Logbook entry

Hyponia mission 2.0 (update 4)

27 Apr 2017Jermus Karlsen
I have started the circumnavigation of the Hyponia Permit Locked Zone on the Galactic Plane. I am now almost halve-way; I am pleased with the progress I made.

I encountered right after the start today a system of which my Universal Cartographic module reported that it had been First Discovered by one of the original mission members. This seems to indicate that the original mission has been aborted (or finished without further reporting on its progress).

The border systems I have visited so far were all rather unremarkable. Just two things are worth mentioning:

I found a system containing a Gas Giant with (among others) a ternary moon (I don't know how rare they are, I haven't seen one - consciously - before). And I found a ringed ammonia world .

All three moons from the ternary moon:

Leaving the third moon:

Ringed Ammonia World (with in the background its binary Gas Giant companion):

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︎0 Shiny!
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