Logbook entry

Full Circle

24 Jun 2017Jermus Karlsen
I'm back at where the journey began: Trevethick Dock.

I landed and traded my exploration data at Worlidge Terminal, where I was received with the proper regards. I'm now a well established explorer . Mind you, not elite yet, but getting close to it.

After Worlidge Terminal I paid a visit to my former colleagues at Trevethick Dock. I can't say that I was met with much enthusiasm, much more with surprise. After a bit of an uncomfortable  first minutes we managed to have a rather nice time at the bar. Some of them showed a little jealousy towards my escape of the dull live we lived here, others were just happy to get some free booze .

This is clearly no longer my home.

I have money, reputation as an explorer, and good ship. I think that is a good start, but I have no clear plans on the future.

My next stop will be Chertan. What I deduced from the papers received from the late CMDR Jermus, the wideband contact I had with the Rock Rats so far and the cooperation with CMDR TwoFingers gives me the impression that these commanders, and hence their home system, are more home to me than the people I have lived with for almost 30 years.

There is also the news I received concerning the demise of CMDR Salomé. The news that was reveled through her final actions was quite unsettling. I'm curios to the group she was leading: The Children of Raxxla. I have read their guiding principles and somehow these principles speak to me. This group certainly deserves to be looked into with some serious effort.

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