it feels a bit big... Maybe coming here in a sidewinder has changed my taste for ships, but I think I still prefer a somewhat smaller vessel for my journeys. So I decided to configure the Adder as an explorer:

Today I set out again to Hyponia.

I set out to Hyponia to answer a request of the EDSM for assistance. Searching the various databases I found out that I am not the only one going in that direction, but there has not been a report from those that went before me since the end of January. I wonder: is something mysterious going on around Hyponia...?
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