Logbook entry

New and Dark Beginnings

01 Mar 2020Elysian-Wolf
Gods, it’s been a long time. So much has happened, and though it is a bit of a risk for me to put out – I’ll take it. I’ve got the chances that need happening

Well, let’s see..,
Spent a decent time around Eravate region building up networks, resources. I mainly did plenty of couriering and one of the Fed contracts took me out to Alenquer Lab. No idea what kinds of material science they’re working on, but truly odd to say the least. Fortunately, that conrtact seemed enough – alongside the Armada’s commendation – to get me in with the Civil Ensign division of the Federation. Finally!

Following that, I took off towards Witchhead and the Running Man/Barnard’s Loop region. Having never been, and though wary of Thargoid incursions, I figured it would be a decent way to both celebrate and collect critical data for the Armada to contract back through with the Feds.

Had a scary near run-in on multiple occasions by looping through the Pleiades first. SO many Thargoids… I kept near the star and tuned through the FSS scanner at a distance, keeping close eyes on my central radar. It was a bit harrowing, when I saw two blips start steadily moving towards me in one particular system – with three worlds buzzing in bug activity, and a listening station barely holding itself together with multiple distress calls. I didn’t risk scanning any planets in the entire nebulae, and got the hells out as soon as that one pair had set towards me. Couldn’t get out fast enough. What can I say, the bug’s tech, no, primarily their lack of communication with us whatsoever, really unnerves me.

Having visited the infamous red loop, and on the way home, I made multiple biological and geological discoveries. Had a scary near run-in trying to set down for a night on a very dark world. The star was too dim to help, and I’d chosen it due to geological signs identified from orbit. I’d made sure to get out in the SRV and go through the ice geysers before bed on that note, and this is where some problems started.

I can’t explain it, but when I woke the next day after going out on that shadow world… the Omega’s clock read nearly three weeks late. I thought maybe some wires had crossed, that something just had a slight error. After all, having heard so many stories from others in the deep about odd behaviors from their ships and SRV’s which never can be explained, and having experienced a bit of that good ol’ “space madness” and minor glitches myself, I simply hoped the issue would resolve. I’d woken with a very dull, very minor headache, near the back of my skull, but didn’t think much of it. Again, even with my cybernetics, there usually wasn’t much of an issue. And the A/V feedback system was designed to switch off and remain off when I went to sleep and then woke, until I explicitly reactivated systems. But… could it be, that a ship glitch wormed it’s way through? No, it should be nonsense.

So I had hoped.

It’s become clear over the several months that have now passed, and I won’t share more here – sure that it’s not in my interest to do so. That said, after taking off from that planet, my ship computer did not correct itself. I really had somehow lost three weeks of time, and managed to remain decently enough fed and watered to survive. I’d checked my rations – somehow, I had been through them and not recalled it.

Having returned to the Armada and sold the data, I took some time off away from Eravate to get my bearings. Had a journey in the Kitling, good ol’ gal, out to get myself checked up. There was a health concern, and some minor things going on with the cybertech, that my dealer was able to get sorted out and buffed up so it wouldn’t happen again. Eventually, I returned to the Armada’s corner of space, ran many more contracts with the Fed’s backing, and finally… worked myself up to something worth being trusted with.

They wouldn’t tell me exactly what it was I was after, only to head for a certain nav beacon with the data key provided, and get more information. Of course, can you guess where the thing was?


I finally made it to collecting the item, and upon seeing it, nearly jumped up out of my seat. I was that giddy – for once, it seemed, I was making a break. This would certainly help my reputation, and moving forward with better missions so I could finally get to see Earth.

Well, it was not to be so. Upon returning to the designated station, the same one that I’d had to travel to for the data key, the same one that the FEDERAL CONTACT WAS BASED OUT OF, can you guess what happened next.

Please, just take a wild guess.

Contraband. Open fire, multiple fines, a blown ship, and near-death experience.

Thanks. So very much.

Well, I decided I’ve had enough of playing their game for a while. And while I know it may be that this message will be found and analyzed, and of course linked back to me, the simple fact is: I am too far away for you to do a damn thing.

On a lighter note, and to anyone reading this that isn’t the person(s) that put this chain of events in motion, I took some time off for fun. Short-range trips out in Imperial space, getting nice and cozy with rich tourists and businesspersons. Yeah, and having fun with a few as the cheap a** hauler shuddered against neutron star outputs in order to get to where we’re going. Now that was fun!

Oh, speaking of Imperial space and getting cozy, I made sure to take a pic of one of the nicer stations I was in.

Oh, did you see that ?In the corner .   Let me helyp y ou out.

Yeah. My time off-the-grid, at least the one that’s been causing me trouble, included getting my. Lovely. Beautiful. Tough. Krait Mk. II.
Christened the ‘Umbra Tandem’, and I just love my new coffee machine.

Headed back to Eravate with her, and the Omega shipped along upon arrival. Also, I noticed the Armada moved up into Cleve Hub. Which, being easier to access with a wider shipyard and greater outfitting options, I was more than fine to be there. Showing up in the Krait, along with their many changes in levels of management –ahem-, seemed to create a very positive affect. At least in that I didn’t find any potential backstabbers this time around. I know who you are.

And here’s a note for you:

Mixing things up is useful once in a while, isn’t it.

Oh, and I took up mining! Just before the Painite market crashed. Had a nice pay-out, despite my long-learned detestment of it, once I figured out how to use a swarm of collectors from the Krait, I actually began to relax. Well, if it weren’t for the constant threat of raiders… I somehow seemed to get very lucky with this run, although the subsequent few were not nearly as profitable or lonely.

Well after all of that, I decided to head deep into the black. I’d done some preliminary scouting, did a few practice dogfights and bounty collections, but overall it’s time that I deal with the problems a certain someone (s) is giving me. I’ll say it once and then again: Do NOT turn back.
Again, do NOT turn back.

There’s one group I’d be willing to work with. This can break you all, maybe wound me if you’re lucky. But overall, I will return, and you can run, surrender, or fight for a fleeting salt-in-the-wound, old, scabbed-over grudge that really isn’t worth everything you have now, is it?
Oh yes, I am done being nice.

Hah, I can only imagine the random CMDR’s that might find this and wonder what the heck is going on. Don’t worry, give it time, and follow along if you’re interested – the truth will come out soon enough.

So, here I am: having made my enemies clear, having made a good sum of credits, and headed off and deep into the black. I won’t say anything of my plans until the time has come to reap the benefits.

On the way out, I did find an abandoned vessel. Well, it is actually rather well-known among deep-space explorers, but regardless, the first time I’d seen it. So very odd for the lights to be on, but no one home.

Of course, attempting to board such a vessel is as serious a crime to the Pilot’s Federation as attempting to land on an atmospheric world.
Maybe someday…

In any case, the last sign of civilization I saw, rather – two signs ago, was a focused mining and small shipyard community set within a lovely gas giant’s rings. Even being gone so long, and generally not very much enjoying anything but the payoff from mining, I always do have to respect them – industrial guys will throw down with you as soon as laugh it off over a beer. Was nice to have that kind of community feel again.

Well, that’s all I have for now. My journey will be pretty long and arduous yet, but soon I’ll make a dedicated return and bring this scheme toppling down. I’m not sure if the encryption this uses will completely erase any associated nav data, so if you noted some odd grammar and misspelings, well , thanks for your network data in the meantime.

(Though most CMDR’s don’t need to worry about this. I may be opportunistic, but that kind of criminal, I am not.) So weird that I can’t say I’m not a criminal anymore! Well, technically, thanks to that one trap of a contract. Funny how it’s only defined by who gets to define it.

Fly safe, and fly dangerously. o7

Elysian-Wolf, out.  .

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