Logbook entry

Hyponia mission 2.0 (update 1)

23 Apr 2017Jermus Karlsen
I mad a slow start to get a feel for the Adder as exploration ship. It is quite a good ship, but in the end I think the T6 will be slightly better. This is partly due to the slightly shorter fuel scoop time in the T6 and the ability to carry a Auto Field Maintenance Unit; I have crashed into suns twice now, and with the current load-out I am not able to repair the damage: I will have to learn to be careful!

I have received no word yet from the Colonia Horizon mission, and that kind of worries me. It is of course possible that the commanders who ventured out on this mission gave up on the mission. After all,  you can only investigate the surroundings of a permit locked system. There is no way yet to go into these areas (however interesting that may be).

I did some nice discoveries until now. Nothing ground-breaking, but a steady amount of terraformible High Metal Content worlds. I also found an Earth Like World, which is always nice, and some ammonia worlds (and of course the odd water world).

I am now about to cross the Anthor Patch and I am in bucky ball mode (i.e. I only "Honk" the systems I jump through), although I do check the system map in each system and stop to properly scan Ammonia Wrolds and ELWs.

Some pictures from the mission so far:


Sun Bathing

Uncommon System (at least to me). The moon of planet / star 1 is a water world!

M-Type Ammonia World

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