Cmdr MadAl
Federal agent / Diplomat
Registered ship name
An Fear Dhearg
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II FRC-M2
Overall assets
Federal Reclamation Co
Felicia Winters

Logbook entry

PERSONAL LOG 04/01/3308 – Surveying and a little nixer.

04 Jan 2022MadAl
I woke this morning feeling good about helping in Logoni yesterday to a message saved in Comms. Short story was a guy I knew was stuck for a pilot to haul some gear to Kannari. He was let down by another pilot – usual story. Kannari can be a trickey place if you don’t know where you are going but I have been there a few times, so I agreed to do the run. I dropped off at Culbertson Terminal and found a guy looking to get rid of some silver at a fair price – a nice bonus to the trip.

On the way back I picked up a ship tailing behind me just outside detailed scanner range and it followed me back all the way to Logoni. I had just come out of the jump cycle, and he attacked. A fast FDL run by Wiltaim The Lame or so the targeting computer indicated. But did he get a surprise when my very highly engineered shields stopped almost all the damage, he could throw at me. I did get a chuckle when he had to eject in a POD just before his ship blew up.

It always surprises me that folks think that flying around in space would be nice and peaceful. It isn’t. You must be always on your guard for an attack. Pirates and rival factions can try steal your cargo.

I finished out the day working on a survey contract I have. I need to get another 30 or so systems initially surveyed for a mining company before the end of the month.
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︎2 Shiny!
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