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Sad news

07 May 2017Jermus Karlsen
Along with CMDR TwoFingers came also sad news: Senator Kahina Tijani Loren, a.k.a. CMDR Salomé is dead .

I could have known this earlier, as it happened nearly a week ago, and the news has been out on GalNet. I know that I can receive GalNet in my ship, but I just don't bother to read it that often.

I'm wondering why it makes me so sad. I didn't know CMDR Salomé, I have never met her, and I certainly didn't know her as senator. But somehow, from the moment I heard from her she has intrigued me tremendously.

I first heard of hear in early 3301, when she toured the SOL system, which was big news in the Federation. Back then I read some background stories to the news to kill some time (you have a lot of time to kill  as a member of the light maintenance crew at Trevithic Dock). I think that I liked her more as Salomé than as senator.

The papers that came with the late CMDR Jermus' legacy also contained some contact information to a group of CMDRs called the Rock Rats. To get more information on Jermus and also to inform them that their comrade had not survived the Distant Stars expedition I contacted this group during my first days as independent pilot back in the bubble. They accepted me as member of their group, so I am now a proud member of the Rock Rats, which is reflected in the registration ID of my ship. Initially some had trouble with me sharing the same given name as the late CMDR, but I think all have grown accustomed to that now (and I don't mind the odd confusion, I have read about and heard the stories of the travel to Beagle Point so often that it is almost as if I had done it myself)

Some of the members of the Rock Rats are affiliated with the Children of Raxxla. Through them I also received some more insight in the mysterious commander behind the name Salomé (and the zeal with which they would fight for her!). I hope that the listening posts found indeed contain the information she intended to reveal, that we do not lose out on any information because of her death, but I guess we will never know now...

This leaves me with the one thing that I can do for her now she is no longer among the living:

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