Logbook entry

Hyponia mission 2.0 (update 6)

07 May 2017Jermus Karlsen
The expedition is picking up pace. Commander TwoFingers has joined the expedition, and he is literally racing around the lower half of the Hyponia Permit Locked Sector, mapping the borders. Not that my progress is bad (the circumnavigation at 150 Ly above the Galactic Plane is complete, circumnavigation at 300 Ly above the Galactic Plane is now 1/4 complete), but TwoFingers' pace is incredible: he has already completed circumnavigation at 150 and 300 Ly below the Galactic Plane in just two days!

I haven't merged the flight logs of the two of us yet, but with the data we gathered so far it is safe to conclude that the Hyponia Permit Locked Sector is a(n almost perfect) sphere.

I had one find that was really interesting (a quite large and bright T-Tauri, the like of which I haven't seen before) and I found another Earth Like World, which isn't bad either

Ammonia World

Another Ammonia World

Both stars are T-Tauri, the top one (along with his more L-type look-a-like brothers) is quite a common one, the bottom one is the one that got my attention.

To get a sense of scale (admitted, it's not an O-type super giant, but personally I think this already rather impressive; especially for a T-Tauri):

And finally, as stated before, I sometimes just have to drive around to not go crazy:

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︎1 Shiny!
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